android Programming Glossary: nearest
Declare local variables as late as possible or at the nearest curly brace they belong? [closed] local variables as late as possible or at the nearest curly brace they belong closed I am working to set some programming..
Android Set Multiple Alarms times along the time. I've already searched but the nearest I found was a fixed number of alarms set and I guess the example..
Setting drawable folder to use for different resolutions folder is not present Android will check for the nearest possible folder and optimize it for the device screen Now regarding..
JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed] scale bitmaps including choice of which algorithm to use nearest neighbour and bilinear interpolation should be enough . use..
Get the distance between two geo points geo points I want to make a apps that check what's the nearest place from where the user is. I can easily get the location.. and longitude. What would be the best way to know the nearest place of the list against the current position. I could not..
How to periodically scan for bluetooth devices on android with android phone in my hand I should be able to get the nearest dongle which I can connect to Stupid Idea but I want to do something..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) SQlite Getting nearest locations with latitude and longitude I don't know if I'm wierd.. and lng stored in my SQLite database and I want to get the nearest locations to the parameters I put in ex. my current location..
How to show marker in Maps launched by geo uri Intent? want a label and it will choose one randomly based on the nearest street or other thing it thinks relevant. share improve this..
How to make a chat application in android? I want to show an online user in google maps which is nearest to the area which I have selected and have the ability to chat..
How to get rid of Jagged edges in Android OpenGL ES?
Crop image ala Google Goggles myView.selectCorner int me.getRawX int me.getRawY selecst nearest corner if me.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE Log.d TAG ACTION_MOVE..
How to find Location near by my Current location? create a new Activity where you want to get the list of nearest places. package place if you pass the atm the it will return the list of nearest atm list. if you want to get the every thing then you should..
how to fix double precision issue in java [duplicate] Please remember that I am not trying to round it to the nearest integer. java android double double precision share improve..
Show Current Location and Nearby Places and Route between two places using Google Maps API in Android in Android to locate my current location and need to find nearest location . For example Nearby police station from my current.. accept my current location and output should display nearest place. Can anyone help me to give some suggestion links tutorial..
How to use Blend to make a polygon transparent?
Declare local variables as late as possible or at the nearest curly brace they belong? [closed] local variables as late as possible or at the nearest curly brace they belong closed I am working to set some programming practices standards for my organization. Doing so i..
Android Set Multiple Alarms implement an Android app that needs to alarm or to alert multiple times along the time. I've already searched but the nearest I found was a fixed number of alarms set and I guess the example didn't work. What I want to know if there is exists an..
Setting drawable folder to use for different resolutions images you dont have to put another folder. Because if a particular folder is not present Android will check for the nearest possible folder and optimize it for the device screen Now regarding the 10 inch tablets case they are xlarge devices and..
JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed] that i think could be useful get current bitmap info scale bitmaps including choice of which algorithm to use nearest neighbour and bilinear interpolation should be enough . use different bitmap formats do the decoding within JNI to avoid..
Get the distance between two geo points the distance between two geo points I want to make a apps that check what's the nearest place from where the user is. I can easily get the location of the user and I have a list of places with latitude and longitude... location of the user and I have a list of places with latitude and longitude. What would be the best way to know the nearest place of the list against the current position. I could not find anything in the google APIs. I am worried I need to resort..
How to periodically scan for bluetooth devices on android in a place like a mall or library.As I move in the mall with android phone in my hand I should be able to get the nearest dongle which I can connect to Stupid Idea but I want to do something else with this .For this I should be able to continuously..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) SQlite Getting nearest locations with latitude and longitude I don't know if I'm wierd but I haven't found any topic about the subject. The thing.. topic about the subject. The thing is I have data with lat and lng stored in my SQLite database and I want to get the nearest locations to the parameters I put in ex. my current location lat lng . I know that this is possible in MySql and I've done..
How to show marker in Maps launched by geo uri Intent?
How to make a chat application in android? how to add chat feature in my own application in android I want to show an online user in google maps which is nearest to the area which I have selected and have the ability to chat with that online user android sdk chat share improve this..
How to get rid of Jagged edges in Android OpenGL ES?
Crop image ala Google Goggles if me.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN START_DRAGGING true myView.selectCorner int me.getRawX int me.getRawY selecst nearest corner if me.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE Log.d TAG ACTION_MOVE myView.moveCorner int me.getRawX int me.getRawY move..
How to find Location near by my Current location? Exception e e.printStackTrace return content.toString Now create a new Activity where you want to get the list of nearest places. package import import lat and lang.The third argument is used to set the specific place if you pass the atm the it will return the list of nearest atm list. if you want to get the every thing then you should be pass only hear you should be pass the you current location..
how to fix double precision issue in java [duplicate] to get the following results. 0.3 3 0.9 0.6 3 1.8 0.2 0.2 0.04 Please remember that I am not trying to round it to the nearest integer. java android double double precision share improve this question You should really be using java.math.BigDecimal..
Show Current Location and Nearby Places and Route between two places using Google Maps API in Android Android I need to develop an application using Google Maps in Android to locate my current location and need to find nearest location . For example Nearby police station from my current location . It should accept my current location and output.. Nearby police station from my current location . It should accept my current location and output should display nearest place. Can anyone help me to give some suggestion links tutorial to do that android google maps google places api share..
How to use Blend to make a polygon transparent?