android Programming Glossary: configure
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen mobile desktop displays are always low density. Always configure your Android emulators to mimic real device values and always.. from the Eclipse menu bar select Window AVD Manager New configured with values for real devices Name the emulator for the real..
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue is misconfigured for Facebook login Android Facebook integration issue I have.. login screen after login he gets a message. Myapp is misconfigured for Facebook login.Press Okay to go back to the application.. . If you see this error message that means you did not configure your app settings correctly on your dashboard . Double check..
What's LazyList? options provide imageurl imageview and options You can configure with other options to suit your needs. Along with lazy loading..
Android Studio installation on Windows 7 fails, no JDK found idea properties file to see if there was something I could configure for this ANDROID_STUDIO_JDK or something like that. However..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock is an example guide http android 2012 09 how to configure actionbarsherlock with intellij idea However I'm still unsure..
How can I create an Android application in Android Studio that uses the Google Maps Api v2? module paradigm. I haven't been able to successfully configure the google play services sdk http google..
How to make an android app return to the last open activity when relaunched? the last open activity when relaunched Is it possible to configure an android app so that if a user has opened your app launched..
Detecting SMS incoming and outgoing android . For the incoming messages you can indeed configure a broadcastlistener for detection. Detecting outgoing messages..
overlay two images in android to set an imageview define it in XML then simply set the image or you can configure a LayerDrawable dynamically in code. Solution #1 via XML Create..
Android 2.1 View's getDrawingCache() method always returns null bmp I've already tried different ways to configure the View object for generating the drawing cache e.g. View.setWillNotDraw..
How to use multiple MapActivities/MapViews per Android application/process is the case your app running in one process if you don't configure anything specific. You could though use the android process..
stop watch logic EDIT Added Code. Nice Exercise Use the Refresh_Rate to configure how often your UI is updated. import import..
Multiple Instances Of Widget Only Updating Last widget Activity When the Widget is started it starts with the configure activity and I set it up by making a custom call to the widgetprovider..
How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain Configure BouncyCastle for Android Client No need to configure since Android supports Bouncy Castle Version 1.46 internally..
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? exec Params... params method. This allows for instance to configure the size of the delayed tasks queue if default 10 is not what..
How can i configure gmail in Android emulator? can i configure gmail in Android emulator I want to send email from emulator... emulator I want to send email from emulator. How can i configure the emulator android email configuration gmail emulator share..
Admob implementation Error 13 . After you have installed this SDK version you need to configure your IDE to build your project using this SDK. The exact setting..
The application AChartengine has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again Eclipse Right click your project go to build path select Configure build path go to the Order and Export tab Check the achartengine..
Configure Eclipse to use signed keystore Eclipse to use signed keystore I have finally created a 'final'..
Turn AutoCompleteTextView into a SearchView in ActionBar instead android actionViewClass android.widget.SearchView menu Configure your Activity with a SearchView that's associated with your..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen graphics for debugging Use the supports screens element Configure your emulators with real device values Conventionally desktop..
Google Maps Android API v2 - Sample Code crashes and add them as External External JARs in Build Path Configure Build Path Libraries . I found this second step was necessary..
Android Studio - SDK is out of date or is missing templates sdk tool version is 22 or later. first time do open the Configure Project Defaults Project Structure set your project sdk is Android..
Shared library missing in android. in your application's manifest as described above. Configure the other options and then click Create AVD . Once you've finished..
HelloAndroid emulator problem Uninstall reinstall the Android ADT Plugin in Eclipse. Configure the Android SDK location in Eclipse. Reboot to reduce the CPU..
How to generate links to the android Classes' reference in javadoc? names with white spaces must be enclosed in quotes tab in Configure Javadoc Arguments 3rd dialog of eclipse project Generate Javadoc.. and projects to which links should be generated tab in Configure Javadoc arguments for standard doclet 2nd dialog of eclipse..
Adding a library/JAR to an Eclipse Android project physically . Right click on your project choose Build Path Configure Build Path then click the Libraries tab then Add JARs... navigate..
Multiple Instances Of Widget Only Updating Last widget Only Updating Last widget I have a WidgetProvider and an Configure Activity When the Widget is started it starts with the configure.. a Intent like this Intent configIntent new Intent context Configure.class configIntent.putExtra AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID..
How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain ext jdk15on 1.46.jar or take it from the doc folder. Configure BouncyCastle for PC using one of the below methods. Adding the.. keytool list keystore C myproject.keystore storetype BKS Configure BouncyCastle for TOMCAT Open D tools apache tomcat 6.0.35 conf.. Restart the server after these changes. Configure BouncyCastle for Android Client No need to configure since Android..
How to find user location using cell tower in android? mapController mapView.getController Configure the map display options mapView.setSatellite true mapView.setStreetView..
