android Programming Glossary: avd
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen multiple emulators from the Eclipse menu bar select Window AVD Manager New configured with values for real devices Name the..
Slow Android emulator later has a feature that allows you to save state of the AVD emulator and you can start your emulator instantly. You have.. You have to enable this feature while creating a new AVD or you can just create it later by editing the AVD. Also I have.. a new AVD or you can just create it later by editing the AVD. Also I have increased the Device RAM Size to 1024 which results..
Eclipse error: R cannot be resolved to a variable [duplicate] I see that my code changes does not acting on my app on AVD then I cleaned my project under Project Clean... . file..
How to test the performance of an Android application? using the emulator you'll need to add an SD card to your AVD . You'll need to give you app permission to write the SD card..
How to increase storage for Android Emulator? (INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE)
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity that non of the built in applications present when a new AVD is created will work. For example the 'maps' application gives.. connect to Google or anything else. This happens with the AVDs that existed before I upgraded and with those created from.. that I have written. The logcat for a newly created AVD set to filter out all but errors is very long but I'm posting..
How to use addr2line in Android the non stripped version Also when using NDK r5 with a 2.3 AVD it is actually possible to debug multithreaded code. share..
File Upload in WebView browser like Firefox and built in browser of emulator AVD i.e. when I click Browse... button rendered by element browser.. a file to upload. However in the android 3.0 emulator AVD when I click on Choose file nothing happens no file dialog is..
The Android emulator is not starting, showing “invalid command-line parameter” Target Mode launching new emulator with compatible AVD 'vishal' 2011 07 10 07 10 25 demo Launching a new emulator with.. more information This shows my Android Virtual Device AVD could not start due to some reason. What can I do to fix this..
INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY error in Android listing targets android list targets then android create avd n new_avd_api_233 t Google Inc. Google APIs X Then create AVD.. targets android list targets then android create avd n new_avd_api_233 t Google Inc. Google APIs X Then create AVD Android.. Windows Android SDK and AVD Manager New... Name new_avd_X Target Google APIs Google Inc. API Level X IMPORTANT You must..
Android emulator doesn't take keyboard input - SDK tools rev 20 file and that worked Add hw.keyboard yes To ~ .android avd emulator device name .avd config.ini Similarly add hw.dPad yes.. hw.keyboard yes To ~ .android avd emulator device name .avd config.ini Similarly add hw.dPad yes if you wish to use the.. http tools devices managing avds cmdline.html#hardwareopts On Mac OS and Linux you can edit..
How to install Android Market App on the emulator? Copy system.img to two locations username .android avd vd1 username android platforms android 9 images Launch emulator..
Running Google Maps v2 on Android Emulator on Android emulator Platform 4.2 android android emulator avd android maps v2 google play services share improve this question..
How to get the Android Emulator's IP address? address through code. How can it be achieved android ip avd share improve this question Just to clarify from within your..
How to increase storage for Android Emulator? (INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE) emulator's storage android android emulator emulator avd share improve this question I was searching for the answer..
Android - Emulator internet access from my Android emulator emulator http proxy proxy name avd avd_name It works but is that the best way to do it It just.. my Android emulator emulator http proxy proxy name avd avd_name It works but is that the best way to do it It just doesn't..
Android emulator: How to monitor network traffic? w sdcard emulator.cap . Run emulator tcpdump emulator.cap avd my_avd to write all the emulator's traffic to a local file on.. emulator.cap . Run emulator tcpdump emulator.cap avd my_avd to write all the emulator's traffic to a local file on your..
Making the Android emulator run faster with Intel atom x86 CPU ABI Run from command line emulator avd avd_name qemu m 512 enable kvm Or run from Eclipse Run Run Configurations.. Intel atom x86 CPU ABI Run from command line emulator avd avd_name qemu m 512 enable kvm Or run from Eclipse Run Run Configurations..
Possible to change where Android Virtual Devices are saved? anyone here know a workaround for this windows android avd share improve this question Add a new user environment variable..
