

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:20:11

android Programming Glossary: networkinfo

How to check internet access on Android? InetAddress never timeouts


situations where there's no available network cm.getActiveNetworkInfo will be null so you need to add a null check. Modified solution.. getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo netInfo cm.getActiveNetworkInfo if netInfo null netInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting.. NetworkInfo netInfo cm.getActiveNetworkInfo if netInfo null netInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting return true..

Network listener Android


context.getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo activeNetInfo connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo NetworkInfo.. NetworkInfo activeNetInfo connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo NetworkInfo mobNetInfo connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE.. activeNetInfo connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo NetworkInfo mobNetInfo connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE..

Detect network connection type on Android


type on Android Is it through ConnectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo .getType and the answer is limited to Wifi and mobile android.. import android.net.ConnectivityManager import android.net.NetworkInfo import android.telephony.TelephonyManager Check device's network.. Get the network info @param context @return public static NetworkInfo getNetworkInfo Context context ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager..

how to check wifi or 3g network is available on android device


131 public static boolean haveInternet Context ctx NetworkInfo info NetworkInfo ConnectivityManager ctx .getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE.. static boolean haveInternet Context ctx NetworkInfo info NetworkInfo ConnectivityManager ctx .getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE.. .getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE .getActiveNetworkInfo if info null info.isConnected return false if info.isRoaming..

how to see if wifi is connected in android


s m.getConnectionInfo .getSupplicantState NetworkInfo.DetailedState state WifiInfo.getDetailedStateOf s if state NetworkInfo.DetailedState.CONNECTED.. state WifiInfo.getDetailedStateOf s if state NetworkInfo.DetailedState.CONNECTED return false However the state is.. getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo mWifi connManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI..

Checking internet connection on android


Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE if conMgr.getNetworkInfo 0 .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED conMgr.getNetworkInfo.. if conMgr.getNetworkInfo 0 .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED conMgr.getNetworkInfo 1 .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTING.. 0 .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED conMgr.getNetworkInfo 1 .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTING return true else if..

Android - detect whether there is an Internet connection available [duplicate]


the Android device is connected to the Internet. Now the NetworkInfo class provides a non static method isAvailable that sounds perfect... method isAvailable that sounds perfect. Problem is that NetworkInfo ni new NetworkInfo if ni.isAvailable do something throws this.. that sounds perfect. Problem is that NetworkInfo ni new NetworkInfo if ni.isAvailable do something throws this error The constructor..

Android detect if device has internet connection


getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo activeNetworkInfo connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo return.. Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo activeNetworkInfo connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo return activeNetworkInfo.. NetworkInfo activeNetworkInfo connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo return activeNetworkInfo null taken from here but this is not..

ANDROID: if WiFi is enabled AND active, launch an intent


Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo networkInfo null if connectivityManager null networkInfo connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo.. NetworkInfo networkInfo null if connectivityManager null networkInfo connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI.. ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI return networkInfo null false networkInfo.isConnected Please make sure that you've..

Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off


WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION NetworkInfo networkInfo in .getParcelableExtra WifiManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO d networkInfo.. in .getParcelableExtra WifiManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO d networkInfo if networkInfo.isConnected d Wifi is connected NetworkService.downTheLatch.. WifiManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO d networkInfo if networkInfo.isConnected d Wifi is connected NetworkService.downTheLatch..

Android service to check internet connectivity?


NetworkInfo info NetworkInfo extras .getParcelable networkInfo State state info.getState Log.d InternalBroadcastReceiver..

How to respect network use settings in Android


if cm.getBackgroundDataSetting ... NetworkInfo networkInfo cm.getActiveNetworkInfo if networkInfo null networkInfo.isAvailable.. ... NetworkInfo networkInfo cm.getActiveNetworkInfo if networkInfo null networkInfo.isAvailable networkInfo.isConnected with the.. networkInfo cm.getActiveNetworkInfo if networkInfo null networkInfo.isAvailable networkInfo.isConnected with the required entries..

CONNECTIVITY_ACTION intent received twice when Wifi connected


so what I am doing in onReceive is this NetworkInfo networkInfo intent.getParcelableExtra ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO.. ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO if networkInfo.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI networkInfo.isConnected.. if networkInfo.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI networkInfo.isConnected Wifi is connected It works fine but I always seem..

