android Programming Glossary: nick
Problems trying to build PocketSphinxAndroidDemo using NDK Compile thumb pocketsphinx_jni pocketsphinx_wrap.c home nick workspace android PocketSphinxDemo jni pocketsphinx_wrap.c 761.. 28 error sphinxbase err.h No such file or directory home nick workspace android PocketSphinxDemo jni pocketsphinx_wrap.c In.. home nick workspace android PocketSphinxDemo jni pocketsphinx_wrap.c 1441..
How to get nick name from phone number in android [duplicate] to get nick name from phone number in android duplicate Possible Duplicate.. name from their phone number on Android How to get nick name from phone number in android.What are content provider.. null EDIT Ah and now as I see you want to map the nickname to a phone number. This is how you select the contact_id..
How to use SharedPreferences to save more than one values? boolean putStringInPreferences Activity activity String nick String key SharedPreferences sharedPreferences activity.getPreferences.. editor sharedPreferences.edit editor.putString key nick editor.commit return true private static String getStringFromPreferences..
Post multipart request with Android SDK Title new StringBody Title multipartEntity.addPart Nick new StringBody Nick multipartEntity.addPart Email new StringBody.. Title multipartEntity.addPart Nick new StringBody Nick multipartEntity.addPart Email new StringBody Email multipartEntity.addPart..
Android IRC Office Hours Question About Android Bluetooth RSSI
Reference one string from another string in strings.xml?
How to store images in sqlite database on click event of button? databases MyDB.db п к базе данн по мол ани sdcard Nick MyDB.db mnt sdcard Nick MyDB.db Android data package_name files.. п к базе данн по мол ани sdcard Nick MyDB.db mnt sdcard Nick MyDB.db Android data package_name files public void onClick.. not null picture BLOB myDb openOrCreateDatabase sdcard Nick MyWeatherDB.db Context.MODE_PRIVATE null myDb.execSQL MySQL..
Problems trying to build PocketSphinxAndroidDemo using NDK 4.4.3 libs armeabi gdbserver Gdbsetup libs armeabi gdb.setup Compile thumb pocketsphinx_jni pocketsphinx_wrap.c home nick workspace android PocketSphinxDemo jni pocketsphinx_wrap.c 761 28 error sphinxbase err.h No such file or directory home.. android PocketSphinxDemo jni pocketsphinx_wrap.c 761 28 error sphinxbase err.h No such file or directory home nick workspace android PocketSphinxDemo jni pocketsphinx_wrap.c In function 'Java_edu_cmu_pocketsphinx_pocketsphinxJNI_Decoder_1processRaw_1_1SWIG_10'.. jni pocketsphinx_wrap.c In function 'Java_edu_cmu_pocketsphinx_pocketsphinxJNI_Decoder_1processRaw_1_1SWIG_10' home nick workspace android PocketSphinxDemo jni pocketsphinx_wrap.c 1441 warning assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target..
How to get nick name from phone number in android [duplicate] to get nick name from phone number in android duplicate Possible Duplicate How to look up a contact's name from their phone number.. in android duplicate Possible Duplicate How to look up a contact's name from their phone number on Android How to get nick name from phone number in android.What are content provider used. android share improve this question Use the following.. ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI projection where whereParameters null EDIT Ah and now as I see you want to map the nickname to a phone number. This is how you select the contact_id out of given phone number String projection ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTACT_ID..
How to use SharedPreferences to save more than one values? return convertStringToArray favoriteList private static boolean putStringInPreferences Activity activity String nick String key SharedPreferences sharedPreferences activity.getPreferences Activity.MODE_PRIVATE SharedPreferences.Editor editor.. Activity.MODE_PRIVATE SharedPreferences.Editor editor sharedPreferences.edit editor.putString key nick editor.commit return true private static String getStringFromPreferences Activity activity String defaultValue String..
Post multipart request with Android SDK HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE multipartEntity.addPart Title new StringBody Title multipartEntity.addPart Nick new StringBody Nick multipartEntity.addPart Email new StringBody Email multipartEntity.addPart Description new StringBody.. multipartEntity.addPart Title new StringBody Title multipartEntity.addPart Nick new StringBody Nick multipartEntity.addPart Email new StringBody Email multipartEntity.addPart Description new StringBody Settings.SHARE.TEXT..
Android IRC Office Hours Question About Android Bluetooth RSSI
Reference one string from another string in strings.xml?
How to store images in sqlite database on click event of button? databases п к базе данн по мол ани data data com.examples.aMySQL2 databases MyDB.db п к базе данн по мол ани sdcard Nick MyDB.db mnt sdcard Nick MyDB.db Android data package_name files public void onClick View v SQLiteDatabase myDb String MySQL.. по мол ани data data com.examples.aMySQL2 databases MyDB.db п к базе данн по мол ани sdcard Nick MyDB.db mnt sdcard Nick MyDB.db Android data package_name files public void onClick View v SQLiteDatabase myDb String MySQL int icount byte byteImage1.. table emp1 _id INTEGER primary key autoincrement fio TEXT not null picture BLOB myDb openOrCreateDatabase sdcard Nick MyWeatherDB.db Context.MODE_PRIVATE null myDb.execSQL MySQL String s myDb.getPath textView.append r n s r n myDb.execSQL..