android Programming Glossary: nethttptransport
Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API is how I'm doing for now HttpTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT new NetHttpTransport JsonFactory JSON_FACTORY new JacksonFactory GoogleCredential.. so private static HttpTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT new NetHttpTransport private static JsonFactory JSON_FACTORY new
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK HttpTransport httpTransport new NetHttpTransport JacksonFactory jsonFactory new JacksonFactory Drive.Builder..
“code” : 403, and “reason” : “forbidden” exception at uploading file in google plus people userId media collection HttpTransport transport new NetHttpTransport GoogleTokenResponse tokenResponse @SuppressLint NewApi SetJavaScriptEnabled..
Picasa access in android: PicasaUploadActivity try HttpRequestFactory requestFactory new NetHttpTransport .createRequestFactory Intent intent getIntent Bundle extras..
Android and Google client API NetHttptransport Class not found import import import 2.0 oob private static final HttpTransport TRANSPORT new NetHttpTransport private static final JsonFactory JSON_FACTORY new JacksonFactory.. catch block e.printStackTrace Plus plus new Plus new NetHttpTransport new JacksonFactory However the following line private static..
Google Calendar API OAuth2 Troubles on Android Honeycomb the code I used for that HttpTransport TRANSPORT new NetHttpTransport JsonFactory JSON_FACTORY new JacksonFactory String SCOPE https..
Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API about user's subscriptions purchased in my android app. Here is how I'm doing for now HttpTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT new NetHttpTransport JsonFactory JSON_FACTORY new JacksonFactory GoogleCredential credential new GoogleCredential.Builder .setTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT.. API. I'm interesting in the expiration time of a subscription so private static HttpTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT new NetHttpTransport private static JsonFactory JSON_FACTORY new private static Long getSubscriptionExpire..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK result try final String token result.getResult .getString AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN HttpTransport httpTransport new NetHttpTransport JacksonFactory jsonFactory new JacksonFactory Drive.Builder b new Drive.Builder httpTransport jsonFactory null b.setJsonHttpRequestInitializer..
“code” : 403, and “reason” : “forbidden” exception at uploading file in google plus posturl https upload plusDomains v1 people userId media collection HttpTransport transport new NetHttpTransport GoogleTokenResponse tokenResponse @SuppressLint NewApi SetJavaScriptEnabled @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
Picasa access in android: PicasaUploadActivity void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState try HttpRequestFactory requestFactory new NetHttpTransport .createRequestFactory Intent intent getIntent Bundle extras intent.getExtras InputStreamContent content new InputStreamContent..
Android and Google client API NetHttptransport Class not found import import import import Google API import.. private static final String CALLBACK_URL urn ietf wg oauth 2.0 oob private static final HttpTransport TRANSPORT new NetHttpTransport private static final JsonFactory JSON_FACTORY new JacksonFactory private static final String CLIENT_ID XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX private.. catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace Plus plus new Plus new NetHttpTransport new JacksonFactory However the following line private static final HttpTransport TRANSPORT new NetHttpTransport cause an..
Google Calendar API OAuth2 Troubles on Android Honeycomb the traditional method of using OAuth2 did work for me. Here's the code I used for that HttpTransport TRANSPORT new NetHttpTransport JsonFactory JSON_FACTORY new JacksonFactory String SCOPE https auth calendar String CALLBACK_URL urn..