Android: The type java.lang.Enum cannot be resolved Right click over the project name and choose Build Path Configure Build Path from the context menu. This brings up the build path..
Fragments in Android 2.2.1, 2.3, 2.0. Is this possible? project you want to add Fragment support for. Build Path Configure Build Path Libraries tab Add External JARs Add the android support..
Add facebook SDK to IntelliJ Android project? in the facet settings that it's Android Library Project. Configure module content and source roots and then add this module as..
Eclipse, Android, Scala made easy but still does not work an Android project as usual Right click on the project Configure Add Scala nature Right click on the project Add AndroidProguardScala..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen display at 72ppi Mac or 96ppi Windows Linux . Compared with mobile desktop displays are always low density. Always configure your Android emulators to mimic real device values and always set them to scale to emulate device density. In Eclipse it's.. density. In Eclipse it's easy to create multiple emulators from the Eclipse menu bar select Window AVD Manager New configured with values for real devices Name the emulator for the real device it's emulating Specify Resolution don't use Built in..
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue is misconfigured for Facebook login Android Facebook integration issue I have integrated my application with Facebook for these I am using.. he clicks a button on app that takes him to Facebook login screen after login he gets a message. Myapp is misconfigured for Facebook login.Press Okay to go back to the application without connecting to Facebook. I am not getting what is the.. implementations if it was implemented correctly to begin with . If you see this error message that means you did not configure your app settings correctly on your dashboard . Double check your Android Class Package name Android hash keys etc. You..
What's LazyList? imageLoader.displayImage imageurl image options provide imageurl imageview and options You can configure with other options to suit your needs. Along with lazy loading Universal Image Loader you can view holder for smooth scrolling..
Android Studio installation on Windows 7 fails, no JDK found Press any key to continue . . . I've attempted to open the idea properties file to see if there was something I could configure for this ANDROID_STUDIO_JDK or something like that. However I found nothing. I hope some of you can let me know if you were..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock he's actually been developing the thing in IntelliJ Here is an example guide http android 2012 09 how to configure actionbarsherlock with intellij idea However I'm still unsure why its not working in Android Studio Edit2 solution in answer..
How can I create an Android application in Android Studio that uses the Google Maps Api v2? coming from eclipse i'm having difficulty with the whole project module paradigm. I haven't been able to successfully configure the google play services sdk http google play services setup.html Here is one of the weird errors..
How to make an android app return to the last open activity when relaunched? to make an android app return to the last open activity when relaunched Is it possible to configure an android app so that if a user has opened your app launched numerous activities then returns to the home screen and relaunches..
Detecting SMS incoming and outgoing sms messages http developing story sms messaging android . For the incoming messages you can indeed configure a broadcastlistener for detection. Detecting outgoing messages is also possible just altered this post since I dind't know..
overlay two images in android to set an imageview using LayerDrawable . You have one of two choices You can either define it in XML then simply set the image or you can configure a LayerDrawable dynamically in code. Solution #1 via XML Create a new Drawable XML file let's call it layer.xml layer list..
Android 2.1 View's getDrawingCache() method always returns null final Bitmap bmp view.getDrawingCache System.out.println bmp I've already tried different ways to configure the View object for generating the drawing cache e.g. View.setWillNotDraw boolean and View.setWillNotCacheDrawing boolean..
How to use multiple MapActivities/MapViews per Android application/process when using multiple mapviews in one process. Usually this is the case your app running in one process if you don't configure anything specific. You could though use the android process attribute in your manifest to assign to your acitivites activity..
stop watch logic use a Thread Handler Combination. This should get you started. EDIT Added Code. Nice Exercise Use the Refresh_Rate to configure how often your UI is updated. import import android.os.Bundle import android.os.Handler import android.os.Message..
Multiple Instances Of Widget Only Updating Last widget Updating Last widget I have a WidgetProvider and an Configure Activity When the Widget is started it starts with the configure activity and I set it up by making a custom call to the widgetprovider which you will notice is from the sdk tutorial examples..
How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain Restart the server after these changes. Configure BouncyCastle for Android Client No need to configure since Android supports Bouncy Castle Version 1.46 internally in the provided android.jar . Just implement your version of..
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? pool executor via AsyncTask.executeOnExecutor Executor exec Params... params method. This allows for instance to configure the size of the delayed tasks queue if default 10 is not what you need. UPDATE 3 Here is a simple test app to play with..
How can i configure gmail in Android emulator? can i configure gmail in Android emulator I want to send email from emulator. How can i configure the emulator android email configuration.. can i configure gmail in Android emulator I want to send email from emulator. How can i configure the emulator android email configuration gmail emulator share improve this question Just as you do it on any android..
Admob implementation Error to install the SDK for at least Android 3.2 API level 13 . After you have installed this SDK version you need to configure your IDE to build your project using this SDK. The exact setting depends on the IDE you are using. In my case it is IntelliJ..
