android Programming Glossary: bits
Android - what's the difference between the various methods to get a Context? between the various methods to get a Context In various bits of Android code I've seen public class MyActivity extends Activity..
Is Google's Android OpenGL tutorial teaching incorrect linear algebra? or is there something I am missing Here are the relevant bits of it Start out by creating a MVPMatrix by multiplying mProjMatrix..
Android 4.2 broke my encrypt/decrypt code and the provided solutions don't work the same size as the output 256 8 32 int keyLength 256 256 bits for AES 256 128 bits for AES 128 etc byte salt Should be of.. output 256 8 32 int keyLength 256 256 bits for AES 256 128 bits for AES 128 etc byte salt Should be of saltLength When first..
Importing external .jar file to Android project [duplicate] doing this I've tried various things following various bits of advice on the internet and the place I've got to at the moment..
Quality problems when resizing an image at runtime in an offscreen bitmap and make sure that Bitmap is 32 bits ARGB888 . However I have no idea how to make sure the Bitmap.. I have no idea how to make sure the Bitmap stays as 32 bits through the whole process. I have also read a couple other articles..
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity 1019 I'm using Vista 64 bit JDK and Eclipse are 32 bits I have had no problems before following the SDK from 0.0 right..
BouncyCastle AES error when upgrading to 1.45 in the engineNextBytes method where bits seedLength 3 64 was changed to bits seedLength 3 64 Clearly.. method where bits seedLength 3 64 was changed to bits seedLength 3 64 Clearly it was a bug that was fixed but it means..
Technical details of Android Garbage Collector strategy in the Dalvik garbage collector is to keep mark bits or the bits that indicate that a particular object is œreachable.. the Dalvik garbage collector is to keep mark bits or the bits that indicate that a particular object is œreachable and therefore..
Android Homescreen project so I can look at it and dissect it and use the bits relevant to me. This one was of interest but I just can't get..
MediaPlayer stutters at start of mp3 playback header from stream e return false Get the important bits from the headers String headerLines headers.split n String..
Code samples for Android Bluetooth programming [closed] doc javax bluetooth UUID.html Keep in mind that the 16 bits represented in the UUID ie 0x1101 for Serial Port is misleading..
android encryption/decryption with AES SHA1PRNG sr.setSeed keyStart kgen.init 128 sr 192 and 256 bits may not be available SecretKey skey kgen.generateKey byte key..
Voice Detection in Android Application 8 block align finalBuffer 33 0 finalBuffer 34 RECORDER_BPP bits per sample finalBuffer 35 0 finalBuffer 36 'd' finalBuffer 37..
Awful background image quality in Android really important as both the source and destination use 8 bits per color Notice how the resulting artifacts in image 3 already..
Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling try Log.d LOG_TAG Attempting rate rate Hz bits audioFormat int bufrSize AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize this.recordingSampleRate..
Android - what's the difference between the various methods to get a Context? what's the difference between the various methods to get a Context In various bits of Android code I've seen public class MyActivity extends Activity public void method mContext this since Activity extends..
Is Google's Android OpenGL tutorial teaching incorrect linear algebra? vector column major which is typical of OpenGL. Am I right or is there something I am missing Here are the relevant bits of it Start out by creating a MVPMatrix by multiplying mProjMatrix mVMatrix. So far so good. Set the camera position View..
Android 4.2 broke my encrypt/decrypt code and the provided solutions don't work int iterationCount 1000 int saltLength 32 bytes should be the same size as the output 256 8 32 int keyLength 256 256 bits for AES 256 128 bits for AES 128 etc byte salt Should be of saltLength When first creating the key obtain a salt with this.. 1000 int saltLength 32 bytes should be the same size as the output 256 8 32 int keyLength 256 256 bits for AES 256 128 bits for AES 128 etc byte salt Should be of saltLength When first creating the key obtain a salt with this SecureRandom random..
Importing external .jar file to Android project [duplicate] class in an Android application. How should I go about doing this I've tried various things following various bits of advice on the internet and the place I've got to at the moment is compiling my BBCSchedules project to a .jar file and..
