android Programming Glossary: navigator.useragent
Android: targeted res folders for debugging in eclipse
Android Phone Browser Detection like if Android webOS iPhone iPad iPod BlackBerry i.test navigator.userAgent some code.. You can see if a page with nothing else but a simple..
How can I debug javascript on Android? the version of WebKit If you type javascript alert navigator.userAgent in the location bar you ™ll see the WebKit version listed e.g...
Get the language of user in android your webcontent you then retrieve it through var userLang navigator.userAgent This should only be used for a webview displaying local content...
Detect inside Android Browser or WebView
Pick up the Android version in the browser by Javascript this question function getAndroidVersion ua var ua ua navigator.userAgent var match ua.match Android s 0 9 . return match match 1 false..
scale fit mobile web content using viewport meta tag if Android webOS iPhone iPad iPod BlackBerry i.test navigator.userAgent var ww window .width window.screen.width window .width window.screen.width..
Android: targeted res folders for debugging in eclipse
Android Phone Browser Detection so after testing every possible mobile device with something like if Android webOS iPhone iPad iPod BlackBerry i.test navigator.userAgent some code.. You can see if a page with nothing else but a simple script is not loading in it's ideal time. You get the point...
How can I debug javascript on Android? channel. So you can filter using adb logcat browser S . Determining the version of WebKit If you type javascript alert navigator.userAgent in the location bar you ™ll see the WebKit version listed e.g. In Chrome Mozilla 5.0 Windows U Windows NT 5.1 en US AppleWebKit..
Get the language of user in android
Detect inside Android Browser or WebView
Pick up the Android version in the browser by Javascript browser If so how javascript android website share improve this question function getAndroidVersion ua var ua ua navigator.userAgent var match ua.match Android s 0 9 . return match match 1 false getAndroidVersion 4.2.1 parseInt getAndroidVersion 10 4 parseFloat..
scale fit mobile web content using viewport meta tag scale 1 user scalable no script type text javascript function if Android webOS iPhone iPad iPod BlackBerry i.test navigator.userAgent var ww window .width window.screen.width window .width window.screen.width get proper width var mw 480 min width of site..