Android - Application (apk) Maximum size or such method android android emulator sd card apk avd share improve this question Its probably device specific..
Android SDK Manager gives “Failed to fetch URL” error when selecting repository I'm working on Windows Vista. android android sdk 2.2 avd share improve this question If you enter the URL in a browser..
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity C program files android android sdk windows tools emulator avd dns server This is google public DNS. The problem seems..
How do I launch the Android emulator from the command line? line for creating your AVD you can call android create avd n name t targetID where targetID is the API level you need... line . Run the AVD either by using command emulator avd name or through previously launched GUI. Wait until the emulator..
How to play a video in a webview with android? the html was working fine and I tested this in my android avd 2.2 javascript android html5 android widget android webview..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen to emulate device density. In Eclipse it's easy to create multiple emulators from the Eclipse menu bar select Window AVD Manager New configured with values for real devices Name the emulator for the real device it's emulating Specify Resolution..
Slow Android emulator improve this question Android Development Tools ADT 9.0.0 or later has a feature that allows you to save state of the AVD emulator and you can start your emulator instantly. You have to enable this feature while creating a new AVD or you can.. of the AVD emulator and you can start your emulator instantly. You have to enable this feature while creating a new AVD or you can just create it later by editing the AVD. Also I have increased the Device RAM Size to 1024 which results in very.. instantly. You have to enable this feature while creating a new AVD or you can just create it later by editing the AVD. Also I have increased the Device RAM Size to 1024 which results in very fast emulator. Refer the given below screenshots..
Eclipse error: R cannot be resolved to a variable [duplicate] worked. My project was working normally but not code changes. I see that my code changes does not acting on my app on AVD then I cleaned my project under Project Clean... . file was gone and res folder was empty. Now I am getting that..
How to test the performance of an Android application? of the SD Card. As it is written to the SD Card If you're using the emulator you'll need to add an SD card to your AVD . You'll need to give you app permission to write the SD card by adding the following to your Manifest uses permission android..
How to increase storage for Android Emulator? (INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE)
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity link text I now realise that the problem is much wider in that non of the built in applications present when a new AVD is created will work. For example the 'maps' application gives Network failure This application requires a working data.. requires a working data connection . The browser won't connect to Google or anything else. This happens with the AVDs that existed before I upgraded and with those created from the command line after the upgrade for all API levels. I have.. by decoupling it from any reference to Eclipse and to applications that I have written. The logcat for a newly created AVD set to filter out all but errors is very long but I'm posting those that I think might be relevant 12 07 12 05 42.048 ERROR..
How to use addr2line in Android
File Upload in WebView the following code to upload a file. It works fine in a desktop browser like Firefox and built in browser of emulator AVD i.e. when I click Browse... button rendered by element browser opens a Dialog box where I can choose a file to upload. However.. by element browser opens a Dialog box where I can choose a file to upload. However in the android 3.0 emulator AVD when I click on Choose file nothing happens no file dialog is opened form method POST enctype multipart form data File to..
The Android emulator is not starting, showing “invalid command-line parameter” activity launch 2011 07 10 07 10 25 demo Automatic Target Mode launching new emulator with compatible AVD 'vishal' 2011 07 10 07 10 25 demo Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'vishal' 2011 07 10 07 11 06 Emulator invalid.. 'foo'. 2011 07 10 07 11 07 Emulator please use help for more information This shows my Android Virtual Device AVD could not start due to some reason. What can I do to fix this problem android android emulator share improve this question..
INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY error in Android API X From command line create new AVD. This can be done by listing targets android list targets then android create avd n new_avd_api_233 t Google Inc. Google APIs X Then create AVD Android Virtual Device in Eclipse Windows Android SDK and.. command line create new AVD. This can be done by listing targets android list targets then android create avd n new_avd_api_233 t Google Inc. Google APIs X Then create AVD Android Virtual Device in Eclipse Windows Android SDK and AVD Manager.. Google APIs X Then create AVD Android Virtual Device in Eclipse Windows Android SDK and AVD Manager New... Name new_avd_X Target Google APIs Google Inc. API Level X IMPORTANT You must create your AVD with Target as Google APIs Google Inc. otherwise..
