android Programming Glossary: blend
Framebuffer FBO render to texture is very slow, using OpenGL ES 2.0 on Android, why? to the backbuffer I draw lights to a FBO and try to blend it to the back buffer again. When I draw the FBO to the framebuffer.. everything even if I draw a single sprite on the scene and blend a trasparent FBO texture to the screen the framerate drops...
how create Gradient like Iphone Edittext box in android that on different versions of the OS your app will blend seamlessly with the rest of the system even as the system theme..
Blending pixels from Two Bitmaps to make my stupidity public. I'm trying to take two images blend them together into a third image using standard blending algorithms.. blend them together into a third image using standard blending algorithms Hardlight softlight overlay multiply etc . Because.. overlay multiply etc . Because Android does not have such blend properties build in I've gone down the path of taking each pixel..
How to get rid of Jagged edges in Android OpenGL ES? arbitrary order. Polygon antialiasing is optimized using blend function GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE GL_ONE with polygons sorted from..
How do the pieces of Android's (2D) Canvas drawing pipeline fit together? color matrix SkXfermode e.g. porter duff transfermodes blend modes It isn't stated explicitly but I'm guessing that the order.. colors from the Canvas 's Bitmap . The result is then blended with the destination using the mask computed in Rasterization...
How to use Blend to make a polygon transparent? es share improve this question Looks like the right blend functions there call them before drawing your translucent polygon... range for alpha is 0.0 transparent to 1.0 opaque given the blending function above. Also note that translucent objects are sensitive.. first using the depth buffer as normal. Then turn on blending and set the depth buffer to read only and draw your translucent..
photo/image-to-sketch algorithm image Blends 2 bitmaps to one and adds the color dodge blend mode to it. public Bitmap ColorDodgeBlend Bitmap source Bitmap.. layer Bitmap base source.copy Config.ARGB_8888 true Bitmap blend layer.copy Config.ARGB_8888 false IntBuffer buffBase IntBuffer.allocate.. buffBase.rewind IntBuffer buffBlend IntBuffer.allocate blend.getWidth blend.getHeight blend.copyPixelsToBuffer buffBlend..
Framebuffer FBO render to texture is very slow, using OpenGL ES 2.0 on Android, why? an Android 2d game using opengl es 2.0. After I draw my sprites to the backbuffer I draw lights to a FBO and try to blend it to the back buffer again. When I draw the FBO to the framebuffer even trasparent without any color the framerates drops.. has an adreno 205 as gpu . I searched everywhere and tried everything even if I draw a single sprite on the scene and blend a trasparent FBO texture to the screen the framerate drops. I tried other games with lighting effects on that phone and..
how create Gradient like Iphone Edittext box in android best that it can within its own paradigm. This has the advantage that on different versions of the OS your app will blend seamlessly with the rest of the system even as the system theme changes. Here's the default EditText running the exact same..
Blending pixels from Two Bitmaps and I'm fairly certain I'm doing something stupid so time to make my stupidity public. I'm trying to take two images blend them together into a third image using standard blending algorithms Hardlight softlight overlay multiply etc . Because Android.. time to make my stupidity public. I'm trying to take two images blend them together into a third image using standard blending algorithms Hardlight softlight overlay multiply etc . Because Android does not have such blend properties build in I've.. image using standard blending algorithms Hardlight softlight overlay multiply etc . Because Android does not have such blend properties build in I've gone down the path of taking each pixel and combine them using an algorithm. However the results..
How to get rid of Jagged edges in Android OpenGL ES?
How do the pieces of Android's (2D) Canvas drawing pipeline fit together? modify the source color s before applying the xfermode e.g. color matrix SkXfermode e.g. porter duff transfermodes blend modes It isn't stated explicitly but I'm guessing that the order of the effects here is the order they appear in the pipeline... applies to the source colors from the Shader and the destination colors from the Canvas 's Bitmap . The result is then blended with the destination using the mask computed in Rasterization. See the Transfer phase in the above document for more details...
How to use Blend to make a polygon transparent? to make my polygon progressively transparent. android opengl es share improve this question Looks like the right blend functions there call them before drawing your translucent polygon. The alpha value is typically supplied with the color.. with the color or texturemap Red Green Blue Alpha and the range for alpha is 0.0 transparent to 1.0 opaque given the blending function above. Also note that translucent objects are sensitive to render order Typically you must draw all your opaque.. to render order Typically you must draw all your opaque objects first using the depth buffer as normal. Then turn on blending and set the depth buffer to read only and draw your translucent objects back to front draw the farthest from the camera..
photo/image-to-sketch algorithm in1 return int image 255 image Math.min 255 long mask 8 255 image Blends 2 bitmaps to one and adds the color dodge blend mode to it. public Bitmap ColorDodgeBlend Bitmap source Bitmap layer Bitmap base source.copy Config.ARGB_8888 true Bitmap.. to it. public Bitmap ColorDodgeBlend Bitmap source Bitmap layer Bitmap base source.copy Config.ARGB_8888 true Bitmap blend layer.copy Config.ARGB_8888 false IntBuffer buffBase IntBuffer.allocate base.getWidth base.getHeight base.copyPixelsToBuffer.. base.getWidth base.getHeight base.copyPixelsToBuffer buffBase buffBase.rewind IntBuffer buffBlend IntBuffer.allocate blend.getWidth blend.getHeight blend.copyPixelsToBuffer buffBlend buffBlend.rewind IntBuffer buffOut IntBuffer.allocate base.getWidth..