The application AChartengine has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again 2b59e5164e05c469#2b59e5164e05c469 Dan Quote In Eclipse Right click your project go to build path select Configure build path go to the Order and Export tab Check the achartengine 1.0.0.jar box and then single click its name move it up..
Configure Eclipse to use signed keystore Eclipse to use signed keystore I have finally created a 'final' keystore for my app. As my app is using Google Maps I take..
Turn AutoCompleteTextView into a SearchView in ActionBar instead ic_menu_search android showAsAction collapseActionView ifRoom android actionViewClass android.widget.SearchView menu Configure your Activity with a SearchView that's associated with your searchable configuration @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen PNG for the same file size Add labels to your images and graphics for debugging Use the supports screens element Configure your emulators with real device values Conventionally desktop systems display at 72ppi Mac or 96ppi Windows Linux . Compared..
Google Maps Android API v2 - Sample Code crashes android support v4.jar into a libs folder in the sample project and add them as External External JARs in Build Path Configure Build Path Libraries . I found this second step was necessary as I was hitting the exact same error as you when trying to..
Android Studio - SDK is out of date or is missing templates sdk Make sure your android sdk path is correct and the sdk tool version is 22 or later. first time do open the Configure Project Defaults Project Structure set your project sdk is Android SDK. then select SDK tab and select build target eg Android4.2.2..
Shared library missing in android. version whose API Level matches the android minSdkVersion attribute in your application's manifest as described above. Configure the other options and then click Create AVD . Once you've finished creating the AVD you can run it from the AVD Manager..
HelloAndroid emulator problem environment variable for the new Android SDK folder locations Uninstall reinstall the Android ADT Plugin in Eclipse. Configure the Android SDK location in Eclipse. Reboot to reduce the CPU utilization Run the emulator from the command line and set..
How to generate links to the android Classes' reference in javadoc? j2se 1.4.2 docs api in Extra javadoc options path names with white spaces must be enclosed in quotes tab in Configure Javadoc Arguments 3rd dialog of eclipse project Generate Javadoc . But only link http j2se 1.4.2 docs api is.. also tried selecting android.jar in Select referenced archives and projects to which links should be generated tab in Configure Javadoc arguments for standard doclet 2nd dialog of eclipse project Generate Javadoc but this creates local links to docs..
Adding a library/JAR to an Eclipse Android project in the right pane. This puts the library into your project physically . Right click on your project choose Build Path Configure Build Path then click the Libraries tab then Add JARs... navigate to your new JAR in the libs directory and add it. This..
Multiple Instances Of Widget Only Updating Last widget Instances Of Widget Only Updating Last widget I have a WidgetProvider and an Configure Activity When the Widget is started it starts with the configure activity and I set it up by making a custom call to the.. the Widget ID to the function.... inside the widget I create a Intent like this Intent configIntent new Intent context Configure.class configIntent.putExtra AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID appWidgetId PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity..
How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain maven2 org bouncycastle bcprov ext jdk15on 1.46 bcprov ext jdk15on 1.46.jar or take it from the doc folder. Configure BouncyCastle for PC using one of the below methods. Adding the BC Provider Statically Recommended Copy the bcprov ext jdk15on.. following command to check if it is properly generated or not keytool list keystore C myproject.keystore storetype BKS Configure BouncyCastle for TOMCAT Open D tools apache tomcat 6.0.35 conf server.xml and add the following entry Connector port 8443.. TLS sslImplementationName org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider Restart the server after these changes. Configure BouncyCastle for Android Client No need to configure since Android supports Bouncy Castle Version 1.46 internally in the..
How to find user location using cell tower in android? setContentView R.layout.main MapView mapView MapView findViewById mapController mapView.getController Configure the map display options mapView.setSatellite true mapView.setStreetView true mapView.displayZoomControls false mapController.setZoom..
Android: The type java.lang.Enum cannot be resolved improve this question At best your build path is messed up. Right click over the project name and choose Build Path Configure Build Path from the context menu. This brings up the build path portion of the project properties window on the Order and..
Fragments in Android 2.2.1, 2.3, 2.0. Is this possible? package install this Once installed right click the Android project you want to add Fragment support for. Build Path Configure Build Path Libraries tab Add External JARs Add the android support v4.jar should be in the android downloads folder under..
Add facebook SDK to IntelliJ Android project? to create a new Module in IDEA with Android Facet and specify in the facet settings that it's Android Library Project. Configure module content and source roots and then add this module as a dependency to your Android application module. Here are the..
Eclipse, Android, Scala made easy but still does not work Now to create a scala project Create an Android project as usual Right click on the project Configure Add Scala nature Right click on the project Add AndroidProguardScala nature You're done. Scalafying android code Now good..