android Programming Glossary: networking
Is there any way to run Python on Android?
How to check internet access on Android? InetAddress never timeouts return main.continueAfterHostCheck android networking asynchronous share improve this question @Eddie. Just a minor..
Network listener Android would be really helpful. Thanks in advance. java android networking listener android networking share improve this question New.. in advance. java android networking listener android networking share improve this question New java class public class ConnectionChangeReceiver..
Can Android do peer-to-peer ad-hoc networking? Android do peer to peer ad hoc networking Is it possible to set up Android in ad hoc peer to peer wifi.. use wifi since bluetooth range is more limited. android networking wifi p2p adhoc share improve this question Here's a bug..
Intent action for network events in android sdk way to catch network events. android intentfilter android networking share improve this question Here's a working example uses..
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? usb connection or possibly other viable options android networking tcp debugging adb share improve this question Manual Process..
Detect network connection type on Android and the answer is limited to Wifi and mobile android networking wifi connectivity share improve this question If the problem..
How can I monitor the network connection status in Android? in network connection or if it is lost entirely android networking share improve this question Listen for CONNECTIVITY_ACTION..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime is of importance. Thanks in advance Regards Jacob android networking runtime nine patch share improve this question getNinePatchChunk..
NetworkOnMainThreadException been testing my app quite a bit and as far as I know all networking is off the main thread using Roboguice RoboAsyncTask but you.. grace period or something Or is that elapsed now android networking asynchronous android asynctask networkonmainthread share improve.. this question With honeycomb you can not perform a networking operation on its main thread as documentation says. For this..
Android download binary file problems buffer 0 f.write buffer 0 len1 Perhaps the higher latency networking or smaller packet sizes of 3G on Android are exacerbating the..
Android post JSON using HTTP them to work. I believe this is because of my lack of JSON networking knowledge in general. I know there are plenty of examples out..
android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException . Need to use async task? that is thrown when an application attempts to perform a networking operation on its main thread. UPDATE Its Better to use AsyncTask..
Android - android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException the main execution thread of the app not being able to do networking. What I am wondering is how to restructure my code so that it.. that is thrown when an application attempts to perform a networking operation on its main thread. You should call sendfeedback method..
Volley Android Networking Library Android Networking Library I have few questions around using Volley in my projects..
Android Volley - Quickstart [closed] For details check out Google I O 2013 Volley Easy Fast Networking for Android . Add Volley library to your project from git repository...
How can I discover zeroconf (Bonjour) services on Android? I'm having trouble with jmDNS name android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE Networking code WifiManager wifi getSystemService Context.WIFI_SERVICE..
How to Ping External IP from Java Android emulator.html#emulatornetworking On the topic of Local Networking Limitations it says Depending on the environment the emulator..
What happens to JavaScript code after app is compiled using Titanium Mobile from UI widgets yes including WebView Core APIs like Networking Filesystem Database all the way to OS specific things like JS..
error connection refused localhost/ - Connection refused
Stream live video from phone to phone using socket fd mHolder Video variable MediaRecorder recorder Networking variables public static String SERVERIP public static final..
Is there any way to run Python on Android?
How to check internet access on Android? InetAddress never timeouts onPostExecute if result 0 false main.setContentView R.layout.splash return main.continueAfterHostCheck android networking asynchronous share improve this question @Eddie. Just a minor edit to your solution if the device is in airplane mode..
Network listener Android explain the same. If anyone had done or any example links would be really helpful. Thanks in advance. java android networking listener android networking share improve this question New java class public class ConnectionChangeReceiver extends.. had done or any example links would be really helpful. Thanks in advance. java android networking listener android networking share improve this question New java class public class ConnectionChangeReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver @Override..
Can Android do peer-to-peer ad-hoc networking? Android do peer to peer ad hoc networking Is it possible to set up Android in ad hoc peer to peer wifi mode For example I would like to have one phone broadcast.. the broadcast without having a server. I would like to use wifi since bluetooth range is more limited. android networking wifi p2p adhoc share improve this question Here's a bug report on the feature you're requesting. It's status is reviewed..
