android Programming Glossary: config.server.url
Maven and android - Slightly different builds for different environments 1.0 encoding UTF 8 resources string name config_server_url config.server.url string resources Sample pom configuration for filtering all.. in pom.xml like so profiles profile id dev id properties config.server.url config.server.url properties profile profile.. id dev id properties config.server.url config.server.url properties profile profile id Test id properties config.server.url..
Maven and android - Slightly different builds for different environments . res see below. Sample res value config.xml xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 resources string name config_server_url config.server.url string resources Sample pom configuration for filtering all xml file under res directory build resources resource directory.. For simplicity I prefer to use Maven profiles and define them in pom.xml like so profiles profile id dev id properties config.server.url config.server.url properties profile profile id Test id properties config.server.url config.server.url.. profiles and define them in pom.xml like so profiles profile id dev id properties config.server.url config.server.url properties profile profile id Test id properties config.server.url config.server.url properties profile..