android Programming Glossary: bitmapshader
Android Tile Bitmap directions. I've seen the TileMode.REPEAT constant for the BitmapShader class but am unsure if this is to do with repeating he actual..
create circular image view in android [duplicate] bitmap.getWidth bitmap.getHeight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 BitmapShader shader new BitmapShader bitmap TileMode.CLAMP TileMode.CLAMP.. Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 BitmapShader shader new BitmapShader bitmap TileMode.CLAMP TileMode.CLAMP Paint paint new Paint ..
How to create a background with Image, Rounded Corners without borders Canvas.drawRoundRect . The trick is to use a Paint with a BitmapShader to fill the rounded rectangle with a texture instead of a simple..
Android Edit Bitmap Channels new PorterDuffXfermode Mode.LIGHTEN redPaint.setShader new BitmapShader redChanImg TileMode.CLAMP TileMode.CLAMP redPaint.setColorFilter.. PorterDuffXfermode Mode.LIGHTEN greenPaint.setShader new BitmapShader greenChanImg TileMode.CLAMP TileMode.CLAMP greenPaint.setColorFilter.. PorterDuffXfermode Mode.LIGHTEN bluePaint.setShader new BitmapShader blueChanImg TileMode.CLAMP TileMode.CLAMP bluePaint.setColorFilter..
Blending pixels from Two Bitmaps new PorterDuffXfermode Mode.MULTIPLY p.setShader new BitmapShader blend TileMode.CLAMP TileMode.CLAMP Canvas c new Canvas c.setBitmap..
Android: Tiling a Bitmap on a Canvas bounds to fill your drawing area. Create a Paint with a BitmapShader and draw a rectangle with it this is basically what BitmapDrawable..
How do the pieces of Android's (2D) Canvas drawing pipeline fit together? . In drawBitmap the Shader is temporarily replaced by a BitmapShader if a non ALPHA_8 Bitmap is used. In other cases if no Shader..
How to set bitmap in circular imageview? far as creating a circurlar Bitmap is concenred create a BitmapShader from the bitmap you want to show. Then create a ShapeDrawable.. bitmap.getWidth bitmap.getHeight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 BitmapShader shader new BitmapShader bitmap TileMode.CLAMP TileMode.CLAMP.. Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 BitmapShader shader new BitmapShader bitmap TileMode.CLAMP TileMode.CLAMP Paint paint new Paint paint.setShader..
ImageView with rounded corners and inner shadow frame radius radius mPaint Shader bitmapShader new BitmapShader mBitmap TileMode.CLAMP TileMode.CLAMP mPaint new Paint Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG..
Android Tile Bitmap app and would like to repeat the bitmap in both the X and Y directions. I've seen the TileMode.REPEAT constant for the BitmapShader class but am unsure if this is to do with repeating he actual bitmap or to do with applying a filter to the bitmap. android..
create circular image view in android [duplicate] not working fine code Bitmap circleBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap bitmap.getWidth bitmap.getHeight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 BitmapShader shader new BitmapShader bitmap TileMode.CLAMP TileMode.CLAMP Paint paint new Paint paint.setShader shader Canvas c new.. circleBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap bitmap.getWidth bitmap.getHeight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 BitmapShader shader new BitmapShader bitmap TileMode.CLAMP TileMode.CLAMP Paint paint new Paint paint.setShader shader Canvas c new Canvas circleBitmap c.drawCircle..
How to create a background with Image, Rounded Corners without borders Use a custom Drawable that draws a rounded rectangle using Canvas.drawRoundRect . The trick is to use a Paint with a BitmapShader to fill the rounded rectangle with a texture instead of a simple color. http www.curious 2012 12 11 android..
Android Edit Bitmap Channels by this point Paint redPaint new Paint redPaint.setXfermode new PorterDuffXfermode Mode.LIGHTEN redPaint.setShader new BitmapShader redChanImg TileMode.CLAMP TileMode.CLAMP redPaint.setColorFilter new PorterDuffColorFilter Color.RED Mode.DARKEN Paint greenPaint.. Paint greenPaint new Paint greenPaint.setXfermode new PorterDuffXfermode Mode.LIGHTEN greenPaint.setShader new BitmapShader greenChanImg TileMode.CLAMP TileMode.CLAMP greenPaint.setColorFilter new PorterDuffColorFilter Color.GREEN Mode.DARKEN Paint.. Paint bluePaint new Paint bluePaint.setXfermode new PorterDuffXfermode Mode.LIGHTEN bluePaint.setShader new BitmapShader blueChanImg TileMode.CLAMP TileMode.CLAMP bluePaint.setColorFilter new PorterDuffColorFilter Color.BLUE Mode.DARKEN Paint..
Blending pixels from Two Bitmaps creation reading as above then Paint p new Paint p.setXfermode new PorterDuffXfermode Mode.MULTIPLY p.setShader new BitmapShader blend TileMode.CLAMP TileMode.CLAMP Canvas c new Canvas c.setBitmap result c.drawBitmap base 0 0 null c.drawRect 0 0 base.getWidth..
Android: Tiling a Bitmap on a Canvas
How do the pieces of Android's (2D) Canvas drawing pipeline fit together? intrinsic color instead The source colors come from the Shader . In drawBitmap the Shader is temporarily replaced by a BitmapShader if a non ALPHA_8 Bitmap is used. In other cases if no Shader is specified a Shader that just generates a solid color the..
How to set bitmap in circular imageview? created a circular ImageView. Can you share that secret As far as creating a circurlar Bitmap is concenred create a BitmapShader from the bitmap you want to show. Then create a ShapeDrawable Oval and assign the bitmap shader to it. Draw the drawable... Bitmap circleBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap bitmap.getWidth bitmap.getHeight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 BitmapShader shader new BitmapShader bitmap TileMode.CLAMP TileMode.CLAMP Paint paint new Paint paint.setShader shader Canvas c new Canvas.. circleBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap bitmap.getWidth bitmap.getHeight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 BitmapShader shader new BitmapShader bitmap TileMode.CLAMP TileMode.CLAMP Paint paint new Paint paint.setShader shader Canvas c new Canvas circleBitmap c.drawCircle..
ImageView with rounded corners and inner shadow mPaint.setColor 0xFF000000 canvas.drawRoundRect frame radius radius mPaint Shader bitmapShader new BitmapShader mBitmap TileMode.CLAMP TileMode.CLAMP mPaint new Paint Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG mPaint.setColor 0xFF000000 mPaint.setMaskFilter..