Intent action for network events in android sdk right intent action if I am wrong OR if there is any other way to catch network events. android intentfilter android networking share improve this question Here's a working example uses permission android name android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE..
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? to the daemon on the device using the network instead of the usb connection or possibly other viable options android networking tcp debugging adb share improve this question Manual Process From Your Device if it is Rooted According to a post on..
Detect network connection type on Android Is it through ConnectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo .getType and the answer is limited to Wifi and mobile android networking wifi connectivity share improve this question If the problem is to find whether the phone's network is connected and..
How can I monitor the network connection status in Android? the network connection. Is there a way to listen for changes in network connection or if it is lost entirely android networking share improve this question Listen for CONNECTIVITY_ACTION This looks like good sample code . Here is a snippet BroadcastReceiver..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime is greatly appreciated I'm targeting API level 4 if that is of importance. Thanks in advance Regards Jacob android networking runtime nine patch share improve this question getNinePatchChunk works just fine. It returned null because you were..
NetworkOnMainThreadException and was wondering if the emulator is throwing this. I have been testing my app quite a bit and as far as I know all networking is off the main thread using Roboguice RoboAsyncTask but you never know if one has not escaped. I am also using StrictMode.. to prepare for this happening in production What about a grace period or something Or is that elapsed now android networking asynchronous android asynctask networkonmainthread share improve this question With honeycomb you can not perform a networking.. asynchronous android asynctask networkonmainthread share improve this question With honeycomb you can not perform a networking operation on its main thread as documentation says. For this reason you must use handler or asynctask. There is no another..
Android download binary file problems
Android post JSON using HTTP found plenty of examples online but I cannot get any of them to work. I believe this is because of my lack of JSON networking knowledge in general. I know there are plenty of examples out there but could someone point me to an actual tutorial I'm..
android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException . Need to use async task? NetworkOnMainThreadException from the Docs The exception that is thrown when an application attempts to perform a networking operation on its main thread. UPDATE Its Better to use AsyncTask private class MyAsyncTask extends AsyncTask Void Void Void..
Android - android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException On that discussion they talk about the main execution thread of the app not being able to do networking. What I am wondering is how to restructure my code so that it is inline with Android good practices. Here is my Activity.. this question NetworkOnMainThreadException The exception that is thrown when an application attempts to perform a networking operation on its main thread. You should call sendfeedback method on asynctask then only above code will work. As webserver..
Volley Android Networking Library Android Networking Library I have few questions around using Volley in my projects Can this library be used in any Java project or just Android..
Android Volley - Quickstart [closed] Volley Quickstart closed Introduction For details check out Google I O 2013 Volley Easy Fast Networking for Android . Add Volley library to your project from git repository. git clone https platform..
How can I discover zeroconf (Bonjour) services on Android? I'm having trouble with jmDNS automatically. AndroidManifest.xml uses permission android name android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE Networking code WifiManager wifi getSystemService Context.WIFI_SERVICE MulticastLock lock wifi.createMulticastLock fliing_lock lock.setReferenceCounted..
How to Ping External IP from Java Android http guide developing devices emulator.html#emulatornetworking On the topic of Local Networking Limitations it says Depending on the environment the emulator may not be able to support other protocols such as ICMP used..
What happens to JavaScript code after app is compiled using Titanium Mobile a comprehensive set of Native APIs that enable this. Everything from UI widgets yes including WebView Core APIs like Networking Filesystem Database all the way to OS specific things like JS Activities in Android. On the JS runtime front we're shipping..
error connection refused localhost/ - Connection refused
Stream live video from phone to phone using socket fd Elements VideoView mView TextView connectionStatus SurfaceHolder mHolder Video variable MediaRecorder recorder Networking variables public static String SERVERIP public static final int SERVERPORT 6775 private Handler handler new Handler private..