android Programming Glossary: blob
Android SQLite and huge data sets ERROR Cursor 19416 Failed allocating 17 bytes for text blob at 17093 2 09 10 19 20 05.656 DEBUG Cursor 19416 finish_program_and_get_row_count..
how to save image taken from camera and show it to listview - crashes with “IllegalStateException” byte bytes ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put imageblob bytes Log.e inserted inserted dbHelper.getWritableDatabase .insert.. inserted dbHelper.getWritableDatabase .insert Image imageblob cv public byte getImage Cursor c return c.getBlob 1 The database.. comments public static final String KEY_IMAGE imageblob private static final String SCRIPT_CREATE_DATABASE create table..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off p platform frameworks base.git a blob f core java android os does what I want but its a..
cover art on android here https android platform_packages_apps_music blob master src com android music method getArtworkQuick...
How do you interface with BadgeProvider on Samsung phones to add a count to the application icon? integer _id text package text class integer badgecount blob icon extraData In order to query ALL results from the BadgeProvider..
Where is android.os.SystemProperties p platform packages apps Camera.git a blob f src com android camera h 8effd3c7e2841eb1ccf0cfce52ca71085642d113..
How to detect system information like os or device type to read at line 559 https bitstars SimpleUi blob master SimpleUI src tools Windowsize..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime p platform frameworks base.git a blob f tools aapt Images.cpp h 3c471ca76107cc49b5f8e3ca15e87725ed80faf9..
How to store images in sqlite database on click event of button? newValues.put fio ванов е Се гееви insert picture to blob field try FileInputStream instream new FileInputStream sdcard.. emp1 null newValues if ret 0 textView.append r n Error add blob filed r n catch IOException e textView.append r n Error e r.. r n cur.getString 1 r n cur.moveToNext Read data from blob field cur.moveToFirst byteImage2 cur.getBlob cur.getColumnIndex..
How to create datePicker and timePicker dialogs in fragment class? a big help here https commonsguy cw advandroid blob master Honeycomb FeedFragments src com commonsware android feedfrags..
how to store Image as blob in Sqlite & how to retrieve it? to store Image as blob in Sqlite how to retrieve it I want to store an image from.. value of image stored as Image B@43e5ac48 android image blob share improve this question Here the code i used for my app..
How to convert byte array to Bitmap returns null Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray blob 0 blob.length android sqlite bitmap bytearray share improve.. null Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray blob 0 blob.length android sqlite bitmap bytearray share improve this.. path images image.jpg ByteArrayOutputStream blob new ByteArrayOutputStream bitmap.compress CompressFormat.PNG..
how to store image in sqlite database emulator share improve this question you have to use blob to store image. ex to store a image in to db public void insertImg..
How to store(bitmap image) and retrieve image from sqlite database in android? [closed] database CREATE TABLE DB_TABLE KEY_NAME TEXT KEY_IMAGE BLOB Insert in the Database public void addEntry String name byte..
how to save image taken from camera and show it to listview - crashes with “IllegalStateException” null ...... KEY_COMMENTS text not null KEY_IMAGE imageblob BLOB The myItems public class myItems .... String comments byte imageblob.. myImage.setImageBitmap getImageFromBLOB theItems.getImage return convertView public static Bitmap.. return convertView public static Bitmap getImageFromBLOB byte mBlob byte bb mBlob return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray..
Saving ArrayList in SQLite database in Android of Longs. I've noticed that SQL has an option for storing BLOBS however it looks like I need to convert the arraylist to a.. more than 31 longs 248 bytes then you'll need to use BLOB. You cannot use BINARY or VARBINARY in MySQL. I realize you're..
How to store images in sqlite database on click event of button? primary key autoincrement fio TEXT not null picture BLOB myDb openOrCreateDatabase sdcard Nick MyWeatherDB.db Context.MODE_PRIVATE..
Convert Drawable to BLOB Datatype sqlite Drawable to BLOB Datatype sqlite hello expert here public Drawable icon something.. are shown correctly and i take icon field with datatype BLOB but it display empty nothing into DB. so can you help me image.. VARCHAR 255 version_name VARCHAR 25 versionCode INT icon BLOB date DATE public void DeleteTable String Tablename Context context..
How to create a Table with a column of type BLOB in a DBAdapter to create a Table with a column of type BLOB in a DBAdapter I have a global DBAdapter and also for each.. each Table one. In my global DB Adapter I added the type BLOB to the column. But i don't get what i have to change in my DBAdapter.. What I need to change there that it also works with the BLOB type. So here you go Global DBAdapter package de.retowaelchli.filterit.database..
How to convert byte array to Bitmap store image in sqlite database. I tried to store it using BLOB and String in both cases it store the image and can retrieve..
