android Programming Glossary: bluetoothadapter.getdefaultadapter
Android + Arduino Bluetooth Data Transfer catch IOException ex void findBT mBluetoothAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter if mBluetoothAdapter null myLabel.setText No bluetooth adapter..
Android Device Bluetooth pairing filter Get the local Bluetooth adapter mBtAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter Get a set of currently paired devices Set BluetoothDevice pairedDevices.. arrayListpaired new ArrayList String bluetoothAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter clicked new ButtonClicked handleSeacrh new HandleSeacrh arrayListPairedBluetoothDevices..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset Context context mContext context mBluetoothAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter mAudioManager AudioManager mContext.getSystemService Context.AUDIO_SERVICE..
android bluetooth can't connect private void setupBluetooth mBluetoothAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter if mBluetoothAdapter null Device does not support Bluetooth..
How to use Bluetooth in Android emulator? am using the following code BluetoothAdapter adapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter the adapter is returning null value which means the android..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? throws Exception if connected return BluetoothDevice zee BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter . getRemoteDevice 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55 Method m zee.getClass .getMethod.. in public void test throws IOException BluetoothDevice zee BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter . getRemoteDevice 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55 sock zee.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord.. try BluetoothDevice zee BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter . getRemoteDevice 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55 sock zee.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord..
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work socket.getInputStream can be used. BluetoothDevice hxm BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter .getRemoteDevice 00 07 80 89 EE EB Method m hxm.getClass .getMethod..
Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android socket.connect BluetoothDevice hxm BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter .getRemoteDevice device.getAddress Method m try m hxm.getClass..
How to enable/disable bluetooth programmatically in android has the following code. BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter if mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled Intent enableBtIntent new Intent..
Problems connecting with bluetooth Android telaDevice ListView findViewById bluetooth BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter nomeBluetooth new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1.. non public method to create the socket BluetoothDevice hxm BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter .getRemoteDevice device.getAddress Method m m hxm.getClass .getMethod..
Toggling Bluetooth on and off? REQUEST_ENABLE_BT 1 and BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter boolean hasBluetooth mBluetoothAdapter null so that in your..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android n BILL BILL Total Value 17625.0 n BILL BILL mBTAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter dialogProgress new Dialog BluetoothPrint.this try if mBTAdapter.isDiscovering.. mDeviceClickListener mBluetoothAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter Set BluetoothDevice mPairedDevices mBluetoothAdapter.getBondedDevices.. public void onClick View mView mBluetoothAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter if mBluetoothAdapter null Toast.makeText Main.this Message1..
How to programatically connect 2 android devices with bluetooth? your Bluetooth manager. BluetoothAdapter bluetoothAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter If bluetoothAdapter is null it means that this Android device..
How write a program to connect to a a2dp bluetooth device using pre 3.0 Android? new BluetoothA2dp context BluetoothDevice device BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter . Loop through paired devices for BluetoothDevice device mBluetoothAdapter.getBondedDevices..
Android + Arduino Bluetooth Data Transfer new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v try closeBT catch IOException ex void findBT mBluetoothAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter if mBluetoothAdapter null myLabel.setText No bluetooth adapter available if mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled Intent enableBluetooth..
Android Device Bluetooth pairing this.registerReceiver mReceiver filter Get the local Bluetooth adapter mBtAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter Get a set of currently paired devices Set BluetoothDevice pairedDevices mBtAdapter.getBondedDevices If there are paired.. buttonOff Button findViewById arrayListpaired new ArrayList String bluetoothAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter clicked new ButtonClicked handleSeacrh new HandleSeacrh arrayListPairedBluetoothDevices new ArrayList BluetoothDevice the..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset NON NLS 1 Constructor @param context public BluetoothHeadsetUtils Context context mContext context mBluetoothAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter mAudioManager AudioManager mContext.getSystemService Context.AUDIO_SERVICE Call this to start BluetoothHeadsetUtils functionalities...
android bluetooth can't connect registerReceiver mReceiver filter setupBluetooth private void setupBluetooth mBluetoothAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter if mBluetoothAdapter null Device does not support Bluetooth Toast.makeText this Device does not support Bluetooth Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..
