android Programming Glossary: nl.getlength
how can i update view when fragment change? KEY_TEST looping through all song nodes song for int i 0 i nl.getLength i creating new HashMap HashMap String String map new HashMap..
Android: How to draw route directions google maps API V2 from current location to destination int getNodeIndex NodeList nl String nodename for int i 0 i nl.getLength i if nl.item i .getNodeName .equals nodename return i return..
Getting Next and Previous Detail Data from listview looping through all song nodes song for int i 0 i nl.getLength i creating new HashMap HashMap String String map new HashMap..
Draw driving route between 2 GeoPoints on GoogleMap SupportMapFragment int getNodeIndex NodeList nl String nodename for int i 0 i nl.getLength i if nl.item i .getNodeName .equals nodename return i return..
How to parse same name tag in Android XML DOM Parsing nl doc.getElementsByTagName KEY_RESOURCE for int i 0 i nl.getLength i HashMap String String map new HashMap String String Element.. nl doc.getElementsByTagName KEY_RESOURCE for int i 0 i nl.getLength i HashMap String String map new HashMap String String Element..
Android: Cannot invoke toString() on the primitive type int If I try nltxt nllen.toString with nllen being int nllen nl.getLength I get the error Cannot invoke toString on the primitive type..
Android: Trying to get data from youtube api NodeList nl docEle.getElementsByTagName entry if nl null nl.getLength 0 for int i 0 i nl.getLength i Element entry Element nl.item.. entry if nl null nl.getLength 0 for int i 0 i nl.getLength i Element entry Element nl.item i Element title Element entry.getElementsByTagName..
NetworkOnMainThread ITEM START loop through all item nodes item for int i 0 i nl.getLength i lets create our HASHMAP feeds items into our ArrayList HashMap..
how can i update view when fragment change? HashMap String String NodeList nl doc.getElementsByTagName KEY_TEST looping through all song nodes song for int i 0 i nl.getLength i creating new HashMap HashMap String String map new HashMap String String Element e Element nl.item i adding each child..
Android: How to draw route directions google maps API V2 from current location to destination new LatLng lat lng return listGeopoints private int getNodeIndex NodeList nl String nodename for int i 0 i nl.getLength i if nl.item i .getNodeName .equals nodename return i return 1 private ArrayList LatLng decodePoly String encoded ArrayList..
Getting Next and Previous Detail Data from listview DOM element NodeList nl doc.getElementsByTagName TAG_DETAIL looping through all song nodes song for int i 0 i nl.getLength i creating new HashMap HashMap String String map new HashMap String String Element e Element nl.item i adding each child..
Draw driving route between 2 GeoPoints on GoogleMap SupportMapFragment new LatLng lat lng return listGeopoints private int getNodeIndex NodeList nl String nodename for int i 0 i nl.getLength i if nl.item i .getNodeName .equals nodename return i return 1 private ArrayList LatLng decodePoly String encoded ArrayList..
How to parse same name tag in Android XML DOM Parsing URL Document doc parser.getDomElement xml NodeList nl doc.getElementsByTagName KEY_RESOURCE for int i 0 i nl.getLength i HashMap String String map new HashMap String String Element e Element nl.item i map.put KEY_ITEM parser.getValue e KEY_ITEM.. URL Document doc parser.getDomElement xml NodeList nl doc.getElementsByTagName KEY_RESOURCE for int i 0 i nl.getLength i HashMap String String map new HashMap String String Element e Element nl.item i map.put KEY_ITEM parser.getValue e KEY_ITEM..
Android: Cannot invoke toString() on the primitive type int Cannot invoke toString on the primitive type int If I try nltxt nllen.toString with nllen being int nllen nl.getLength I get the error Cannot invoke toString on the primitive type int. I want to convert the int to string so i can display the..
Android: Trying to get data from youtube api Get a list of each earthquake entry. NodeList nl docEle.getElementsByTagName entry if nl null nl.getLength 0 for int i 0 i nl.getLength i Element entry Element nl.item i Element title Element entry.getElementsByTagName title.. of each earthquake entry. NodeList nl docEle.getElementsByTagName entry if nl null nl.getLength 0 for int i 0 i nl.getLength i Element entry Element nl.item i Element title Element entry.getElementsByTagName title .item 0 String titleStr title.getFirstChild..
NetworkOnMainThread xml NodeList nl doc.getElementsByTagName ITEM START loop through all item nodes item for int i 0 i nl.getLength i lets create our HASHMAP feeds items into our ArrayList HashMap String String map new HashMap String String Element e Element..