android Programming Glossary: nodpi
Android background image memory usage Off the cuff I would first try putting it in res drawable nodpi to prevent any automatic density based resampling then manually..
support for different screen sizes in android question Size small normal large Density ldpi mdpi hdpi nodpi no auto scale Aspect ratio long notlong Orientation land Usage.. dpi my_icon.png res drawable hdpi my_icon.png res drawable nodpi composite.xml Restricting your app to specific screen sizes..
Out of memory while creating bitmaps on device im having problems with high resolution images. Im using nodpi drawable folder for 1280x720 images and using this code to scale..
Android - Bitmap cache takes a lot of memory drawable xhdpi or drawable xxhdpi or put it in drawable nodpi or in the assets folder and downscale the image according to..
Android: How to track down the origin of a InflateException? hdpi res drawable ldpi res drawable mdpi res drawable nodpi the splash image has its own version in the first three of them..
I don't want Android to resize my bitmap Automatically As was said in another question using the drawable nodpi folder will prevent android from resizing your pictures. Additionally..
Bitmap getWidth returns wrong value If you want it to ignore density put it in a drawable nodpi folder. Also from the same doc The easiest way to avoid pre.. is to put the resource in a resource directory with the nodpi configuration qualifier. For example res drawable nodpi icon.png.. nodpi configuration qualifier. For example res drawable nodpi icon.png When the system uses the icon.png bitmap from this..
Android Samsung S I9000 screen size and density issues is to put the resource in a resource directory with the nodpi configuration qualifier. For example res drawable nodpi icon.png.. nodpi configuration qualifier. For example res drawable nodpi icon.png for example you are using an font size as 14sp means..
android EditText blends into background Cream Sandwich. EDIT I created a file called res drawable nodpi edit_text_holo_light.xml with the following xml version 1.0..
Android background image memory usage any way to make it keep the original image size in any way Off the cuff I would first try putting it in res drawable nodpi to prevent any automatic density based resampling then manually get the Bitmap via the version of BitmapFactory.decodeResource..
support for different screen sizes in android work. any help android screen size share improve this question Size small normal large Density ldpi mdpi hdpi nodpi no auto scale Aspect ratio long notlong Orientation land Usage res layout my_layout.xml res layout small my_layout.xml res.. res drawable ldpi my_icon.png res drawable mdpi dpi my_icon.png res drawable hdpi my_icon.png res drawable nodpi composite.xml Restricting your app to specific screen sizes via the AndroidManifest manifest xmlns android http
Out of memory while creating bitmaps on device of memory while creating bitmaps on device im having problems with high resolution images. Im using nodpi drawable folder for 1280x720 images and using this code to scale it. public static Drawable scaleDrawable Drawable d int..
Android - Bitmap cache takes a lot of memory you do either put the image file in the correct density folder drawable xhdpi or drawable xxhdpi or put it in drawable nodpi or in the assets folder and downscale the image according to your needs. btw you don't have to set options.inJustDecodeBounds..
Android: How to track down the origin of a InflateException? four folders with for storing drawables in my app res drawable hdpi res drawable ldpi res drawable mdpi res drawable nodpi the splash image has its own version in the first three of them and is displayed properly. Removing the src property from..
I don't want Android to resize my bitmap Automatically do android bitmap resize drawable share improve this question As was said in another question using the drawable nodpi folder will prevent android from resizing your pictures. Additionally if you want to have multiple versions of an image..
Bitmap getWidth returns wrong value it in drawable hdpi instead of drawable or drawable mdpi. Update If you want it to ignore density put it in a drawable nodpi folder. Also from the same doc The easiest way to avoid pre scaling is to put the resource in a resource directory with.. Also from the same doc The easiest way to avoid pre scaling is to put the resource in a resource directory with the nodpi configuration qualifier. For example res drawable nodpi icon.png When the system uses the icon.png bitmap from this folder.. is to put the resource in a resource directory with the nodpi configuration qualifier. For example res drawable nodpi icon.png When the system uses the icon.png bitmap from this folder it does not scale it based on the current device density...
Android Samsung S I9000 screen size and density issues to pre scale a resource. The easiest way to avoid pre scaling is to put the resource in a resource directory with the nodpi configuration qualifier. For example res drawable nodpi icon.png for example you are using an font size as 14sp means it.. is to put the resource in a resource directory with the nodpi configuration qualifier. For example res drawable nodpi icon.png for example you are using an font size as 14sp means it will automatically change for 320 DPI as 14 320÷160 28..
android EditText blends into background Sandwich and hardcoded into my app for Honeycomb and Ice Cream Sandwich. EDIT I created a file called res drawable nodpi edit_text_holo_light.xml with the following xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android http