android Programming Glossary: nm
Android NDK linking my own library and not. Nothing varied the results. Using nm confirms that at least in the case of option #2 the missing..
does Alarm Manager persist even after reboot? Here public void onReceive Context context Intent intent nm NotificationManager context.getSystemService Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE.. context from message contentIntent nm.notify 1 notif is this enough android alarmmanager android..
arm-linux-androideabi-gcc is unable to create an executable - compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices gcc cross prefix PREBUILT bin arm linux androideabi # nm PREBUILT bin arm linux androideabi nm sysroot PLATFORM extra.. linux androideabi # nm PREBUILT bin arm linux androideabi nm sysroot PLATFORM extra cflags O3 fpic DANDROID DHAVE_SYS_UIO_H..
How can I setup multiple alarms in Android? bundle.getString item_id NotificationManager nm NotificationManager context.getSystemService notification CharSequence.. notification.defaults Notification.DEFAULT_ALL nm.notify itemId notification Thanks in Advance monn3t android..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging MyService extends Service private NotificationManager nm private Timer timer new Timer private int counter 0 incrementby.. 0 100L isRunning true private void showNotification nm NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE In.. because it is a unique number. We use it later to cancel. nm.notify R.string.service_started notification @Override public..
“Undefined reference” when accessing my shared library using JNI which is as follows workspace Example obj local armeabi nm 00001234 a _DYNAMIC 000012bc a _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_.. a message because source does not end in .c .cpp etc. The nm command might have tipped you off alas there aren't any functions..
How to count number of notification and display single icon in Android? updated notificaiton message null NotificationManager nm NotificationManager context.getSystemService context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE.. context.getSystemService context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE nm.notify notification You have to send your..
WebP for Android generates .so files in libs . You can inspect them with nm D libs armeabi . In the list you'll see both the..
Set notification to specific time you replace the when value with a time NotificationManager nm NotificationManager getSystemService Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE.. 0 notify.setLatestEventInfo context title details pending nm.notify 0 notify android android notifications share improve..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ extends IntentService NotificationManager nm public static final String EXTRA_UNREGISTERED unregistered private.. error private void notifcation String id nm NotificationManager RegistrationIDReceiver.this.getSystemService.. getApplicationContext from message contentIntent nm.notify 1 notif private void registerDevice String registrationId..
Android NDK linking explicitly calling System.LoadLibrary zmq before loading my own library and not. Nothing varied the results. Using nm confirms that at least in the case of option #2 the missing symbol zmq_msg_init is indeed present in Any ideas..
does Alarm Manager persist even after reboot? I made this BroadcastRecever in replace for AlarmSerivce Here public void onReceive Context context Intent intent nm NotificationManager context.getSystemService Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE CharSequence from It Birthday CharSequence message.. R.drawable.ic_launcher Birthday System.currentTimeMillis notif.setLatestEventInfo context from message contentIntent nm.notify 1 notif is this enough android alarmmanager android alarms share improve this question A simple answer would..
arm-linux-androideabi-gcc is unable to create an executable - compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices extra libs lgcc arch arm # cc PREBUILT bin arm linux androideabi gcc cross prefix PREBUILT bin arm linux androideabi # nm PREBUILT bin arm linux androideabi nm sysroot PLATFORM extra cflags O3 fpic DANDROID DHAVE_SYS_UIO_H 1 Dipv6mr_interface.. bin arm linux androideabi gcc cross prefix PREBUILT bin arm linux androideabi # nm PREBUILT bin arm linux androideabi nm sysroot PLATFORM extra cflags O3 fpic DANDROID DHAVE_SYS_UIO_H 1 Dipv6mr_interface ipv6mr_ifindex fasm Wno psabi fno short..
How can I setup multiple alarms in Android? bundle.getString activityToTrigg int itemId Integer.parseInt bundle.getString item_id NotificationManager nm NotificationManager context.getSystemService notification CharSequence text itemName reminderOrAlarmMessage Notification.. text1 text2 pIntent notification.flags Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL notification.defaults Notification.DEFAULT_ALL nm.notify itemId notification Thanks in Advance monn3t android alarms share improve this question Ok when you set an PendingIntent..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging android.os.RemoteException import android.util.Log public class MyService extends Service private NotificationManager nm private Timer timer new Timer private int counter 0 incrementby 1 private static boolean isRunning false ArrayList Messenger.. new TimerTask public void run onTimerTick 0 100L isRunning true private void showNotification nm NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE In this sample we'll use the same text for the ticker and the.. text contentIntent Send the notification. We use a layout id because it is a unique number. We use it later to cancel. nm.notify R.string.service_started notification @Override public int onStartCommand Intent intent int flags int startId Log.i..
“Undefined reference” when accessing my shared library using JNI exampleError.cpp I also checked the content of the which is as follows workspace Example obj local armeabi nm 00001234 a _DYNAMIC 000012bc a _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ 000012c8 A __bss_end__ 000012c8 A __bss_start 000012c8.. have actual files like foo.c or bar.cpp . You're getting a message because source does not end in .c .cpp etc. The nm command might have tipped you off alas there aren't any functions being compiled into your library. share improve this..
How to count number of notification and display single icon in Android? notification.setLatestEventInfo context Cool Notification Title updated notificaiton message null NotificationManager nm NotificationManager context.getSystemService context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE nm.notify notification You.. message null NotificationManager nm NotificationManager context.getSystemService context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE nm.notify notification You have to send your notification through the NotificationManager.notify method..
WebP for Android content from below. run ndk build from project directory. This generates .so files in libs . You can inspect them with nm D libs armeabi . In the list you'll see both the native library functions like WebPDecodeRGB and their JNI counterparts..
Set notification to specific time like my notification to run at 12 00pm everyday. How do you replace the when value with a time NotificationManager nm NotificationManager getSystemService Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE Notification notify new Notification R.drawable.icon Its.. pending PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 intent 0 notify.setLatestEventInfo context title details pending nm.notify 0 notify android android notifications share improve this question You can use an alarm manager Intent myIntent..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ files public class RegistrationIDReceiver extends IntentService NotificationManager nm public static final String EXTRA_UNREGISTERED unregistered private final RegistrationIDRegistrar registrar RegistrationIDRegistrar.getInstance.. if error null registerDevice registrationId else handleRegistrationError error private void notifcation String id nm NotificationManager RegistrationIDReceiver.this.getSystemService Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE CharSequence from Please Testing.. daily survey now System.currentTimeMillis notif.setLatestEventInfo getApplicationContext from message contentIntent nm.notify 1 notif private void registerDevice String registrationId Log.d Constants.TAG Will now register device with ID registrationId..