Store static data in Android - custom resource? doing this The data will never need to change. Example Blob A B Blob 1 23 42 Blob 2 34 21 I know that's laid out like a.. this The data will never need to change. Example Blob A B Blob 1 23 42 Blob 2 34 21 I know that's laid out like a table but.. will never need to change. Example Blob A B Blob 1 23 42 Blob 2 34 21 I know that's laid out like a table but using a database..
What is OBB(Opaque Binary Blob) in Android develop site? is OBB Opaque Binary Blob in Android develop site When I checked the Android 2.3 doc.. 2.3 doc I found the information about OBB Opaque Binary Blob in Storage section. But I can't find any information of OBB.. But I can't find any information of OBB Opaque Binary Blob in Google. Can you give me a information or address about what..
Android SQLite and huge data sets are already 17094 row s max size 1048576 09 10 19 20 04.726 ERROR Cursor 19416 Failed allocating 17 bytes for text blob at 17093 2 09 10 19 20 05.656 DEBUG Cursor 19416 finish_program_and_get_row_count row 5257 09 10 19 24 54.685 DEBUG dalvikvm..
how to save image taken from camera and show it to listview - crashes with “IllegalStateException” how to do this.. For database I use public void insertImage byte bytes ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put imageblob bytes Log.e inserted inserted dbHelper.getWritableDatabase .insert Image imageblob cv public byte getImage Cursor c return.. cv new ContentValues cv.put imageblob bytes Log.e inserted inserted dbHelper.getWritableDatabase .insert Image imageblob cv public byte getImage Cursor c return c.getBlob 1 The database helper ... public static final String KEY_COMMENTS comments.. 1 The database helper ... public static final String KEY_COMMENTS comments public static final String KEY_IMAGE imageblob private static final String SCRIPT_CREATE_DATABASE create table DATABASE_TABLE KEY_ROWID integer primary key autoincrement..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off api to turn the screen off in my app. setScreenState from http p platform frameworks base.git a blob f core java android os does what I want but its a hidden API. Does that mean I shouldn't use it I would think..
cover art on android
How do you interface with BadgeProvider on Samsung phones to add a count to the application icon? The column structure is as follows integer _id text package text class integer badgecount blob icon extraData In order to query ALL results from the BadgeProvider do the following This is the content uri for the BadgeProvider..
Where is android.os.SystemProperties It cannot be found. here is the file I'm looking at. http p platform packages apps Camera.git a blob f src com android camera h 8effd3c7e2841eb1ccf0cfce52ca71085642d113 hb refs heads eclair I created a new..
How to detect system information like os or device type I combined them all together in my ErrorHandler activity start to read at line 559 https bitstars SimpleUi blob master SimpleUI src tools Windowsize and keyboard presence were a good idea i added some more infos..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime someone can edit my answer that would be cool. do_9patch http p platform frameworks base.git a blob f tools aapt Images.cpp h 3c471ca76107cc49b5f8e3ca15e87725ed80faf9 hb refs heads gingerbread isNinePatchChunk http
How to store images in sqlite database on click event of button? delete from emp1 ContentValues newValues new ContentValues newValues.put fio ванов е Се гееви insert picture to blob field try FileInputStream instream new FileInputStream sdcard Nick weather.png BufferedInputStream bif new BufferedInputStream.. r n newValues.put picture byteImage1 long ret myDb.insert emp1 null newValues if ret 0 textView.append r n Error add blob filed r n catch IOException e textView.append r n Error e r n Read data Cursor cur myDb.query emp1 null null null null.. cur.moveToFirst while cur.isAfterLast false textView.append r n cur.getString 1 r n cur.moveToNext Read data from blob field cur.moveToFirst byteImage2 cur.getBlob cur.getColumnIndex picture Т bmImage.setImageBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray..
How to create datePicker and timePicker dialogs in fragment class? some information here Show dialog from fragment and also a big help here https commonsguy cw advandroid blob master Honeycomb FeedFragments src com commonsware android feedfrags This should help you get..
how to store Image as blob in Sqlite & how to retrieve it? to store Image as blob in Sqlite how to retrieve it I want to store an image from url into a sqlite database. For that I use db new DataBase getApplicationContext.. theImage So here I got null . And in my database the value of image stored as Image B@43e5ac48 android image blob share improve this question Here the code i used for my app This code will take a image from url and convert is to a..
How to convert byte array to Bitmap ... it return null. I have used this code but it returns null Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray blob 0 blob.length android sqlite bitmap bytearray share improve this question Just Try this Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile.. ... it return null. I have used this code but it returns null Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray blob 0 blob.length android sqlite bitmap bytearray share improve this question Just Try this Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile.. this question Just Try this Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile path images image.jpg ByteArrayOutputStream blob new ByteArrayOutputStream bitmap.compress CompressFormat.PNG 0 ignored for PNG blob byte bitmapdata blob.toByteArray if..
how to store image in sqlite database ImageButton imv ImageView imvd imvf android sqlite android emulator share improve this question you have to use blob to store image. ex to store a image in to db public void insertImg int id Bitmap img byte data getBitmapAsByteArray img..
