android Programming Glossary: necessarily
How do you create a transparent demo screen for an Android app? properly on different devices. I.e. the arrows may not necessarily point to the correct UI component in the background. Is there..
Duplicate ID, tag null, or parent id with another fragment for and starting it again. Since the application isn't necessarily completely shut down but just put to sleep in the background..
disable all home button and task bar features on Nexus 7 cover it all. EDIT 2 I just realized tested and you do NOT necessarily need the BOOT_COMPLETED intent if you make your application..
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? of dp to pixel will change with the screen density but not necessarily in direct proportion. Note The compiler accepts both dip and..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? the same way in that pressing the iPhone button does not necessarily feel like the app was terminated since many iPhone apps pick..
Android - Controlling a task with Timer and TimerTask? cancel on the Timer instead of the TimerTask If you do not necessarily need Timer and TimerTask you can always use postDelayed available..
Android: Access child views from a ListView on an index that's internal to the ViewGroup and doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the position in the list that the ListView..
what is the difference between sendStickyBroadcast and sendBroadcast in Android you can use this to find the state of the battery without necessarily registering for all future state changes in the battery. share..
Android: How do I attach a temporary, generated image to an email? of the solution that eventually worked for me. It is not necessarily a best practice approach. Caveat 3 This does mean that the application..
Android: Want to set custom fonts for whole application not runtime custom font in every control of the application And not necessarily runtime i.e. from xml if possible or only once for whole application..
how to stop ASyncTask thread in android calling cancel boolean mayInterruptIfRunning doesn't necessarily stop the execution of the background process. All that seems..
Android Spinner with different layouts for “drop down state” and “closed state”? to something called setDropDownViewResource but that's not necessarily what I need since my spinner data is fetched from a Cursor not..
Android - Cancel AsyncTask Forcefully that calling cancel boolean mayInterruptIfRunning doesn't necessarily stop the execution of the background process. All that seems..
Android Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images String SoftReference Bitmap Note your OOM problems may not necessarily be related to your Bitmap cache. Always ensure you stop interrupt..
android live wallpaper rescaling comments in re your request for more help... You cannot necessarily scale your artwork just using the width because you need to..
Bluetooth pairing without user confirmation reflection because the code did exist...but I wouldn't necessarily recommend this for mass distributed production applications...
Wifi Connect-Disconnect Listener you're checking for whether Wi Fi is enabled that doesn't necessarily mean that it's connected . It just means that Wi Fi mode on..
Android: AsyncTask vs Service new data etc. Also as Sherif already said services do not necessarily run off of the UI thread. For the most part Service s are for..
Android REST client, Sample? app would use normally. It could be a singleton but not necessarily. The response of the REST call is parsed by this layer into..
How do you create a transparent demo screen for an Android app? that has the text and arrows it's likely that it will not scale properly on different devices. I.e. the arrows may not necessarily point to the correct UI component in the background. Is there a way to tackle this problem as well Thanks Here's my code..
Duplicate ID, tag null, or parent id with another fragment for were some adverse effects such as when exiting the application and starting it again. Since the application isn't necessarily completely shut down but just put to sleep in the background the previous code i submitted would fail upon restarting the..
disable all home button and task bar features on Nexus 7 finally press Reset apps . I think that should just about cover it all. EDIT 2 I just realized tested and you do NOT necessarily need the BOOT_COMPLETED intent if you make your application a launcher. This means that the uses permission receiver and..
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? so one dp is one pixel on a 160 dpi screen. The ratio of dp to pixel will change with the screen density but not necessarily in direct proportion. Note The compiler accepts both dip and dp though dp is more consistent with sp . sp Scale independent..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? a Web page or terminating a thermostat. iPhone users are much the same way in that pressing the iPhone button does not necessarily feel like the app was terminated since many iPhone apps pick up where the user left off even if the app really was shut..
Android - Controlling a task with Timer and TimerTask? indicate if your request succeeds or fails Try purge or cancel on the Timer instead of the TimerTask If you do not necessarily need Timer and TimerTask you can always use postDelayed available on Handler and on any View . This will schedule a Runnable..
Android: Access child views from a ListView views that are visible right now. So getChildAt operates on an index that's internal to the ViewGroup and doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the position in the list that the ListView uses. android android listview share improve this..
what is the difference between sendStickyBroadcast and sendBroadcast in Android
Android: How do I attach a temporary, generated image to an email? not in my required SDK version. Caveat 2 This is an overview of the solution that eventually worked for me. It is not necessarily a best practice approach. Caveat 3 This does mean that the application has to have an SD Card mounted in order to have the..
Android: Want to set custom fonts for whole application not runtime for whole application not runtime Is it possible to set any custom font in every control of the application And not necessarily runtime i.e. from xml if possible or only once for whole application in JAVA file I can set the font for one control from..
how to stop ASyncTask thread in android share improve this question In my experience with AsyncTask calling cancel boolean mayInterruptIfRunning doesn't necessarily stop the execution of the background process. All that seems to happen is that the AsyncTask will execute onCancelled and..
Android Spinner with different layouts for “drop down state” and “closed state”? I attach an ArrayAdapter to the spinner then I get access to something called setDropDownViewResource but that's not necessarily what I need since my spinner data is fetched from a Cursor not from an Array of any kind I have as of now created my own..
Android - Cancel AsyncTask Forcefully I found about the Cancel method of the same but i found that calling cancel boolean mayInterruptIfRunning doesn't necessarily stop the execution of the background process. All that seems to happen is that the AsyncTask will execute onCancelled and..
Android Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images HashMap String SoftReference Bitmap cache new HashMap String SoftReference Bitmap Note your OOM problems may not necessarily be related to your Bitmap cache. Always ensure you stop interrupt the thread spawned by your image loader in your Activity's..
android live wallpaper rescaling guide practices screens_support.html Additional comments in re your request for more help... You cannot necessarily scale your artwork just using the width because you need to support multiple aspect ratios. If the screen proportions do..
Bluetooth pairing without user confirmation
Wifi Connect-Disconnect Listener wifi android wifi share improve this question Actually you're checking for whether Wi Fi is enabled that doesn't necessarily mean that it's connected . It just means that Wi Fi mode on the phone is enabled and able to connect to Wi Fi networks...
Android: AsyncTask vs Service of this include playing music continually checking for new data etc. Also as Sherif already said services do not necessarily run off of the UI thread. For the most part Service s are for when you want to run code even when your application's Activity..
Android REST client, Sample? entry point into the REST client API. This is the layer the app would use normally. It could be a singleton but not necessarily. The response of the REST call is parsed by this layer into a POJO and returned to the app. This is the lower level AsyncTask..