android Programming Glossary: nchannels
How to record audio/voice in background contineously in android? private int sampleRate 0 private int encoder 0 private int nChannels 0 private int bufferRead 0 private int bufferSize 0 private.. 11025 this.encoder AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT this.nChannels AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO this.preTimeStamp int.. TIMER_INTERVAL 1000 bufferSize framePeriod 2 bSamples nChannels 8 if bufferSize AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize sampleRate nChannels..
Saving audio input of Android Stock speech recognition engine file only hear strange noise with this parameters short nChannels 2 audio channels int sRate 44100 Sample rate short bSamples.. short bSamples 16 byteSample or nothing with this short nChannels 1 audio channels int sRate 8000 Sample rate short bSamples 16..
How to record audio/voice in background contineously in android? null private int source MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC private int sampleRate 0 private int encoder 0 private int nChannels 0 private int bufferRead 0 private int bufferSize 0 private RandomAccessFile tempAudioFile null public AudioRecord audioRecorder.. 0 preTimeStamp 0 public AudioRecorder Context c this.sampleRate 11025 this.encoder AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT this.nChannels AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO this.preTimeStamp int System.currentTimeMillis myApp MyApp c.getApplicationContext.. new RandomAccessFile fileName rw framePeriod sampleRate TIMER_INTERVAL 1000 bufferSize framePeriod 2 bSamples nChannels 8 if bufferSize AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize sampleRate nChannels encoder bufferSize AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize sampleRate..
Saving audio input of Android Stock speech recognition engine to save in the wav file's headers. In fact when I play the wav file only hear strange noise with this parameters short nChannels 2 audio channels int sRate 44100 Sample rate short bSamples 16 byteSample or nothing with this short nChannels 1 audio channels.. short nChannels 2 audio channels int sRate 44100 Sample rate short bSamples 16 byteSample or nothing with this short nChannels 1 audio channels int sRate 8000 Sample rate short bSamples 16 byteSample What is confusing is that looking at parameters..