android Programming Glossary: navigating
Passing on variables from ViewModel to another View (MVVMCross) In the IOS I have the following construction for navigating to another page the code below is located in a ViewModel KeyValuePair.. objects then please see http 2013 01 navigating between viewmodels by more.html . Also note that if you want..
Navigation Drawer (Google+ vs. YouTube) make much sense. Swiping is supposed to provide a means of navigating between pages not a means of global navigation. This might be..
Blinking/flickering with JQM and PhoneGap on Android at all. Rest is pretty much standard jQuery. When I am navigating from page to page I get a white blink entire page for a brief.. # topic phonegap EtZ2KwseKQ0 and Flickering when navigating between pages . I tried switching of fixed headers again I am..
Android - Tabs, MapView, activities within tabs Now if you try to overhaul your application such that navigating in a tab doesn't launch another activity but rather keeps things..
preserve google maps settings screen until user takes action startActivity intent Now when I press OK in order to start navigating a dialog appears from google maps where it says that some services..
How to close Android application? invoked by the user or the app finishing the activity by navigating from the activity so the HOME key was not pressed. UIHelper.homeKeyPressed.. the app will be killed. Otherwise the user or the app is navigating away from this activity so assume that the HOME key will be.. invoked by the user or the app starting the activity by navigating to the activity so the HOME key was not pressed. UIHelper.homeKeyPressed..
Horizontal “tab”ish scroll between views weather news widget that comes with the Nexus One does for navigating between its tabs . Are there any existing view widgets that..
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites bottom of the history stack and preventing the user from navigating back to previously seen logged in activities. I also tried using.. option as the back button will still be available for use navigating back as activities close themselves. The next option is to maintain..
Android Webview Anchor Link (Jump link) not working ignored when launched via the URL. Other symptoms include navigating to the link only on the first time in a session or navigating.. to the link only on the first time in a session or navigating to the bottom of the html file. The Solution is to load the..
Android WebView - Intercept clicks do I capture the click on this stop the WebView from navigating and then informing the Activity that http was clicked..
Android app out of memory issues - tried everything and still at a loss is each B page. The general gist of the problem is after navigating for a bit depending on the size of each page I get an out of..
Passing on variables from ViewModel to another View (MVVMCross) how to solve so hopefully you can push me in the right direction. In the IOS I have the following construction for navigating to another page the code below is located in a ViewModel KeyValuePair string string kvpAct1 new KeyValuePair string string.. experiment with navigation using your own custom serialised objects then please see http 2013 01 navigating between viewmodels by more.html . Also note that if you want to use the anonymous object navigation RequestNavigate TwitterViewModel..
Navigation Drawer (Google+ vs. YouTube) content i.e. everything under the action bar wouldn't make much sense. Swiping is supposed to provide a means of navigating between pages not a means of global navigation. This might be why they decided to do it differently in the G app than they..
Blinking/flickering with JQM and PhoneGap on Android and up . On the pages I use fixed headers and no transitions at all. Rest is pretty much standard jQuery. When I am navigating from page to page I get a white blink entire page for a brief moment. I searched on the Internet for hours. Failed trying.. mobile issues 4024 and https forum fromgroups # topic phonegap EtZ2KwseKQ0 and Flickering when navigating between pages . I tried switching of fixed headers again I am not using transition effects .. I tried jQuery Mobile 1.3.1...
Android - Tabs, MapView, activities within tabs if you have the main activity use Views for its tab contents. Now if you try to overhaul your application such that navigating in a tab doesn't launch another activity but rather keeps things within its own tab...that is a whole 'nuther kettle of..
preserve google maps settings screen until user takes action saddr current_latitude current_longitude daddr mylat mylon startActivity intent Now when I press OK in order to start navigating a dialog appears from google maps where it says that some services are not available etc and it has a button to go to settings..
How to close Android application? UIHelper.checkJustLaunced public void finish This can only invoked by the user or the app finishing the activity by navigating from the activity so the HOME key was not pressed. UIHelper.homeKeyPressed false super.finish public void onStop super.onStop.. if the HOME key was pressed. If the HOME key was pressed then the app will be killed. Otherwise the user or the app is navigating away from this activity so assume that the HOME key will be pressed next unless a navigation event by the user or the app.. public void onStart super.onStart This can only invoked by the user or the app starting the activity by navigating to the activity so the HOME key was not pressed. UIHelper.homeKeyPressed false public void finish This can only invoked..
Horizontal “tab”ish scroll between views velocity. This interaction is exactly like what the new weather news widget that comes with the Nexus One does for navigating between its tabs . Are there any existing view widgets that do this Update found a copy of the news weather widget GenieWidget..
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites does not achieve my goal of placing the Login activity at the bottom of the history stack and preventing the user from navigating back to previously seen logged in activities. I also tried using android launchMode singleTop for the Login activity in.. in status and finish if not logged in. I do not like this option as the back button will still be available for use navigating back as activities close themselves. The next option is to maintain a LinkedList of references to all open activities that..
Android Webview Anchor Link (Jump link) not working #LINK does work when launched from a touch in an href but is ignored when launched via the URL. Other symptoms include navigating to the link only on the first time in a session or navigating to the bottom of the html file. The Solution is to load the.. when launched via the URL. Other symptoms include navigating to the link only on the first time in a session or navigating to the bottom of the html file. The Solution is to load the url after a short delay. Here is an example My html is saved..
Android WebView - Intercept clicks my asset folder. a href http a How in my Activity do I capture the click on this stop the WebView from navigating and then informing the Activity that http was clicked android webview share improve this question Then you..
Android app out of memory issues - tried everything and still at a loss and badges of the same user so each P page is the same and so is each B page. The general gist of the problem is after navigating for a bit depending on the size of each page I get an out of memory exception in random places Bitmaps Strings etc it doesn't..