android Programming Glossary: nodes
Android WebView JellyBean -> Should not happen: no rect-based-test nodes found WebView JellyBean Should not happen no rect based test nodes found My application is using a lot of webviews which are lying.. E webcoreglue 21690 Should not happen no rect based test nodes found Can anyone explain to me what is going wrong here so that.. if list.isEmpty LOGE Should not happen no rect based test nodes found return 0 Node node hitTestResult.innerNode Node element..
how can i update view when fragment change? doc.getElementsByTagName KEY_TEST looping through all song nodes song for int i 0 i nl.getLength i creating new HashMap HashMap..
Getting Next and Previous Detail Data from listview TAG_DETAIL looping through all song nodes song for int i 0 i nl.getLength i creating new HashMap HashMap..
Writing XML on Android result.append xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 NodeList nodes root.getChildNodes for int i 0 j nodes.getLength i j i Node.. UTF 8 NodeList nodes root.getChildNodes for int i 0 j nodes.getLength i j i Node node nodes.item i result.append getStringFromNode.. for int i 0 j nodes.getLength i j i Node node nodes.item i result.append getStringFromNode node if root.getNodeType..
parsing local xml file using Sax in android i.e. START_DOCUMENT etc. You can then start to process nodes attributes etc and text contained within by casing the event..
Sending and Parsing JSON in Android actually bind to your own POJOs not some half assed tree nodes or Lists and Maps. and at least Jackson allows binding to such..
Android game UDP / TCP? each message just lags by the transit time between the two nodes. Since TCP requires an ack a message isn't really considered..
How to append tags in XML in Android? at this link . It should give you an idea of how to add nodes to your XML. Here is a snippet. public DomXmlExample try ..
difference about SAX and DOM we click particular node then it will give all the sub nodes rather than loading all the nodes at the same time. But in case.. it will give all the sub nodes rather than loading all the nodes at the same time. But in case of DOM parse it will load all.. same time. But in case of DOM parse it will load all the nodes and makes the tree model. Is that correct Please correct me..
NetworkOnMainThread doc.getElementsByTagName ITEM START loop through all item nodes item for int i 0 i nl.getLength i lets create our HASHMAP feeds..
Show Progress Dialog Android Testing xmlparser Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show finish NodeList nodes doc.getElementsByTagName result for int i 0 i nodes.getLength.. nodes doc.getElementsByTagName result for int i 0 i nodes.getLength i HashMap String String map new HashMap String String.. String map new HashMap String String Element e Element nodes.item i String nameMapString XMLfunctions.getValue e name if..
Android WebView JellyBean -> Should not happen: no rect-based-test nodes found WebView JellyBean Should not happen no rect based test nodes found My application is using a lot of webviews which are lying in fragments which are hold by a ViewPager. Whenever i.. following console message again and again 08 23 13 44 03.374 E webcoreglue 21690 Should not happen no rect based test nodes found Can anyone explain to me what is going wrong here so that i might be able to fix the issue android webview android.. RefPtr Node list hitTestResult.rectBasedTestResult if list.isEmpty LOGE Should not happen no rect based test nodes found return 0 Node node hitTestResult.innerNode Node element node while element element isElementNode element hasTagName..
how can i update view when fragment change? songsList new ArrayList HashMap String String NodeList nl doc.getElementsByTagName KEY_TEST looping through all song nodes song for int i 0 i nl.getLength i creating new HashMap HashMap String String map new HashMap String String Element e Element..
Getting Next and Previous Detail Data from listview xml getting DOM element NodeList nl doc.getElementsByTagName TAG_DETAIL looping through all song nodes song for int i 0 i nl.getLength i creating new HashMap HashMap String String map new HashMap String String Element e..
Writing XML on Android .append root.getNodeName .append .append attrs .append else result.append xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 NodeList nodes root.getChildNodes for int i 0 j nodes.getLength i j i Node node nodes.item i result.append getStringFromNode node if.. attrs .append else result.append xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 NodeList nodes root.getChildNodes for int i 0 j nodes.getLength i j i Node node nodes.item i result.append getStringFromNode node if root.getNodeType 9 result.append .append.. xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 NodeList nodes root.getChildNodes for int i 0 j nodes.getLength i j i Node node nodes.item i result.append getStringFromNode node if root.getNodeType 9 result.append .append root.getNodeName .append return..
parsing local xml file using Sax in android event int eventType myxml.getEventType Get current xml event i.e. START_DOCUMENT etc. You can then start to process nodes attributes etc and text contained within by casing the event type once processed call to get the next event i.e...
Sending and Parsing JSON in Android are much more convenient to use. So GSON Jackson So you can actually bind to your own POJOs not some half assed tree nodes or Lists and Maps. and at least Jackson allows binding to such things too perhaps GSON as well not sure JsonNode Map List..
Android game UDP / TCP? is going to be latency. UDP is fire and forget. That means each message just lags by the transit time between the two nodes. Since TCP requires an ack a message isn't really considered sent until the other side is heard back from. Generally the..
How to append tags in XML in Android? tags android xml share improve this question Take a look at this link . It should give you an idea of how to add nodes to your XML. Here is a snippet. public DomXmlExample try Creating an empty XML Document We need a Document DocumentBuilderFactory..
difference about SAX and DOM based means some kind of events happens to the node.Like when we click particular node then it will give all the sub nodes rather than loading all the nodes at the same time. But in case of DOM parse it will load all the nodes and makes the tree.. happens to the node.Like when we click particular node then it will give all the sub nodes rather than loading all the nodes at the same time. But in case of DOM parse it will load all the nodes and makes the tree model. Is that correct Please correct.. all the sub nodes rather than loading all the nodes at the same time. But in case of DOM parse it will load all the nodes and makes the tree model. Is that correct Please correct me If I am wrong. Or please explain me event based and treemodel..
NetworkOnMainThread URL Document doc parser.getDomElement xml NodeList nl doc.getElementsByTagName ITEM START loop through all item nodes item for int i 0 i nl.getLength i lets create our HASHMAP feeds items into our ArrayList HashMap String String map new HashMap..
Show Progress Dialog Android doc if numResults 0 Toast.makeText Tab1Activity.this Testing xmlparser Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show finish NodeList nodes doc.getElementsByTagName result for int i 0 i nodes.getLength i HashMap String String map new HashMap String String Element.. Testing xmlparser Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show finish NodeList nodes doc.getElementsByTagName result for int i 0 i nodes.getLength i HashMap String String map new HashMap String String Element e Element nodes.item i String nameMapString XMLfunctions.getValue.. result for int i 0 i nodes.getLength i HashMap String String map new HashMap String String Element e Element nodes.item i String nameMapString XMLfunctions.getValue e name if nameMapString.toLowerCase .indexOf searchTextString1.toLowerCase..