android Programming Glossary: blogs
Listview click to show image in ImageView http android_awesome.jpg http blogs rogerkay files 2011 07 Android1.jpg http..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) After doing some research many examples provided on blogs simply pass an Intent to the native Messaging application. I..
Image upload in flickr in android but iam not able to upload the image in flickr i read many blogs http java flickr example to upload photos..
How can i just download image with universal-image-loader the same for later use. http blogs Downloading and Retrieving Files on SD card in Android using..
Set permission for getting User's email ID from Facebook Login access to email also of the user. I have gone through many blogs and forum but cannot figure out how to do that. I'm using my..
Using the sendJavascript() Phonegap asked here. But after researching for long posting to the blogs of many Phonegap masters I got no replies from them I have now..
Crash when loading font font Molot.otf which was successfully used in one of the blogs. I'm also using predator.ttf another custom font but in TrueType.. What would be causing this It worked for the people in the blogs so why not me Did something significant change in the API that's..
NoClassDefFoundError when trying to unit test JSON parsing in Android some googling with this in mind I found several articles blogs and also questions here on SO regarding the issue. I'll add..
Video Streaming and Android you need about Android SDK you have thousands of blogs telling you how to do it. When it comes to video streaming it's..
Howto capture the 'virtual keyboard show/hide' event in Android? is shown or not. I've searched the API and various blogs but can't seem to find anything useful. Is it possible Thanks..
Central sources of NinePatche Images? share improve this question There are a couple of blogs out there with a few images http index.php.. are quite easy to create yourself. Use the dev guide those blogs and my answer here How to create android spinner without down..
Sending email with attachment through GMailSender? attachment through GMailSender I have been reading the blogs and have tried numerous implementations but have still failed..
Playing an audio file while on the call in android / send a voice prompt so that other person can hear it? can hear it I am new to android and I have read a few blogs about playing audio file so that other person can hear it but..
Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread AsyncTasks and Threads in Android. I've read quite a few blogs and questions here in stackoverflow. Handlers are background..
R.Java not generated IDE it does not generate R.Java file.I searched many blogs and forums and tried many things like cleaning rebuilding creating..
Saving webpage in cache using webview in android off line webpages. I never tried this but I referred some blogs on it . Look at this nice post about HTML5 Creating mobile Web..
Set theme for a Fragment @android style Theme.Holo.Light From looking at previous blogs it appears as though I have to use a ContextThemeWrapper. Can..
How to secure my app against piracy above as well as numerous scholarly articles and online blogs describe how once the source code or even obfuscated source..
Listview click to show image in ImageView public class MainActivity extends Activity String iMages http android_awesome.jpg http blogs rogerkay files 2011 07 Android1.jpg http wp content uploads 2012 10 android market..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) if you could send and receive MMS messages in a similar fashion. After doing some research many examples provided on blogs simply pass an Intent to the native Messaging application. I am trying to send an MMS without leaving my application. There..
Image upload in flickr in android new in android i try to upload the image in flickr and text but iam not able to upload the image in flickr i read many blogs http java flickr example to upload photos using java and http services api but i m not..
How can i just download image with universal-image-loader a DownloadManager and save the file in sdcard. You can retrieve the same for later use. http blogs Downloading and Retrieving Files on SD card in Android using Android SDK in Eclipse To cache bitmaps you can write the images..
Set permission for getting User's email ID from Facebook Login user's basic info like name userID. But I want to have access to email also of the user. I have gone through many blogs and forum but cannot figure out how to do that. I'm using my own android button for log in not com.facebook.widget.LoginButton..
Using the sendJavascript() Phonegap I myself know that this type of questions should not be asked here. But after researching for long posting to the blogs of many Phonegap masters I got no replies from them I have now came to StackOverflow. So much so that there are no documentation..
Crash when loading font 711 objects 53160 bytes in 20922ms Hmm... okay. I'm using the font Molot.otf which was successfully used in one of the blogs. I'm also using predator.ttf another custom font but in TrueType format Relevant code public class MainActivity extends.. 30sp android text Here is some text. TextView LinearLayout What would be causing this It worked for the people in the blogs so why not me Did something significant change in the API that's preventing me from doing this java android share improve..
NoClassDefFoundError when trying to unit test JSON parsing in Android tests on the emulator or a real phone. When further doing some googling with this in mind I found several articles blogs and also questions here on SO regarding the issue. I'll add a few links here at the end for those that might be looking..
Video Streaming and Android that it comes to video stream I am kind of lost. For any information you need about Android SDK you have thousands of blogs telling you how to do it. When it comes to video streaming it's different. Informations is that abundant. Everyone did it..
Howto capture the 'virtual keyboard show/hide' event in Android? like to alter the layout based on whether the virtual keyboard is shown or not. I've searched the API and various blogs but can't seem to find anything useful. Is it possible Thanks android events share improve this question You've got..
Central sources of NinePatche Images? if know such spots or webpages android gui resources nine patch share improve this question There are a couple of blogs out there with a few images http index.php articlesother 279 draw 9 patch tutorial http 2011 05 batch 9 patch image editing But they are quite easy to create yourself. Use the dev guide those blogs and my answer here How to create android spinner without down triangle on the right side of the widget to learn about them...
Sending email with attachment through GMailSender? email with attachment through GMailSender I have been reading the blogs and have tried numerous implementations but have still failed to get an image attached to an email that I'm sending through..
Playing an audio file while on the call in android / send a voice prompt so that other person can hear it? on the call in android send a voice prompt so that other person can hear it I am new to android and I have read a few blogs about playing audio file so that other person can hear it but they are quiet a bit old. I was wondering if there were any..
Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread got slightly confused about the differences between Handlers AsyncTasks and Threads in Android. I've read quite a few blogs and questions here in stackoverflow. Handlers are background threads that provide you to communicate with the UI. Updating..
R.Java not generated from google codes but when I import that project in my eclipse IDE it does not generate R.Java file.I searched many blogs and forums and tried many things like cleaning rebuilding creating project from existing source etc but still facing the..
Saving webpage in cache using webview in android of your webpage.. EDIT I think using HTML5 you can display off line webpages. I never tried this but I referred some blogs on it . Look at this nice post about HTML5 Creating mobile Web applications with HTML 5 Part 3 Make mobile Web applications..
Set theme for a Fragment Setting the theme in the manifest does not work android theme @android style Theme.Holo.Light From looking at previous blogs it appears as though I have to use a ContextThemeWrapper. Can anyone refer me to a coded example I can't find anything...
How to secure my app against piracy it pre Google Play is available here . Lastly the paper linked above as well as numerous scholarly articles and online blogs describe how once the source code or even obfuscated source code is leaked once can merely add some of their own malicious..