android Programming Glossary: blown
Start the android browser share improve this question If you want a fully blown browser try with startActivity new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW..
Adding video codec to Android codec HLS or TS but I wouldn't want to build a full blown video player just integrate with the existing built in player... codec HLS or TS but I wouldn't want to build a full blown video player just integrate with the existing built in player...
How to resize AlertDialog on the Keyboard display brief question or statement with a few options not a full blown data entry form. Since you can't see much behind the large popup..
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory MiB seems to work for most people. can I just say that I'm blown away by how broken this behavior is android out of memory ..
Why not use always android:configChanges=“keyboardHidden|orientation”? in good shape by doing the overwrite. Instead of a full blown reload of the activity the views will simply shift around to..
What is an easy way to stub / dummy a restful web service? return some static data without having to write a full blown WS application to do this android web services rest stub dummy..
Start the android browser on how to start the android browser through code . Thanks android share improve this question If you want a fully blown browser try with startActivity new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse http Have a look to ACTION_VIEW Intent...
Adding video codec to Android have an application that needs to show a video of a non supported codec HLS or TS but I wouldn't want to build a full blown video player just integrate with the existing built in player. Thanks Alik. android video codec http live streaming mpeg2.. have an application that needs to show a video of a non supported codec HLS or TS but I wouldn't want to build a full blown video player just integrate with the existing built in player. VLC for Android is due out at least for some phones shortly..
How to resize AlertDialog on the Keyboard display a separate activity. In general popups are used to provide a brief question or statement with a few options not a full blown data entry form. Since you can't see much behind the large popup you're not exposing any underlying controls anyways. share..
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory actual limit. This safety factor is app dependent but a few MiB seems to work for most people. can I just say that I'm blown away by how broken this behavior is android out of memory share improve this question Use this snipplet worked for..
Why not use always android:configChanges=“keyboardHidden|orientation”? you use the same layout for both portrait and landscape you're in good shape by doing the overwrite. Instead of a full blown reload of the activity the views will simply shift around to fill the remaining space. However if for some reason you use..
What is an easy way to stub / dummy a restful web service? an easy way to create a stub RESTful web service that will return some static data without having to write a full blown WS application to do this android web services rest stub dummy data share improve this question Probably the best thing..