android Programming Glossary: conf
How to configue static IP, netmask ,gateway programmatically on Android 3.x or 4.x to configue static IP netmask gateway programmatically on Android 3.x.. on Android 3.x or 4.x I have checked in this API for configuring static IP addresses in an android application It work.. i checked out the soruce code and find out that the configuration of one SSID is stored in
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) accessTokenSecret Configuration conf twitter new TwitterFactory conf .getInstance try.. conf twitter new TwitterFactory conf .getInstance try long lCursor 1 IDs friendsIDs twitter.getFriendsIDs.. accessTokenSecret Configuration conf Twitter twitter new TwitterFactory conf .getInstance..
Android Map api v2 Custom marker with ImageView [closed] to draw more complex and fancier stuff Bitmap.Config conf Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Bitmap bmp Bitmap.createBitmap 80 80.. Bitmap bmp Bitmap.createBitmap 80 80 conf Canvas canvas1 new Canvas bmp paint defines the text color stroke..
Change language programatically in Android dm res.getDisplayMetrics android.content.res.Configuration conf res.getConfiguration conf.locale new Locale language_code.toLowerCase.. conf res.getConfiguration conf.locale new Locale language_code.toLowerCase res.updateConfiguration.. Locale language_code.toLowerCase res.updateConfiguration conf dm If you have language specific content you can change that..
Can't install APK hosted my own apache server better if you add the .apk extension to the apache`s mime config. Take a look at this example https repos asf.. https repos asf httpd httpd trunk docs conf mime.types You can just find the apk record and copy the row.. apk Also add this to etc apache2 mods available mime.conf AddType application archive .apk There are..
How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain BouncyCastle for TOMCAT Open D tools apache tomcat 6.0.35 conf server.xml and add the following entry Connector port 8443 keystorePass.. Configure BouncyCastle for Android Client No need to configure since Android supports Bouncy Castle Version 1.46 internally..
creating an empty bitmap and drawing though canvas in android you're thinking int w WIDTH_PX h HEIGHT_PX Bitmap.Config conf Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 see other conf types Bitmap bmp Bitmap.createBitmap.. Bitmap.Config conf Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 see other conf types Bitmap bmp Bitmap.createBitmap w h conf this creates a.. see other conf types Bitmap bmp Bitmap.createBitmap w h conf this creates a MUTABLE bitmap Canvas canvas new Canvas bmp ready..
Recycle ImageView's Bitmap Bitmap I have something like this Bitmap.Config conf Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 WeakReference Bitmap bm new WeakReference.. WeakReference Bitmap Bitmap.createBitmap 3000 3000 2000 conf Canvas canvas new Canvas bm.get canvas.drawBitmap firstBitmap..
How to connect to a specific wifi network in Android programmatically? networkSSID test String networkPass pass WifiConfiguration conf new WifiConfiguration conf.SSID networkSSID Please note the.. pass WifiConfiguration conf new WifiConfiguration conf.SSID networkSSID Please note the quotes. String should contain.. ssid in quotes Then for WEP network you need to do this conf.wepKeys 0 networkPass conf.wepTxKeyIndex 0 conf.allowedKeyManagement.set..
Problems with https (No peer certificate) in android on SSLCertificateFile C wamp bin apache apache2.2.17 conf ssl fidoserver.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile C wamp bin apache apache2.2.17.. SSLCertificateKeyFile C wamp bin apache apache2.2.17 conf ssl fidoserver.pem VirtualHost java android https httpclient..
How to configue static IP, netmask ,gateway programmatically on Android 3.x or 4.x to configue static IP netmask gateway programmatically on Android 3.x or 4.x I have checked in this API for configuring static.. to configue static IP netmask gateway programmatically on Android 3.x or 4.x I have checked in this API for configuring static IP addresses in an android application It work until Android 2.3. However there is no luck on higher API level... is no API on 3.x or 4.x for those setting per SSID. Therefore i checked out the soruce code and find out that the configuration of one SSID is stored in get from . Where IpAssignment..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) builder.setOAuthAccessToken accessToken builder.setOAuthAccessTokenSecret accessTokenSecret Configuration conf twitter new TwitterFactory conf .getInstance try long lCursor 1 IDs friendsIDs twitter.getFriendsIDs twitter.getId.. builder.setOAuthAccessTokenSecret accessTokenSecret Configuration conf twitter new TwitterFactory conf .getInstance try long lCursor 1 IDs friendsIDs twitter.getFriendsIDs twitter.getId lCursor IDs followersIds twitter.getFollowersIDs.. builder.setOAuthAccessToken accessToken builder.setOAuthAccessTokenSecret accessTokenSecret Configuration conf Twitter twitter new TwitterFactory conf .getInstance System.out.println in update status try twitter.updateStatus..
