android Programming Glossary: configs
Samsung Galaxy s3 emulator settings I had to set the device ram to 512 in emulator. Above configs were the best possible match I could get after comparing with..
How to change the background color of Action Bar's Option Menu in Android 4.2? color set by the theme. I used the following code XML configs. public class MainActivity extends Activity..
Uncaught ReferenceError while loading asset file on android 4.4 chromium 1342 ERROR 153 No suitable EGL configs found. E chromium 1342 ERROR 620 GLSurfaceEGL.. chromium 1342 ERROR 153 No suitable EGL configs found. E chromium 1342 ERROR 620 GLSurfaceEGL..
Emulator's camera built-in app buggy in Froyo / 2.2? AndroidRuntime 5212 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No configs match configSpec 06 01 09 57 15.733 ERROR AndroidRuntime 5212..
How to get the connection strength of Wifi access points? List available networks List WifiConfiguration configs wifi.getConfiguredNetworks However I have two problems In debugging.. However I have two problems In debugging configs only contains one connection. However I can see that there are.. several APs available in the system's wifi setting. I.e. configs is an incomplete list. I don't know how to get the signal strength..
Android: GLES20: Called unimplemented OpenGL ES API chooseConfig EGL10 egl EGLDisplay display EGLConfig configs new EGLConfig 1 int num_config new int 1 boolean check false.. check false check egl.eglChooseConfig display configSpec configs 1 num_config if check return null return configs 0 mGLSurfaceView.setEGLContextFactory.. configs 1 num_config if check return null return configs 0 mGLSurfaceView.setEGLContextFactory new EGLContextFactory..
Samsung Galaxy s3 emulator settings
How to change the background color of Action Bar's Option Menu in Android 4.2? I have tried all the methods but it is still showing the default color set by the theme. I used the following code XML configs. public class MainActivity extends Activity @SuppressLint NewApi @Override protected void onCreate Bundle..
Uncaught ReferenceError while loading asset file on android 4.4 support disabled because there is no system implementation E chromium 1342 ERROR 153 No suitable EGL configs found. E chromium 1342 ERROR 620 GLSurfaceEGL InitializeOneOff failed. E chromium 1342 ERROR 620 GLSurfaceEGL InitializeOneOff failed. E chromium 1342 ERROR 153 No suitable EGL configs found. E chromium 1342 ERROR 620 GLSurfaceEGL InitializeOneOff failed. E chromium 1342 ERROR
Emulator's camera built-in app buggy in Froyo / 2.2? 5212 FATAL EXCEPTION GLThread 11 06 01 09 57 15.733 ERROR AndroidRuntime 5212 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No configs match configSpec 06 01 09 57 15.733 ERROR AndroidRuntime 5212 at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView BaseConfigChooser.chooseConfig..
How to get the connection strength of Wifi access points? wifi.getConnectionInfo textStatus.append n nWiFi Status info.toString List available networks List WifiConfiguration configs wifi.getConfiguredNetworks However I have two problems In debugging configs only contains one connection. However I can.. available networks List WifiConfiguration configs wifi.getConfiguredNetworks However I have two problems In debugging configs only contains one connection. However I can see that there are several APs available in the system's wifi setting. I.e... contains one connection. However I can see that there are several APs available in the system's wifi setting. I.e. configs is an incomplete list. I don't know how to get the signal strength in WifiConfiguration . btw I am using HTC Hero and Android..
Android: GLES20: Called unimplemented OpenGL ES API new EGLConfigChooser @Override public EGLConfig chooseConfig EGL10 egl EGLDisplay display EGLConfig configs new EGLConfig 1 int num_config new int 1 boolean check false int configSpec EGL10.EGL_DEPTH_SIZE 16 EGL10.EGL_NONE check.. egl.eglInitialize display new int 2 0 if check return null check false check egl.eglChooseConfig display configSpec configs 1 num_config if check return null return configs 0 mGLSurfaceView.setEGLContextFactory new EGLContextFactory @Override.. null check false check egl.eglChooseConfig display configSpec configs 1 num_config if check return null return configs 0 mGLSurfaceView.setEGLContextFactory new EGLContextFactory @Override public void destroyContext EGL10 egl EGLDisplay..