android Programming Glossary: node.element
Trying to build a correct SOAP Request token.addChild Node.TEXT this.AUTH_TOKEN header.addChild Node.ELEMENT token envelope.headerOut 0 header What ksoap2 is building is..
create soap envelope with security header in android using ksoap2 null Id UsernameToken 1 header 0 .addChild Node.ELEMENT usernametoken Element username new Element .createElement null.. Node.IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE CBROWN usernametoken.addChild Node.ELEMENT username Element pass new Element .createElement null n0 Password.. pass.addChild Node.TEXT welcome usernametoken.addChild Node.ELEMENT pass add header to envelope envelope.headerOut header Log.i..
SOAP web service on android utility 1.0.xsd Id UsernameToken 4 header 0 .addChild Node.ELEMENT usernametoken Element username new Element .createElement null.. username.setPrefix n0 null usernametoken.addChild Node.ELEMENT username Element pass new Element .createElement null n0 Password.. Node.TEXT password_value usernametoken.addChild Node.ELEMENT pass return header and add this header as soapEnvelope.headerOut..
how to set soap Header using ksoap2 - android user username.addChild Node.TEXT USERNAME h.addChild Node.ELEMENT username Element pass new Element .createElement NAMESPACE pass.. NAMESPACE pass pass.addChild Node.TEXT PASSWORD h.addChild Node.ELEMENT pass return h obviously change strings as needed. share improve..
Trying to build a correct SOAP Request Element token new Element .createElement NAMESPACE Token token.addChild Node.TEXT this.AUTH_TOKEN header.addChild Node.ELEMENT token envelope.headerOut 0 header What ksoap2 is building is v Envelope xmlns i http 1999 XMLSchema instance..
create soap envelope with security header in android using ksoap2 wss wssecurity secext 1.0.xsd UsernameToken usernametoken.setAttribute null Id UsernameToken 1 header 0 .addChild Node.ELEMENT usernametoken Element username new Element .createElement null n0 Username username.addChild Node.IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE CBROWN.. new Element .createElement null n0 Username username.addChild Node.IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE CBROWN usernametoken.addChild Node.ELEMENT username Element pass new Element .createElement null n0 Password pass.setAttribute null Type http docs.oasis wss.. 01 oasis 200401 wss username token profile 1.0#PasswordText pass.addChild Node.TEXT welcome usernametoken.addChild Node.ELEMENT pass add header to envelope envelope.headerOut header Log.i header envelope.headerOut.toString envelope.dotNet false envelope.bodyOut..
SOAP web service on android http docs.oasis wss 2004 01 oasis 200401 wss wssecurity utility 1.0.xsd Id UsernameToken 4 header 0 .addChild Node.ELEMENT usernametoken Element username new Element .createElement null n0 Username username.addChild Node.TEXT username_value username.setPrefix.. null n0 Username username.addChild Node.TEXT username_value username.setPrefix n0 null usernametoken.addChild Node.ELEMENT username Element pass new Element .createElement null n0 Password pass.setPrefix n0 null pass.setAttribute null Type http.. oasis 200401 wss username token profile 1.0#PasswordText pass.addChild Node.TEXT password_value usernametoken.addChild Node.ELEMENT pass return header and add this header as soapEnvelope.headerOut addheader As it is working for me if should work for you...
how to set soap Header using ksoap2 - android AuthHeader Element username new Element .createElement NAMESPACE user username.addChild Node.TEXT USERNAME h.addChild Node.ELEMENT username Element pass new Element .createElement NAMESPACE pass pass.addChild Node.TEXT PASSWORD h.addChild Node.ELEMENT..