android Programming Glossary: bluetoothservice
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work I BluetoothZephyrService 23605 BEGIN mConnectThread E BluetoothService.cpp 19147 stopDiscoveryNative D Bus error in StopDiscovery org.bluez.Error.Failed.. 23605 connect D BluetoothSocket 23605 doSdp I BluetoothService.cpp 19147 ... Object Path org bluez 21902 hci0 dev_00_07_80_88_F5_AD.. Object Path org bluez 21902 hci0 dev_00_07_80_88_F5_AD I BluetoothService.cpp 19147 ... Pattern 00001101 0000 1000 8000 00805f9b34fb strlen..
Why can't HTC Droid running OTA 2.1 communicate with RFCOMM? D JBtlBmg 74 nativeAccessibleChange 05 17 19 44 24.087 D BluetoothService 74 Callback accessbileChange btErrCode NO_ERROR mode CONNECTABLE_ONLY.. NO_ERROR mode CONNECTABLE_ONLY 05 17 19 44 24.087 D BluetoothService 74 Sending ACTION_SCAN_MODE_CHANGED intent mode 21 05 17 19.. D JBtlBmg 74 nativeLinkConnectCnf 05 17 19 44 24.107 D BluetoothService 74 Callback linkConnectCnf btErrCode NO_ERROR bdAddr 00 18 E4..
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work D BluetoothZephyrService 23605 setState 0 2 I BluetoothZephyrService 23605 BEGIN mConnectThread E BluetoothService.cpp 19147 stopDiscoveryNative D Bus error in StopDiscovery org.bluez.Error.Failed Invalid discovery session D BluetoothSocket.. org.bluez.Error.Failed Invalid discovery session D BluetoothSocket 23605 connect D BluetoothSocket 23605 doSdp I BluetoothService.cpp 19147 ... Object Path org bluez 21902 hci0 dev_00_07_80_88_F5_AD I BluetoothService.cpp 19147 ... Pattern 00001101 0000.. BluetoothSocket 23605 doSdp I BluetoothService.cpp 19147 ... Object Path org bluez 21902 hci0 dev_00_07_80_88_F5_AD I BluetoothService.cpp 19147 ... Pattern 00001101 0000 1000 8000 00805f9b34fb strlen 36 I BluetoothZephyr 23605 MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGE 2 ..
Why can't HTC Droid running OTA 2.1 communicate with RFCOMM? Calling Java Accessible Change callback 05 17 19 44 24.047 D JBtlBmg 74 nativeAccessibleChange 05 17 19 44 24.087 D BluetoothService 74 Callback accessbileChange btErrCode NO_ERROR mode CONNECTABLE_ONLY 05 17 19 44 24.087 D BluetoothService 74 Sending ACTION_SCAN_MODE_CHANGED.. 24.087 D BluetoothService 74 Callback accessbileChange btErrCode NO_ERROR mode CONNECTABLE_ONLY 05 17 19 44 24.087 D BluetoothService 74 Sending ACTION_SCAN_MODE_CHANGED intent mode 21 05 17 19 44 24.087 D 74 signal_BTEVENT_ACCESSIBLE_CHANGE Exiting 05 17.. Java Link Connect Confirmation callback 05 17 19 44 24.097 D JBtlBmg 74 nativeLinkConnectCnf 05 17 19 44 24.107 D BluetoothService 74 Callback linkConnectCnf btErrCode NO_ERROR bdAddr 00 18 E4 1D 23 9B 05 17 19 44 24.117 D JBtlBmg 74 getKnownDeviceInfo..