How to handle WiFi to Mobile network switch programatically?


if connectivityManager null NetworkInfo networkInfo connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo if networkInfo null.. networkInfo connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo if networkInfo null netType networkInfo.getType Log.d Log connetion is available.. if networkInfo null netType networkInfo.getType Log.d Log connetion is available else Log.d Log connetion..

How to check internet access on Android? InetAddress never timeouts


if the device is in airplane mode or presumably in other situations where there's no available network cm.getActiveNetworkInfo will be null so you need to add a null check. Modified solution below public boolean isOnline ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager.. below public boolean isOnline ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo netInfo cm.getActiveNetworkInfo if netInfo null netInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting return true return false Also add the following.. cm ConnectivityManager getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo netInfo cm.getActiveNetworkInfo if netInfo null netInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting return true return false Also add the following permission to the Android..

Network listener Android


ConnectivityManager connectivityManager ConnectivityManager context.getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo activeNetInfo connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo NetworkInfo mobNetInfo connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE.. context.getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo activeNetInfo connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo NetworkInfo mobNetInfo connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE if activeNetInfo null Toast.makeText.. Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo activeNetInfo connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo NetworkInfo mobNetInfo connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE if activeNetInfo null Toast.makeText context..

Detect network connection type on Android


type on Android How do you detect the network connection type on Android Is it through ConnectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo .getType and the answer is limited to Wifi and mobile android networking wifi connectivity share improve this question.. package com.emil.android.util import android.content.Context import android.net.ConnectivityManager import android.net.NetworkInfo import android.telephony.TelephonyManager Check device's network connectivity and speed @author emil http stackoverflow.com.. users 220710 emil public class Connectivity Get the network info @param context @return public static NetworkInfo getNetworkInfo Context context ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager context.getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE..

how to check wifi or 3g network is available on android device


device has internet Code from http www.androidsnippets.org snippets 131 public static boolean haveInternet Context ctx NetworkInfo info NetworkInfo ConnectivityManager ctx .getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE .getActiveNetworkInfo if info null.. Code from http www.androidsnippets.org snippets 131 public static boolean haveInternet Context ctx NetworkInfo info NetworkInfo ConnectivityManager ctx .getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE .getActiveNetworkInfo if info null info.isConnected.. ctx NetworkInfo info NetworkInfo ConnectivityManager ctx .getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE .getActiveNetworkInfo if info null info.isConnected return false if info.isRoaming here is the roaming option you can change it if you want to..

how to see if wifi is connected in android


m WifiManager getSystemService WIFI_SERVICE android.net.wifi.SupplicantState s m.getConnectionInfo .getSupplicantState NetworkInfo.DetailedState state WifiInfo.getDetailedStateOf s if state NetworkInfo.DetailedState.CONNECTED return false However the.. s m.getConnectionInfo .getSupplicantState NetworkInfo.DetailedState state WifiInfo.getDetailedStateOf s if state NetworkInfo.DetailedState.CONNECTED return false However the state is not what I would expect even though wifi is connected I am getting.. or even available . ConnectivityManager connManager ConnectivityManager getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo mWifi connManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI if mWifi.isConnected Do whatever NOTE It should be noted..

Checking internet connection on android


ctx ConnectivityManager conMgr ConnectivityManager ctx .getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE if conMgr.getNetworkInfo 0 .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED conMgr.getNetworkInfo 1 .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTING return true else.. conMgr ConnectivityManager ctx .getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE if conMgr.getNetworkInfo 0 .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED conMgr.getNetworkInfo 1 .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTING return true else if conMgr.getNetworkInfo.. Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE if conMgr.getNetworkInfo 0 .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED conMgr.getNetworkInfo 1 .getState NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTING return true else if conMgr.getNetworkInfo 0 .getState NetworkInfo.State.DISCONNECTED..

