android Programming Glossary: nillable
KSoap2 and KvmSerializable - How to Send complex Objects like Stringarrays name Category xs sequence xs element minOccurs 0 name categoryId type xs int xs element minOccurs 0 name description nillable true type xs string xs element minOccurs 0 name name nillable true type xs string xs sequence xs complexType xs schema xs.. type xs int xs element minOccurs 0 name description nillable true type xs string xs element minOccurs 0 name name nillable true type xs string xs sequence xs complexType xs schema xs schema xmlns ax22 http xsd attributeFormDefault.. http xsd xs element name getCategoryObject xs complexType xs sequence xs element minOccurs 0 name obj nillable true type ax21 Category xs sequence xs complexType xs element xs element name getCategoryObjectResponse xs complexType xs..
passing objects to wcf soap service from android using ksoap2; it sends and receives 0 0 xs element name number_2 type xs int minOccurs 0 xs sequence xs complexType xs element name testadd type tns testadd nillable true xs schema here is my soap request v Envelope xmlns i http 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns d http
android soapfault error s element s complexType name ArrayOfAnyType s sequence s element minOccurs 0 maxOccurs unbounded name anyType nillable true s sequence s complexType s schema wsdl types here webservice sample request xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 soap Envelope..