How to store(bitmap image) and retrieve image from sqlite database in android? [closed] bitmapimage share improve this question Setting Up the database CREATE TABLE DB_TABLE KEY_NAME TEXT KEY_IMAGE BLOB Insert in the Database public void addEntry String name byte image throws SQLiteException ContentValues cv new ContentValues..
how to save image taken from camera and show it to listview - crashes with “IllegalStateException” integer primary key autoincrement KEY_TITLE text not null ...... KEY_COMMENTS text not null KEY_IMAGE imageblob BLOB The myItems public class myItems .... String comments byte imageblob public byte getImage return imageblob public void setImage.. ImageView myImage ImageView convertView.findViewById myImage.setImageBitmap getImageFromBLOB theItems.getImage return convertView public static Bitmap getImageFromBLOB byte mBlob byte bb mBlob return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray.. myImage.setImageBitmap getImageFromBLOB theItems.getImage return convertView public static Bitmap getImageFromBLOB byte mBlob byte bb mBlob return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray bb 0 bb.length public ArrayList myItems getItems return items..
Saving ArrayList in SQLite database in Android fetch the data back as an arraylist. The arraylist is a list of Longs. I've noticed that SQL has an option for storing BLOBS however it looks like I need to convert the arraylist to a byte first before being able to store it as a blob in my SQLite.. return longs Note If your lists will sometimes contain more than 31 longs 248 bytes then you'll need to use BLOB. You cannot use BINARY or VARBINARY in MySQL. I realize you're asking about SQLite but in the spirit of completely plagiarizing..
How to store images in sqlite database on click event of button? null byte byteImage2 null MySQL create table emp1 _id INTEGER primary key autoincrement fio TEXT not null picture BLOB myDb openOrCreateDatabase sdcard Nick MyWeatherDB.db Context.MODE_PRIVATE null myDb.execSQL MySQL String s myDb.getPath..
Convert Drawable to BLOB Datatype sqlite Drawable to BLOB Datatype sqlite hello expert here public Drawable icon something value are in this field now i am crating a database in.. want to store icon into database.problem is another field are shown correctly and i take icon field with datatype BLOB but it display empty nothing into DB. so can you help me image with DB public void prettyPrint public String appname asd.. NOT EXISTS Tablename app_id INT app_name VARCHAR 255 pname VARCHAR 255 version_name VARCHAR 25 versionCode INT icon BLOB date DATE public void DeleteTable String Tablename Context context sampleDB.execSQL DROP TABLE off_appinfo4 public void..
How to create a Table with a column of type BLOB in a DBAdapter to create a Table with a column of type BLOB in a DBAdapter I have a global DBAdapter and also for each Table one. In my global DB Adapter I added the type BLOB to.. BLOB in a DBAdapter I have a global DBAdapter and also for each Table one. In my global DB Adapter I added the type BLOB to the column. But i don't get what i have to change in my DBAdapter for the specific Table. What I need to change there.. what i have to change in my DBAdapter for the specific Table. What I need to change there that it also works with the BLOB type. So here you go Global DBAdapter package de.retowaelchli.filterit.database import android.content.Context import android.database.SQLException..
How to convert byte array to Bitmap to convert byte array to Bitmap I want to store image in sqlite database. I tried to store it using BLOB and String in both cases it store the image and can retrieve it but when i convert it to Bitmap using BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray..
Store static data in Android - custom resource? what I'm envisioning. What would be the best way to go about doing this The data will never need to change. Example Blob A B Blob 1 23 42 Blob 2 34 21 I know that's laid out like a table but using a database doesn't really make sense to me.. envisioning. What would be the best way to go about doing this The data will never need to change. Example Blob A B Blob 1 23 42 Blob 2 34 21 I know that's laid out like a table but using a database doesn't really make sense to me because the.. What would be the best way to go about doing this The data will never need to change. Example Blob A B Blob 1 23 42 Blob 2 34 21 I know that's laid out like a table but using a database doesn't really make sense to me because the data will never..
What is OBB(Opaque Binary Blob) in Android develop site? is OBB Opaque Binary Blob in Android develop site When I checked the Android 2.3 doc I found the information about OBB Opaque Binary Blob in Storage.. Blob in Android develop site When I checked the Android 2.3 doc I found the information about OBB Opaque Binary Blob in Storage section. But I can't find any information of OBB Opaque Binary Blob in Google. Can you give me a information.. the information about OBB Opaque Binary Blob in Storage section. But I can't find any information of OBB Opaque Binary Blob in Google. Can you give me a information or address about what Obb Opaque Binary Blob is android share improve this question..