android Programming Glossary: bluetoothchatservice
BluetoothSocket.connect() throwing exception “read failed” Reset the ConnectThread because we're done synchronized BluetoothChatService.this mConnectThread null Start the connected thread connected.. caught while calling connect is this 11 30 10 23 51.685 E BluetoothChatService 2870 Connection to ZYNO 700091 at 00 06 66 42 8E 01 failed read..
How to move Bluetooth activity into a Service that connection up through other activities I am using BluetoothChatService and DeviceListActivity android service activity bluetooth ..
Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android session D BluetoothChat 1729 onActivityResult 1 D BluetoothChatService 1729 connect to 00 06 66 03 0C 51 D BluetoothChatService 1729.. D BluetoothChatService 1729 connect to 00 06 66 03 0C 51 D BluetoothChatService 1729 setState STATE_LISTEN STATE_CONNECTING E BluetoothChat.. BluetoothChat 1729 MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGE STATE_CONNECTING I BluetoothChatService 1729 BEGIN mConnectThread E BluetoothService.cpp 1018 stopDiscoveryNative..
BluetoothSocket.connect() throwing exception “read failed” connection failure e2 connectionFailed e.getMessage return Reset the ConnectThread because we're done synchronized BluetoothChatService.this mConnectThread null Start the connected thread connected mmSocket mmDevice mSocketType The relevant log entry printed.. The relevant log entry printed when the exception is caught while calling connect is this 11 30 10 23 51.685 E BluetoothChatService 2870 Connection to ZYNO 700091 at 00 06 66 42 8E 01 failed read failed socket might closed read ret 1 This error used to..
How to move Bluetooth activity into a Service Is there a way to do this from a Service Class and keep that connection up through other activities I am using BluetoothChatService and DeviceListActivity android service activity bluetooth share improve this question yes you can do something like..
Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android Bus error in StopDiscovery org.bluez.Error.Failed Invalid discovery session D BluetoothChat 1729 onActivityResult 1 D BluetoothChatService 1729 connect to 00 06 66 03 0C 51 D BluetoothChatService 1729 setState STATE_LISTEN STATE_CONNECTING E BluetoothChat 1729.. discovery session D BluetoothChat 1729 onActivityResult 1 D BluetoothChatService 1729 connect to 00 06 66 03 0C 51 D BluetoothChatService 1729 setState STATE_LISTEN STATE_CONNECTING E BluetoothChat 1729 ON RESUME I BluetoothChat 1729 MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGE STATE_CONNECTING.. STATE_CONNECTING E BluetoothChat 1729 ON RESUME I BluetoothChat 1729 MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGE STATE_CONNECTING I BluetoothChatService 1729 BEGIN mConnectThread E BluetoothService.cpp 1018 stopDiscoveryNative D Bus error in StopDiscovery org.bluez.Error.Failed..