android Programming Glossary: needing
How can I catch SIGSEGV (segmentation fault) and get a stack trace under JNI on Android? and call startActivity on an activity that is flagged as needing to be in its own process. 962 AndroidManifest.xml..
how to run media scanner in android uri sendBroadcast scanFileIntent When needing to run on multiple files such as when initializing an app with..
Prevent onPause from trashing OpenGL Context a function to preserve the GL context on pause without needing to be recreated. However there are several caveats Android 3.x..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android to having no more memory for background processes thus needing to start killing needed processes like services. For pure Java..
Setting global styles for Views in Android for TextViews and most other built in widgets without needing to do a custom java class or setting the style individually...
How to make notification intent resume rather than making a new intent? just call that instance back resume it and therefore not needing to load it again and won't need to add another activity to my.. just call that instance back resume it and therefore not needing to load it again and won't need to add another activity to my..
BitmapFactory.decodeResource returns a mutable Bitmap in Android 2.2 and an immutable Bitmap in Android 1.6 bitmap reliably from an application resource without needing a second Bitmap object I could create a mutable one the same..
Understanding Canvas and Surface concepts is compositing the screen using the last buffer without needing to wait for the application to finish drawing. A window is basically..
sliding drawer appear in all activities they should behave and what must they do so you won't be needing to repeat it in every activity class What we do is basically..
Bitmap, Bitmap.recycle(), WeakReferences, and Garbage Collection
Producing optimised NDK code for multiple architectures? of the extra oomph that ARM can provide so you end up needing more or less the same number of instructions anyway. The result..
Android games development SDK? [closed] develop your application entirely on the desktop and only needing 6 lines of code to make it run on Android. Project home http..
What is the use of private Content Providers? through ContentResolver static calls from each one versus needing to deal with opening closing a SQLiteDatabase in each activity..
Android: Viewing SharedPreferences file? the past not having root permission on the file system but needing access to the applications data folder . If you don't have a..
Email from internal storage be portable First CommonsWare is very much correct about needing to make the file world readable fos openFileOutput xmlFilename.. This file can not be opened as a file descriptor; it is probably compressed the processes virtual address space therefore avoiding needing the same amount of memory again for decompression. This post..
How to find the MD5 fingerprint of my Android App md5 keystore share improve this question You will be needing two keystores. One for debug purpose and One for release purpose... and debugging it on simulator or device. You will be needing debug keystores. Otherwise you will not be able to see the map...
Getting SQLiteCursorLoader to observe data changes do this imagine a Loader loading data off of the Internet needing to constantly poll some server to look for changes. I do plan..
Hiding Title in a Fullscreen mode? to the note that has been mentioned about window features needing to be set before setContentView is called link One thing that..
How can I catch SIGSEGV (segmentation fault) and get a stack trace under JNI on Android? android.c 528 In that JNI call log any useful debugging info and call startActivity on an activity that is flagged as needing to be in its own process. 962 AndroidManifest.xml 28 When you come back from Java and call that old handler..
how to run media scanner in android file Intent scanFileIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE uri sendBroadcast scanFileIntent When needing to run on multiple files such as when initializing an app with multiple images I keep a collection of the new images filenames..
Prevent onPause from trashing OpenGL Context a mechanism like SharedPreferences. Update Android 3.x provides a function to preserve the GL context on pause without needing to be recreated. However there are several caveats Android 3.x features are not available to approx. 90 of devices on the..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android to help an application gauge how close the system is coming to having no more memory for background processes thus needing to start killing needed processes like services. For pure Java applications this should be of little use since the Java..
Setting global styles for Views in Android improve this question Actually you can set a default style for TextViews and most other built in widgets without needing to do a custom java class or setting the style individually. If you take a look in themes.xml in the Android source you..
How to make notification intent resume rather than making a new intent? see if the activity has not already been destroyed and i can just call that instance back resume it and therefore not needing to load it again and won't need to add another activity to my stack. Any ideas Any help would be greatly appreciated. package.. see if the activity has not already been destroyed and i can just call that instance back resume it and therefore not needing to load it again and won't need to add another activity to my stack. Get rid of FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK . Add notifyIntent.setFlags..
BitmapFactory.decodeResource returns a mutable Bitmap in Android 2.2 and an immutable Bitmap in Android 1.6 the case. Is there a different call I can make to get a mutable bitmap reliably from an application resource without needing a second Bitmap object I could create a mutable one the same size and draw into a Canvas wrapping it but that would require..
Understanding Canvas and Surface concepts can be drawing its next UI state while the surface flinger is compositing the screen using the last buffer without needing to wait for the application to finish drawing. A window is basically like you think of a window on the desktop. It has a..
sliding drawer appear in all activities here you can get your drawer buttons and define how they should behave and what must they do so you won't be needing to repeat it in every activity class What we do is basically intercept all calls to setContentView int resId inflate our..
Bitmap, Bitmap.recycle(), WeakReferences, and Garbage Collection
Producing optimised NDK code for multiple architectures? for most code. The compiler can't always take advantage of the extra oomph that ARM can provide so you end up needing more or less the same number of instructions anyway. The result of what you see from C C code compiled to ARM or Thumb will..
Android games development SDK? [closed] games based on OpenGL. This allows you to prototype and develop your application entirely on the desktop and only needing 6 lines of code to make it run on Android. Project home http p libgdx 3 Android 2D Engine Engine for 2d..
What is the use of private Content Providers? If you have ten Activity classes in your app you just go through ContentResolver static calls from each one versus needing to deal with opening closing a SQLiteDatabase in each activity as you jump from one activity to another in your app. ContentProvider..
Android: Viewing SharedPreferences file? share improve this question I have ran into this issue in the past not having root permission on the file system but needing access to the applications data folder . If you don't have a rooted device or a developer device such as the ADP1 then you..
Email from internal storage implementation specific and would need a little more work to be portable First CommonsWare is very much correct about needing to make the file world readable fos openFileOutput xmlFilename MODE_WORLD_READABLE Next we need to work around Gmail's insistence.. This file can not be opened as a file descriptor; it is probably compressed because uncompressed files can be directly memory mapped into the processes virtual address space therefore avoiding needing the same amount of memory again for decompression. This post dicusses some techniques in dealing with compressed files...
How to find the MD5 fingerprint of my Android App instructions appreciated Thanks in advance android cmd md5 keystore share improve this question You will be needing two keystores. One for debug purpose and One for release purpose. While you are developing your application via eclipse.. purpose. While you are developing your application via eclipse and debugging it on simulator or device. You will be needing debug keystores. Otherwise you will not be able to see the map. debug keystore is already present into your system. Try..
Getting SQLiteCursorLoader to observe data changes Moreover there are some cases where is clearly a bad idea to do this imagine a Loader loading data off of the Internet needing to constantly poll some server to look for changes. I do plan on augmenting SQLiteCursorLoader to be at least a bit more..
Hiding Title in a Fullscreen mode? sure if you can do that with the official Window Title due to the note that has been mentioned about window features needing to be set before setContentView is called link One thing that you could do is implement your own title bar and dynamically..