android Programming Glossary: ndkroot
OpenCV Native Samples are not building 's coming from Also I did define my environmental variable NDKROOT to be the absolute path to my ndk. But to be even more safe.. below if it's empty then type in the similar text namely NDKROOT ndk build.cmd where NDKROOT as its name implies refers to the.. in the similar text namely NDKROOT ndk build.cmd where NDKROOT as its name implies refers to the path where your NDK root folder..
Android valgrind build fails tools fi export NDK ANDROID_NDK_HOME export NDKROOT ANDROID_NDK_HOME export HWKIND nexus_s export AR NDKROOT toolchains.. NDKROOT ANDROID_NDK_HOME export HWKIND nexus_s export AR NDKROOT toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.8 prebuilt linux x86_64 bin.. linux x86_64 bin arm linux androideabi ar export LD NDKROOT toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.8 prebuilt linux x86_64 bin..
OpenCV Native Samples are not building 15 29 35 Build Finished took 54ms Where are the double 's coming from Also I did define my environmental variable NDKROOT to be the absolute path to my ndk. But to be even more safe I defined it again in my properties c c build path. HELP android.. text box you're likely to find something similar to that below if it's empty then type in the similar text namely NDKROOT ndk build.cmd where NDKROOT as its name implies refers to the path where your NDK root folder exists. Now you must inform.. to find something similar to that below if it's empty then type in the similar text namely NDKROOT ndk build.cmd where NDKROOT as its name implies refers to the path where your NDK root folder exists. Now you must inform eclipse what NDKROOT equates..
Android valgrind build fails sdk' export PATH PATH ANDROID_SDK_HOME platforms tools ANDROID_SDK_HOME tools fi export NDK ANDROID_NDK_HOME export NDKROOT ANDROID_NDK_HOME export HWKIND nexus_s export AR NDKROOT toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.8 prebuilt linux x86_64 bin.. ANDROID_SDK_HOME tools fi export NDK ANDROID_NDK_HOME export NDKROOT ANDROID_NDK_HOME export HWKIND nexus_s export AR NDKROOT toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.8 prebuilt linux x86_64 bin arm linux androideabi ar export LD NDKROOT toolchains arm.. export AR NDKROOT toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.8 prebuilt linux x86_64 bin arm linux androideabi ar export LD NDKROOT toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.8 prebuilt linux x86_64 bin arm linux androideabi ld export CC NDKROOT toolchains arm..