Quality problems when resizing an image at runtime at drawing time which is going to be very costly try to resize in an offscreen bitmap and make sure that Bitmap is 32 bits ARGB888 . However I have no idea how to make sure the Bitmap stays as 32 bits through the whole process. I have also read.. bitmap and make sure that Bitmap is 32 bits ARGB888 . However I have no idea how to make sure the Bitmap stays as 32 bits through the whole process. I have also read a couple other articles such as this http 2010 04 bitmap..
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity 11 41.652 ERROR CheckinTask 382 at 1019 I'm using Vista 64 bit JDK and Eclipse are 32 bits I have had no problems before following the SDK from 0.0 right up to 2.2 . I noticed in another post that it's necessary..
BouncyCastle AES error when upgrading to 1.45 of a bug fix on line 320 in Gingerbread source of in the engineNextBytes method where bits seedLength 3 64 was changed to bits seedLength 3 64 Clearly it was a bug that was fixed but it means that given the same.. source of in the engineNextBytes method where bits seedLength 3 64 was changed to bits seedLength 3 64 Clearly it was a bug that was fixed but it means that given the same seed SecureRandom will generate different..
Technical details of Android Garbage Collector to The Dalvik Virtual Machine Architecture The current strategy in the Dalvik garbage collector is to keep mark bits or the bits that indicate that a particular object is œreachable and therefore should not be garbage collected separate from.. Dalvik Virtual Machine Architecture The current strategy in the Dalvik garbage collector is to keep mark bits or the bits that indicate that a particular object is œreachable and therefore should not be garbage collected separate from other heap..
Android Homescreen to them I'm sure thats me being a noob So I need a working project so I can look at it and dissect it and use the bits relevant to me. This one was of interest but I just can't get it to work. I use Eclipse and the SDK is that what everyone..
MediaPlayer stutters at start of mp3 playback catch IOException e Log.e TAG Error reading HTTP request header from stream e return false Get the important bits from the headers String headerLines headers.split n String urlLine headerLines 0 if urlLine.startsWith GET Log.e TAG Only..
Code samples for Android Bluetooth programming [closed] and check out http www.avetana avetana gmbh produkte doc javax bluetooth UUID.html Keep in mind that the 16 bits represented in the UUID ie 0x1101 for Serial Port is misleading in that its really the least significant part and needs..
android encryption/decryption with AES AES SecureRandom sr SecureRandom.getInstance SHA1PRNG sr.setSeed keyStart kgen.init 128 sr 192 and 256 bits may not be available SecretKey skey kgen.generateKey byte key skey.getEncoded encrypt byte encryptedData encrypt key b decrypt..
Voice Detection in Android Application 31 byte byteRate 24 0xff finalBuffer 32 byte 2 16 8 block align finalBuffer 33 0 finalBuffer 34 RECORDER_BPP bits per sample finalBuffer 35 0 finalBuffer 36 'd' finalBuffer 37 'a' finalBuffer 38 't' finalBuffer 39 'a' finalBuffer 40 byte..
Awful background image quality in Android with code1 and code2 in this case the dithering is not really important as both the source and destination use 8 bits per color Notice how the resulting artifacts in image 3 already exists in the original image. Note if anyone knows how to..
Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling AudioTrack.getNativeOutputSampleRate AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC try Log.d LOG_TAG Attempting rate rate Hz bits audioFormat int bufrSize AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize this.recordingSampleRate AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO audioFormat..
How to get a Bitmap from a raw image assume that the source image is in the byte array called Src. Here's the code byte Src Comes from somewhere... byte Bits new byte Src.length 4 That's where the RGBA array goes. int i for i 0 i Src.length i Bits i 4 Bits i 4 1 Bits i 4 2 ~Src.. Comes from somewhere... byte Bits new byte Src.length 4 That's where the RGBA array goes. int i for i 0 i Src.length i Bits i 4 Bits i 4 1 Bits i 4 2 ~Src i Invert the source bits Bits i 4 3 1 0xff that's the alpha. Now put these nice RGBA pixels.. somewhere... byte Bits new byte Src.length 4 That's where the RGBA array goes. int i for i 0 i Src.length i Bits i 4 Bits i 4 1 Bits i 4 2 ~Src i Invert the source bits Bits i 4 3 1 0xff that's the alpha. Now put these nice RGBA pixels into a..