How to use Bluetooth in Android emulator? create an application based on bluetooth operation in android.I am using the following code BluetoothAdapter adapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter the adapter is returning null value which means the android emulator is not having bluetooth capability. i am using android..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? sock private InputStream in public void test throws Exception if connected return BluetoothDevice zee BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter . getRemoteDevice 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55 Method m zee.getClass .getMethod createRfcommSocket new Class int.class sock BluetoothSocket.. private BluetoothSocket sock private InputStream in public void test throws IOException BluetoothDevice zee BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter . getRemoteDevice 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55 sock zee.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord UUID.fromString 8e1f0cf7 508f 4875 b62c.. .registerReceiver receiver new IntentFilter BluetoothDevice.ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECTED try BluetoothDevice zee BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter . getRemoteDevice 00 1C 4D 02 A6 55 sock zee.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord UUID.fromString 8e1f0cf7 508f 4875 b62c..
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work After the connection is successful a regular method with input socket.getInputStream can be used. BluetoothDevice hxm BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter .getRemoteDevice 00 07 80 89 EE EB Method m hxm.getClass .getMethod createRfcommSocket new Class int.class socket BluetoothSocket..
Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android handler.sendEmptyMessage 5 Activa.myBluetoothAdapter.cancelDiscovery socket.connect BluetoothDevice hxm BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter .getRemoteDevice device.getAddress Method m try m hxm.getClass .getMethod createRfcommSocket new Class int.class socket..
How to enable/disable bluetooth programmatically in android I want to enable disable bluetooth through the program..I has the following code. BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter if mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled Intent enableBtIntent new Intent BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE startActivityForResult..
Problems connecting with bluetooth Android R.layout.main tela TextView findViewById telaDevice ListView findViewById bluetooth BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter nomeBluetooth new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 telaDevice.setAdapter nomeBluetooth Log.d.. working in Android 2.1 2.2. There is a workaround to call a non public method to create the socket BluetoothDevice hxm BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter .getRemoteDevice device.getAddress Method m m hxm.getClass .getMethod createRfcommSocket new Class int.class socket BluetoothSocket..
Toggling Bluetooth on and off? your manifest file and variables like private final integer REQUEST_ENABLE_BT 1 and BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter boolean hasBluetooth mBluetoothAdapter null so that in your OnCreate you can do something like final ToggleButton togglebutton..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android 08 2011 n BILL BILL BILL BILL n n BILL BILL Total Qty 2.0 n BILL BILL Total Value 17625.0 n BILL BILL mBTAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter dialogProgress new Dialog BluetoothPrint.this try if mBTAdapter.isDiscovering mBTAdapter.cancelDiscovery else mBTAdapter.startDiscovery.. mPairedDevicesArrayAdapter mPairedListView.setOnItemClickListener mDeviceClickListener mBluetoothAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter Set BluetoothDevice mPairedDevices mBluetoothAdapter.getBondedDevices if mPairedDevices.size 0 findViewById mScan.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View mView mBluetoothAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter if mBluetoothAdapter null Toast.makeText Main.this Message1 2000 .show else if mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled Intent..
How to programatically connect 2 android devices with bluetooth? of the documentation Start with the BluetoothAdapter it is your Bluetooth manager. BluetoothAdapter bluetoothAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter If bluetoothAdapter is null it means that this Android device does not support bluetooth It has no bluetooth radio. Though..
How write a program to connect to a a2dp bluetooth device using pre 3.0 Android? to them do something like just a hint BluetoothA2dp mBluetoothA2dp new BluetoothA2dp context BluetoothDevice device BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter . Loop through paired devices for BluetoothDevice device mBluetoothAdapter.getBondedDevices if device.getName .contains..