android Programming Glossary: bitmapinfo
How to cache bitmaps into native memory public uint32_t _storedBitmapPixels AndroidBitmapInfo _bitmapInfo JniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels NULL JNIEXPORT void JNICALL.. bitmapCls createBitmapFunction jniBitmap _bitmapInfo.height jniBitmap _bitmapInfo.width bitmapConfig putting the.. jniBitmap _bitmapInfo.height jniBitmap _bitmapInfo.width bitmapConfig putting the pixels into the new bitmap int..
JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed] public uint32_t _storedBitmapPixels AndroidBitmapInfo _bitmapInfo JniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels NULL crops the bitmap within.. jniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels uint32_t oldWidth jniBitmap _bitmapInfo.width uint32_t newWidth right left newHeight bottom top uint32_t.. jniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels newBitmapPixels jniBitmap _bitmapInfo.width newWidth jniBitmap _bitmapInfo.height newHeight rotates..
How to cache bitmaps into native memory JNIEnv env jobject obj jobject handle class JniBitmap public uint32_t _storedBitmapPixels AndroidBitmapInfo _bitmapInfo JniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels NULL JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_example_jnibitmapstoragetest_JniBitmapHolder_jniFreeBitmapData.. configName jobject newBitmap env CallStaticObjectMethod bitmapCls createBitmapFunction jniBitmap _bitmapInfo.height jniBitmap _bitmapInfo.width bitmapConfig putting the pixels into the new bitmap int ret void bitmapPixels if ret.. jobject newBitmap env CallStaticObjectMethod bitmapCls createBitmapFunction jniBitmap _bitmapInfo.height jniBitmap _bitmapInfo.width bitmapConfig putting the pixels into the new bitmap int ret void bitmapPixels if ret AndroidBitmap_lockPixels env..
JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed] uint32_t top uint32_t right uint32_t bottom class JniBitmap public uint32_t _storedBitmapPixels AndroidBitmapInfo _bitmapInfo JniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels NULL crops the bitmap within to be smaller. note that no validations are done JNIEXPORT.. _storedBitmapPixels NULL return uint32_t previousData jniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels uint32_t oldWidth jniBitmap _bitmapInfo.width uint32_t newWidth right left newHeight bottom top uint32_t newBitmapPixels new uint32_t newWidth newHeight uint32_t.. copying so replace old data with new one delete previousData jniBitmap _storedBitmapPixels newBitmapPixels jniBitmap _bitmapInfo.width newWidth jniBitmap _bitmapInfo.height newHeight rotates the inner bitmap data by 90 degress counter clock wise JNIEXPORT..