android Programming Glossary: navigate
android - need some clarifications of fragments vs activities and views me elaborate The ActionBar. If you want tabs up there to navigate your app you quickly see that ActionBar.TabListener inferface..
Android emulator doesn't take keyboard input - SDK tools rev 20 add hw.dPad yes if you wish to use the arrow keys to navigate the application list. Reference http tools..
Steps to create APK expansion file as uploaded apk Very Important In SampleDownloaderActivity navigate to... private static final XAPKFile xAPKS new XAPKFile true..
Problems with Android Fragment back stack you have 3 Fragments 1 2 3 I want the user to be able to navigate 1 2 3 but on the way back pressing back button 3 1 . As I would..
Saving Activity state in Android but it always gives me the first message no matter how I navigate away from the app. I'm sure it's probably something simple like..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock load your TestProject then goto File Import Module.. . Now navigate to ActionBarSherlock under documents Android Workspace ActionBarSherlock..
Making the Android emulator run faster Android 2.3.3 Go to the Android SDK root folder and navigate to extras intel Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager. Execute..
Focusable EditText inside ListView All I want to do is be able to use the jogball arrows to navigate the selector to individual items like normal but when I get.. focusability and set focus on the EditText. And when I navigate out of that header change it back it again. public void onItemSelected..
android: using ActivityGroup to embed activities and should always be visible. The user would be able to navigate from one activity to another in the window without causing any..
How to use multiple MapActivities/MapViews per Android application/process place is displayed. The problem now is that if the user navigates back to the first MapActivity the one that shows multiple places.. singleTask since the user should always be able to navigate back to the first MapActivity that shows multiple places. I..
How to capture an image and store it with the native Android Camera taken and I'm returned back to my original Activity When I navigate to my sd card via Android DDMS File Explorer the picture is..
Adding a library/JAR to an Eclipse Android project Build Path then click the Libraries tab then Add JARs... navigate to your new JAR in the libs directory and add it. This incidentally..
Integration ZXing library directly into my Android application and extract it With the use of Windows Commandline Run CMD navigate to the extracted directory In the commandline window Type 'ant..
Highlight ListView selected row that shows a list of text items. The user can freely navigate through the list using the trackball but also alternatively..
difference about SAX and DOM XML is generated and returned. Once parsed the user can navigate the tree to access the various data previously embedded in the..
ViewPager as a circular queue / wrapping The ViewPager shows Fragment A initially and allows you to navigate to Fragment B by swiping from right to left and then to Fragment..
Difference between ActionBarSherlock and ActionBar Compatibility and is the coding same Example Does app icon to navigate up or ActionBar.Tab supported in Action Bar Compatibility java..
Up navigation broken on JellyBean? to the docs public boolean navigateUpTo Intent upIntent Navigate from this activity to the activity specified by upIntent finishing..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview webView.setWebChromeClient webChromeClient Navigate everywhere you want this classes have only been tested on YouTube's..
start navigating to position which is stored in database saved position .setCancelable false .setPositiveButton Navigate new DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void onClick DialogInterface..
Setting JAVA_HOME at Android SDK the Classpath tab on the right. Click Add External JARs... Navigate to C jdk1.6.0_23 lib and select tools.jar then click open. Hit..
Integration ZXing library directly into my Android application Properties Java Build Path Library Add External JARs... Navigate to the newly extracted folder and open the core directory and..
Issues with SHA1 hash implementation in Android to a non space containing path. You can start now cygwin. Navigate to the NDK. The path cydrive gives you all available drives..
Android NDK revision 7 Host 'awk' tool is outdated error share improve this question Solved the problem. Solution Navigate to .. android ndk r7 prebuilt linux x86 bin Rename the file..
android - need some clarifications of fragments vs activities and views are wired in to the Android API from HoneyComb and up. Let me elaborate The ActionBar. If you want tabs up there to navigate your app you quickly see that ActionBar.TabListener inferface gives you a FragmentTransaction as an input argument to the..
Android emulator doesn't take keyboard input - SDK tools rev 20 To ~ .android avd emulator device name .avd config.ini Similarly add hw.dPad yes if you wish to use the arrow keys to navigate the application list. Reference http tools devices managing avds cmdline.html#hardwareopts On Mac..
Steps to create APK expansion file for testing to your packagename packagename same as uploaded apk Very Important In SampleDownloaderActivity navigate to... private static final XAPKFile xAPKS new XAPKFile true true signifies a main file 2 the version of the APK that..
Problems with Android Fragment back stack would be most grateful for any help that is offered. Imagine you have 3 Fragments 1 2 3 I want the user to be able to navigate 1 2 3 but on the way back pressing back button 3 1 . As I would have imagined this would be accomplished by not calling..