Android Map api v2 Custom marker with ImageView [closed] replaces the marker with an image you might want to use a Canvas to draw more complex and fancier stuff Bitmap.Config conf Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Bitmap bmp Bitmap.createBitmap 80 80 conf Canvas canvas1 new Canvas bmp paint defines the text color.. to draw more complex and fancier stuff Bitmap.Config conf Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Bitmap bmp Bitmap.createBitmap 80 80 conf Canvas canvas1 new Canvas bmp paint defines the text color stroke width size Paint color new Paint color.setTextSize 35..
Change language programatically in Android Change locale settings in the app. DisplayMetrics dm res.getDisplayMetrics android.content.res.Configuration conf res.getConfiguration conf.locale new Locale language_code.toLowerCase res.updateConfiguration conf dm If you have language.. in the app. DisplayMetrics dm res.getDisplayMetrics android.content.res.Configuration conf res.getConfiguration conf.locale new Locale language_code.toLowerCase res.updateConfiguration conf dm If you have language specific content you can..
Can't install APK hosted my own apache server appreciated. android share improve this question It is better if you add the .apk extension to the apache`s mime config. Take a look at this example https repos asf httpd httpd trunk docs conf mime.types You can just find the.. to the apache`s mime config. Take a look at this example https repos asf httpd httpd trunk docs conf mime.types You can just find the apk record and copy the row to the file etc mime.types at your server application mime.types at your server application archive apk Also add this to etc apache2 mods available mime.conf AddType application archive .apk There are some other AddType s put it after them for sure . From here..
How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain list keystore C myproject.keystore storetype BKS Configure BouncyCastle for TOMCAT Open D tools apache tomcat 6.0.35 conf server.xml and add the following entry Connector port 8443 keystorePass myproject alias myproject keystore c myproject.keystore.. Restart the server after these changes. Configure BouncyCastle for Android Client No need to configure since Android supports Bouncy Castle Version 1.46 internally in the provided android.jar . Just implement your version..
creating an empty bitmap and drawing though canvas in android improve this question This is probably more simple than you're thinking int w WIDTH_PX h HEIGHT_PX Bitmap.Config conf Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 see other conf types Bitmap bmp Bitmap.createBitmap w h conf this creates a MUTABLE bitmap Canvas.. more simple than you're thinking int w WIDTH_PX h HEIGHT_PX Bitmap.Config conf Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 see other conf types Bitmap bmp Bitmap.createBitmap w h conf this creates a MUTABLE bitmap Canvas canvas new Canvas bmp ready to draw on.. h HEIGHT_PX Bitmap.Config conf Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 see other conf types Bitmap bmp Bitmap.createBitmap w h conf this creates a MUTABLE bitmap Canvas canvas new Canvas bmp ready to draw on that bitmap through that canvas Here's a series..
Recycle ImageView's Bitmap ImageView's Bitmap I have something like this Bitmap.Config conf Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 WeakReference Bitmap bm new WeakReference Bitmap Bitmap.createBitmap 3000 3000 2000 conf Canvas.. conf Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 WeakReference Bitmap bm new WeakReference Bitmap Bitmap.createBitmap 3000 3000 2000 conf Canvas canvas new Canvas bm.get canvas.drawBitmap firstBitmap 0 0 null canvas.drawBitmap bm firstBitmap.getWidth 0 null..
How to connect to a specific wifi network in Android programmatically? need to create WifiConfiguration instance like this String networkSSID test String networkPass pass WifiConfiguration conf new WifiConfiguration conf.SSID networkSSID Please note the quotes. String should contain ssid in quotes Then for WEP network.. instance like this String networkSSID test String networkPass pass WifiConfiguration conf new WifiConfiguration conf.SSID networkSSID Please note the quotes. String should contain ssid in quotes Then for WEP network you need to do this conf.wepKeys.. networkSSID Please note the quotes. String should contain ssid in quotes Then for WEP network you need to do this conf.wepKeys 0 networkPass conf.wepTxKeyIndex 0 conf.allowedKeyManagement.set WifiConfiguration.KeyMgmt.NONE conf.allowedGroupCiphers.set..
Problems with https (No peer certificate) in android the actual SSL directives needed to get it all working SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile C wamp bin apache apache2.2.17 conf ssl fidoserver.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile C wamp bin apache apache2.2.17 conf ssl fidoserver.pem VirtualHost java android.. C wamp bin apache apache2.2.17 conf ssl fidoserver.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile C wamp bin apache apache2.2.17 conf ssl fidoserver.pem VirtualHost java android https httpclient share improve this question Finally I have solved https..