android Programming Glossary: blabla
Android ADT 21.0 warning: Implicitly using the default locale in this code if e.getMessage .toLowerCase .contains blabla Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs.. try if e.getMessage .toLowerCase Locale.ENGLISH .contains blabla But error still remained How fix this android adt share improve..
android: problem with Serializable object put into intent ... ... Bundle extras new Bundle extras.putSerializable blabla ObjectB intent.putExtras extras ... Object y getIntent .getExtras.. extras ... Object y getIntent .getExtras .get blabla the problem is that y now is an ArrayList and no longer an ObjectB..
Threading UI updates in Android GUI thread otherwise you well get something like Exception blabla has leaked a view . I guess what have misunderstood is that..
HTTPS GET (SSL) with Android and self-signed server certificate something like this https username password@anyIPAddress blabla index.php param 1 param2 3 I am fully aware that this solution..
cursoradapter with different row layouts holder ViewHolder view.getTag holder.txtAddress .setText blabla @Override public View newView Context context Cursor cursor..
Android ADT 21.0 warning: Implicitly using the default locale default locale I've updated ADT to v. 21 and new warning appeared in this code if e.getMessage .toLowerCase .contains blabla Implicitly using the default locale is a common source of bugs Use toLowerCase Locale instead So I try if e.getMessage .toLowerCase.. a common source of bugs Use toLowerCase Locale instead So I try if e.getMessage .toLowerCase Locale.ENGLISH .contains blabla But error still remained How fix this android adt share improve this question You should use Locale.getDefault especially..
android: problem with Serializable object put into intent ... public class ObjectB extends ObjectA ... ... Bundle extras new Bundle extras.putSerializable blabla ObjectB intent.putExtras extras ... Object y getIntent .getExtras .get blabla the problem is that y now is an ArrayList.. extras new Bundle extras.putSerializable blabla ObjectB intent.putExtras extras ... Object y getIntent .getExtras .get blabla the problem is that y now is an ArrayList and no longer an ObjectB so i cant cast it.. if i change the code to public class..
Threading UI updates in Android TO do your GUI updates from the main thread also called the GUI thread otherwise you well get something like Exception blabla has leaked a view . I guess what have misunderstood is that expensive operations such as networking should be done in a..
HTTPS GET (SSL) with Android and self-signed server certificate name it will only have an IP address. The GET request looks something like this https username password@anyIPAddress blabla index.php param 1 param2 3 I am fully aware that this solution is prone to man in the middle attacks etc. So the solution..
cursoradapter with different row layouts bindView View view Context context Cursor cursor ViewHolder holder ViewHolder view.getTag holder.txtAddress .setText blabla @Override public View newView Context context Cursor cursor ViewGroup parent ViewHolder holder new ViewHolder View v null..