Saving Activity state in Android that might be all one needed to do for the simplest case but it always gives me the first message no matter how I navigate away from the app. I'm sure it's probably something simple like overriding onPause or something like that but I've been..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock Android Workspace TestProject 3 Open Android Studio load your TestProject then goto File Import Module.. . Now navigate to ActionBarSherlock under documents Android Workspace ActionBarSherlock Click Ok and next all the way to finish. It will..
Making the Android emulator run faster Manager Extras Install Intel x86 Atom System Images SDK Manager Android 2.3.3 Go to the Android SDK root folder and navigate to extras intel Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager. Execute file IntelHaxm.exe to install. Create AVD with Intel atom..
Focusable EditText inside ListView a header view that contains an EditText widget and a Button. All I want to do is be able to use the jogball arrows to navigate the selector to individual items like normal but when I get to a particular row even if I have to explicitly identify the.. position contains a focusable view I can change descendant focusability and set focus on the EditText. And when I navigate out of that header change it back it again. public void onItemSelected AdapterView listView View view int position long..
android: using ActivityGroup to embed activities and controls that are independent of the above activity and should always be visible. The user would be able to navigate from one activity to another in the window without causing any change to the below controls. While looking into the issue..
How to use multiple MapActivities/MapViews per Android application/process of the MapActivity is created except that now only this single place is displayed. The problem now is that if the user navigates back to the first MapActivity the one that shows multiple places the tiles won't be loaded anymore sometimes OutOfMemoryErrors.. However I don't want to define my MapActivity as a singleInstance singleTask since the user should always be able to navigate back to the first MapActivity that shows multiple places. I have seen that the Google Places app which has come with Google..
How to capture an image and store it with the native Android Camera startActivityForResult intent 0 After the picture has been taken and I'm returned back to my original Activity When I navigate to my sd card via Android DDMS File Explorer the picture is not there. Anyone know why this is not being saved android..
Adding a library/JAR to an Eclipse Android project . Right click on your project choose Build Path Configure Build Path then click the Libraries tab then Add JARs... navigate to your new JAR in the libs directory and add it. This incidentally is the moment at which your new JAR is converted for..
Integration ZXing library directly into my Android application config help Download the ZXing source from ZXing homepage and extract it With the use of Windows Commandline Run CMD navigate to the extracted directory In the commandline window Type 'ant f core build.xml' press enter and let Apache work it's magic..
Highlight ListView selected row touch mode.html Imagine a simple application ApiDemos for example that shows a list of text items. The user can freely navigate through the list using the trackball but also alternatively scroll and fling the list using the touch screen. The issue..
difference about SAX and DOM The entire XML is parsed and a DOM tree of the nodes in the XML is generated and returned. Once parsed the user can navigate the tree to access the various data previously embedded in the various nodes in the XML. In general DOM is easier to use..
ViewPager as a circular queue / wrapping fragments. Let's say I have three fragments A B and C . The ViewPager shows Fragment A initially and allows you to navigate to Fragment B by swiping from right to left and then to Fragment C by swiping again. This allows the following navigation..
Difference between ActionBarSherlock and ActionBar Compatibility that the Action Bar Compatibility works same as the ActionBarSherlock and is the coding same Example Does app icon to navigate up or ActionBar.Tab supported in Action Bar Compatibility java android actionbarsherlock android actionbar android actionbar..
Up navigation broken on JellyBean? things off to the native call in the Activity API. According to the docs public boolean navigateUpTo Intent upIntent Navigate from this activity to the activity specified by upIntent finishing this activity in the process. If the activity indicated..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview .getDecorView .setSystemUiVisibility View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_VISIBLE webView.setWebChromeClient webChromeClient Navigate everywhere you want this classes have only been tested on YouTube's mobile site webView.loadUrl http And don't..
start navigating to position which is stored in database this alt_bld.setMessage Do you want to navigate to the saved position .setCancelable false .setPositiveButton Navigate new DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void onClick DialogInterface dialog int id Action for 'Yes' Button String..
Setting JAVA_HOME at Android SDK on the left and click on Runtime Click on Global Entries in the Classpath tab on the right. Click Add External JARs... Navigate to C jdk1.6.0_23 lib and select tools.jar then click open. Hit ok to Close the preferences Window. In your situation however..
Integration ZXing library directly into my Android application in the directory you just extracted Right click project folder Properties Java Build Path Library Add External JARs... Navigate to the newly extracted folder and open the core directory and select core.jar ... hit enter Now you just have to correct..
Issues with SHA1 hash implementation in Android Finish . Download the zip file and extract the NDK to a non space containing path. You can start now cygwin. Navigate to the NDK. The path cydrive gives you all available drives f.e. cd cygdrive d navigates to the drive with the letter D..
Android NDK revision 7 Host 'awk' tool is outdated error on latest android ndk revision 7. android android ndk share improve this question Solved the problem. Solution Navigate to .. android ndk r7 prebuilt linux x86 bin Rename the file awk to awk_ Imoprtant thing to note on windows machine ndk revision..