android Programming Glossary: networkinterface
Android: How to Know an IP Address is a Wifi IP Address? public String getClientIpAddress try for Enumeration NetworkInterface en NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces en.hasMoreElements.. getClientIpAddress try for Enumeration NetworkInterface en NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces en.hasMoreElements NetworkInterface intf.. for Enumeration NetworkInterface en NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces en.hasMoreElements NetworkInterface intf en.nextElement for..
How to get name of wifi-network out of android using android API? of android using android API I thought that I should use NetworkInterface getDisplayName. I got some name but this name is different that..
Bonjour implementation on Android public InetAddress getLocalIpAddress try for Enumeration NetworkInterface en NetworkInterface .getNetworkInterfaces en.hasMoreElements.. getLocalIpAddress try for Enumeration NetworkInterface en NetworkInterface .getNetworkInterfaces en.hasMoreElements NetworkInterface.. for Enumeration NetworkInterface en NetworkInterface .getNetworkInterfaces en.hasMoreElements NetworkInterface intf NetworkInterface..
How to get IP address of the device? static String getMACAddress String interfaceName try List NetworkInterface interfaces Collections.list NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces.. try List NetworkInterface interfaces Collections.list NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces for NetworkInterface intf interfaces .. interfaces Collections.list NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces for NetworkInterface intf interfaces if interfaceName null..
Java 7 language features with Android .fieldModifiers .interfaceModifiers .methodModifiers NetworkInterface .getIndex .getByIndex InetSocketAddress .getHostString InetAddress..
Android: How to Know an IP Address is a Wifi IP Address? of the Client. There is Delay of 2 Seconds for the API to return. public String getClientIpAddress try for Enumeration NetworkInterface en NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces en.hasMoreElements NetworkInterface intf en.nextElement for Enumeration InetAddress.. is Delay of 2 Seconds for the API to return. public String getClientIpAddress try for Enumeration NetworkInterface en NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces en.hasMoreElements NetworkInterface intf en.nextElement for Enumeration InetAddress enumIpAddr intf.getInetAddresses.. for the API to return. public String getClientIpAddress try for Enumeration NetworkInterface en NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces en.hasMoreElements NetworkInterface intf en.nextElement for Enumeration InetAddress enumIpAddr intf.getInetAddresses..
How to get name of wifi-network out of android using android API? to get name of wifi network out of android using android API I thought that I should use NetworkInterface getDisplayName. I got some name but this name is different that this name which I can see when I choosing to which network..
Bonjour implementation on Android impl JmDNSImpl jmdns catch IOException e e.printStackTrace public InetAddress getLocalIpAddress try for Enumeration NetworkInterface en NetworkInterface .getNetworkInterfaces en.hasMoreElements NetworkInterface intf NetworkInterface en.nextElement for.. catch IOException e e.printStackTrace public InetAddress getLocalIpAddress try for Enumeration NetworkInterface en NetworkInterface .getNetworkInterfaces en.hasMoreElements NetworkInterface intf NetworkInterface en.nextElement for Enumeration InetAddress.. e.printStackTrace public InetAddress getLocalIpAddress try for Enumeration NetworkInterface en NetworkInterface .getNetworkInterfaces en.hasMoreElements NetworkInterface intf NetworkInterface en.nextElement for Enumeration InetAddress enumIpAddr intf..
How to get IP address of the device? first interface @return mac address or empty string public static String getMACAddress String interfaceName try List NetworkInterface interfaces Collections.list NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces for NetworkInterface intf interfaces if interfaceName.. string public static String getMACAddress String interfaceName try List NetworkInterface interfaces Collections.list NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces for NetworkInterface intf interfaces if interfaceName null if intf.getName .equalsIgnoreCase interfaceName.. String getMACAddress String interfaceName try List NetworkInterface interfaces Collections.list NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces for NetworkInterface intf interfaces if interfaceName null if intf.getName .equalsIgnoreCase interfaceName continue..
Java 7 language features with Android java.lang.reflect.Modifier .classModifiers .constructorModifiers .fieldModifiers .interfaceModifiers .methodModifiers NetworkInterface .getIndex .getByIndex InetSocketAddress .getHostString InetAddress .getLoopbackAddress Logger .getGlobal ConcurrentLinkedDeque..