Android - detect whether there is an Internet connection available [duplicate]


Android InetAddress never timeouts I need to detect whether the Android device is connected to the Internet. Now the NetworkInfo class provides a non static method isAvailable that sounds perfect. Problem is that NetworkInfo ni new NetworkInfo if ni.isAvailable.. the Internet. Now the NetworkInfo class provides a non static method isAvailable that sounds perfect. Problem is that NetworkInfo ni new NetworkInfo if ni.isAvailable do something throws this error The constructor NetworkInfo is not visible. Safe bet.. the NetworkInfo class provides a non static method isAvailable that sounds perfect. Problem is that NetworkInfo ni new NetworkInfo if ni.isAvailable do something throws this error The constructor NetworkInfo is not visible. Safe bet is there is another..

Android detect if device has internet connection


ConnectivityManager connectivityManager ConnectivityManager getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo activeNetworkInfo connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo return activeNetworkInfo null taken from here but this is not.. connectivityManager ConnectivityManager getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo activeNetworkInfo connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo return activeNetworkInfo null taken from here but this is not right for example.. getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo activeNetworkInfo connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo return activeNetworkInfo null taken from here but this is not right for example if I'm connected to a wireless network which..

ANDROID: if WiFi is enabled AND active, launch an intent


connectivityManager ConnectivityManager context.getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo networkInfo null if connectivityManager null networkInfo connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI return networkInfo.. context.getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE NetworkInfo networkInfo null if connectivityManager null networkInfo connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI return networkInfo null false networkInfo.isConnected Please.. null if connectivityManager null networkInfo connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI return networkInfo null false networkInfo.isConnected Please make sure that you've registered the android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE intent..

Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off


context Intent in String action in.getAction if action.equals WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION NetworkInfo networkInfo in .getParcelableExtra WifiManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO d networkInfo if networkInfo.isConnected d Wifi is connected .. NetworkInfo networkInfo in .getParcelableExtra WifiManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO d networkInfo if networkInfo.isConnected d Wifi is connected NetworkService.downTheLatch HERE THE SERVICE IS WOKEN Btw not all the.. NetworkInfo networkInfo in .getParcelableExtra WifiManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO d networkInfo if networkInfo.isConnected d Wifi is connected NetworkService.downTheLatch HERE THE SERVICE IS WOKEN Btw not all the tricks in wakeWifiUp..

Android service to check internet connectivity?


Context context Intent intent Bundle extras intent.getExtras NetworkInfo info NetworkInfo extras .getParcelable networkInfo State state info.getState Log.d InternalBroadcastReceiver info.toString state.toString if state State.CONNECTED onNetworkUp..

How to respect network use settings in Android


context.getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE if cm.getBackgroundDataSetting ... NetworkInfo networkInfo cm.getActiveNetworkInfo if networkInfo null networkInfo.isAvailable networkInfo.isConnected with the required entries in.. Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE if cm.getBackgroundDataSetting ... NetworkInfo networkInfo cm.getActiveNetworkInfo if networkInfo null networkInfo.isAvailable networkInfo.isConnected with the required entries in the manifest uses permission android name.. if cm.getBackgroundDataSetting ... NetworkInfo networkInfo cm.getActiveNetworkInfo if networkInfo null networkInfo.isAvailable networkInfo.isConnected with the required entries in the manifest uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET..

CONNECTIVITY_ACTION intent received twice when Wifi connected


My goal is simply to know when a Wifi connection was established so what I am doing in onReceive is this NetworkInfo networkInfo intent.getParcelableExtra ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO if networkInfo.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI networkInfo.isConnected.. doing in onReceive is this NetworkInfo networkInfo intent.getParcelableExtra ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO if networkInfo.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI networkInfo.isConnected Wifi is connected It works fine but I always seem to get two.. intent.getParcelableExtra ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO if networkInfo.getType ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI networkInfo.isConnected Wifi is connected It works fine but I always seem to get two identical intents within about one second when..

How to handle WiFi to Mobile network switch programatically?


ConnectivityManager getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE if connectivityManager null NetworkInfo networkInfo connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo if networkInfo null netType networkInfo.getType Log.d Log connetion is available.. if connectivityManager null NetworkInfo networkInfo connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo if networkInfo null netType networkInfo.getType Log.d Log connetion is available else Log.d Log connetion is not available return.. null NetworkInfo networkInfo connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo if networkInfo null netType networkInfo.getType Log.d Log connetion is available else Log.d Log connetion is not available return networkStatus if networkInfo.isAvailable..