android Programming Glossary: nicely
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? solution the backgroundImageView would have its size fit nicely but how can I force the other layers resize themselves accordingly..
Dialogs / AlertDialogs: How to “block execution” while dialog is up (.NET-style) it should continue execution. How do you solve that nicely Regards android share improve this question Ted you don't..
Detect application heap size in Android uses the additional memory it probably will not play as nicely with whatever other apps the user is running at the same time..
Android Emulator won't run application started from eclipse the SDK emulator nothing happens. The emulator startd up nicely but after that nothing happens. I can't even see the application..
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] applications. It can supplement the sample applications nicely and show different coding style solutions. Grab it using svn..
Android: Scrolling an Imageview of a normale screen 960 dip . I would like to scroll it nicely up and down on the screen. The bottom of the screen should contain..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? this file to standard web google map it displays it nicely but when I'm trying the same thing with android google map it..
How to embed a YouTube clip in a WebView on Android browser on iPhone converts these to H.264 and plays them nicely in QuickTime. Can Android do the same Here is the embed code..
Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android a date. Maybe iOS 4 doesn't render its native date picker nicely on top of a web view or maybe my web view's CSS styling has.. input type date is supported things might look messy iOS 5 nicely displays 2012 06 01 in a localized format like 1 Jun. 2012 or..
A grid layout of icon/text buttons I am having issues getting everything to play nicely. Here is my attempt to get 2 such items side by side. The text..
How to perform zoom in/out ,rotation together in Android lots of code have to be written in order to make it work nicely. I suggest you to use an existing library. I used this one and..
How can I get my ListView to scroll? not matter in this issue . Now the whole activity scrolls nicely as it should but the ListView has a limited height and when..
Create Free/Paid versions of Application from same code Apps . Android Library projects will do this for you nicely. You'll end up with 1 library project and then a project for..
Sending pause to dialer
zooming and dragging images using matrix in android following code from Hello android by Ed Burnette working nicely and i am able to drag and zoom for an image. import
Could not find Library.apk! I managed to restructure my application pretty nicely so that except for a few methods in a derived Activity class..
Best practice: AsyncTask during orientation change problem of retaining an AsyncTask across a rotation change nicely. You basically need to host your AsyncTask inside a Fragment..
How to draw a section header in android listview just like the ios's UITableview? at this Android Sectioned Headers in ListViews example Its nicely describe how to implement Sectioned Headers in ListViews. And..
Why use Fragments? [duplicate] view. You can totally orchestrate interactions like that nicely while e.g. still having only one of them visible on a smaller..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? corner ... If I use a FrameLayout which seems like the best solution the backgroundImageView would have its size fit nicely but how can I force the other layers resize themselves accordingly I think I need to somehow get where to put the other..
Dialogs / AlertDialogs: How to “block execution” while dialog is up (.NET-style) the user presses Yes the whole method should be aborted otherwise it should continue execution. How do you solve that nicely Regards android share improve this question Ted you don't want to do this really The biggest reason is that if you..
Detect application heap size in Android a user who has upped the heap via a rooted OS i.e. if your app uses the additional memory it probably will not play as nicely with whatever other apps the user is running at the same time . Note that the memory class apparently need not be a multiple..
Android Emulator won't run application started from eclipse developer's guide. When I try to run the application in the SDK emulator nothing happens. The emulator startd up nicely but after that nothing happens. I can't even see the application in the app tray. I am using Eclipse with the Android add..
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] This is a big chunk of useful source code for a half dozen applications. It can supplement the sample applications nicely and show different coding style solutions. Grab it using svn co http apps for svn trunk apps for..
Android: Scrolling an Imageview an Imageview I have an ImageView that is twice the height of a normale screen 960 dip . I would like to scroll it nicely up and down on the screen. The bottom of the screen should contain a button. I have tried various combinations of ScrollView..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? coordinates LineString Placemark Document kml When I'm loading this file to standard web google map it displays it nicely but when I'm trying the same thing with android google map it doesn't do that. It just takes me to some locations and that's..
How to embed a YouTube clip in a WebView on Android any issues. This is using a basic flash embed the Safari browser on iPhone converts these to H.264 and plays them nicely in QuickTime. Can Android do the same Here is the embed code as an example.... object width 120 height 73 param name movie..
Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android basically not giving the user any option to enter or change a date. Maybe iOS 4 doesn't render its native date picker nicely on top of a web view or maybe my web view's CSS styling has some effect and surely this might be different on a real device.. . The iOS plugin is already updated for Cordova. Even when input type date is supported things might look messy iOS 5 nicely displays 2012 06 01 in a localized format like 1 Jun. 2012 or June 1 2012 and even updates that immediately while still..
A grid layout of icon/text buttons Each Item consists of an ImageView on top of a TextView . Unfortunately I am having issues getting everything to play nicely. Here is my attempt to get 2 such items side by side. The text views don't even show and the icons are squished together..
How to perform zoom in/out ,rotation together in Android 3 Rotate zoom with multitouch is not easy in Android lots of code have to be written in order to make it work nicely. I suggest you to use an existing library. I used this one and it worked like a charm http p android multitouch..
How can I get my ListView to scroll? a ScrollView and quite a lot more components but they do not matter in this issue . Now the whole activity scrolls nicely as it should but the ListView has a limited height and when the Items inside it surpass the height the disappear of my screen...
Create Free/Paid versions of Application from same code question Possibly a duplicate of Bulk Publishing of Android Apps . Android Library projects will do this for you nicely. You'll end up with 1 library project and then a project for each edition free full with those really just containing different..
Sending pause to dialer
zooming and dragging images using matrix in android and dragging images using matrix in android i got the following code from Hello android by Ed Burnette working nicely and i am able to drag and zoom for an image. import import import
Could not find Library.apk! not find Library.apk I managed to restructure my application pretty nicely so that except for a few methods in a derived Activity class everything is in a Library Project. It works beautifully except..
Best practice: AsyncTask during orientation change changes using retained Fragment s. It solves the problem of retaining an AsyncTask across a rotation change nicely. You basically need to host your AsyncTask inside a Fragment call setRetainInstance true on the Fragment and report the..
How to draw a section header in android listview just like the ios's UITableview? listview header share improve this question Just look at this Android Sectioned Headers in ListViews example Its nicely describe how to implement Sectioned Headers in ListViews. And android amazing listview Jeff Sharkey's SeparatedListAdapter..
Why use Fragments? [duplicate] be notified about it and update the total price in the list view. You can totally orchestrate interactions like that nicely while e.g. still having only one of them visible on a smaller screen device. I have refactored a large business app 15 activities..