Android emulator doesn't take keyboard input - SDK tools rev 20 explicitly enabled keyboard support in my emulator's config.ini file and that worked Add hw.keyboard yes To ~ .android avd emulator device name .avd config.ini Similarly add hw.dPad yes if you wish to use the arrow keys to navigate the application.. support in my emulator's config.ini file and that worked Add hw.keyboard yes To ~ .android avd emulator device name .avd config.ini Similarly add hw.dPad yes if you wish to use the arrow keys to navigate the application list. Reference http.. to use the arrow keys to navigate the application list. Reference http tools devices managing avds cmdline.html#hardwareopts On Mac OS and Linux you can edit all of your emulator configurations with one Terminal command..
How to install Android Market App on the emulator? Finder Download system.img http s8eeph3r71ho1lz Copy system.img to two locations username .android avd vd1 username android platforms android 9 images Launch emulator from Terminal lsy cd android tools lsy . emulator avd vd1..
Running Google Maps v2 on Android Emulator I can see this message Is this possible to run these maps on Android emulator Platform 4.2 android android emulator avd android maps v2 google play services share improve this question At the moment referencing the Google Android Map Api..
How to get the Android Emulator's IP address? I want to get the currently running Android Emulator 's IP address through code. How can it be achieved android ip avd share improve this question Just to clarify from within your app you can simply refer to the emulator as 'localhost'..
How to increase storage for Android Emulator? (INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE) error INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE How do I increase emulator's storage android android emulator emulator avd share improve this question I was searching for the answer to this question and was unsatisfied with the above answers...
Android - Emulator internet access access I've been using this method to gain access to internet from my Android emulator emulator http proxy proxy name avd avd_name It works but is that the best way to do it It just doesn't feel right that I need to open the emulator from command.. I've been using this method to gain access to internet from my Android emulator emulator http proxy proxy name avd avd_name It works but is that the best way to do it It just doesn't feel right that I need to open the emulator from command..
Android emulator: How to monitor network traffic? writing output to the SD card perhaps e.g. tcpdump s0 w sdcard emulator.cap . Run emulator tcpdump emulator.cap avd my_avd to write all the emulator's traffic to a local file on your PC In both cases you can then analyse the pcap file with.. writing output to the SD card perhaps e.g. tcpdump s0 w sdcard emulator.cap . Run emulator tcpdump emulator.cap avd my_avd to write all the emulator's traffic to a local file on your PC In both cases you can then analyse the pcap file with tcpdump..
Making the Android emulator run faster Install KVM open GOOGLE write kvm installation Create AVD with Intel atom x86 CPU ABI Run from command line emulator avd avd_name qemu m 512 enable kvm Or run from Eclipse Run Run Configurations Tab Target check Intel x86 AVD and in Additional.. KVM open GOOGLE write kvm installation Create AVD with Intel atom x86 CPU ABI Run from command line emulator avd avd_name qemu m 512 enable kvm Or run from Eclipse Run Run Configurations Tab Target check Intel x86 AVD and in Additional Emulator..
Possible to change where Android Virtual Devices are saved? to be consolidated. Obviously not a huge deal but does anyone here know a workaround for this windows android avd share improve this question Add a new user environment variable Windows 7 Start Menu Control Panel System Advanced System..
Android - Application (apk) Maximum size inside the Drawable folder is there any way to zip the images or such method android android emulator sd card apk avd share improve this question Its probably device specific as devices has a different amount of memory available for application...
Android SDK Manager gives “Failed to fetch URL” error when selecting repository https downloads on settings panel but it still doesn't help. I'm working on Windows Vista. android android sdk 2.2 avd share improve this question If you enter the URL in a browser and then look at the source code of the page you will..
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity problem. You can start your AVD in CMD prompt like this C program files android android sdk windows tools emulator avd dns server This is google public DNS. The problem seems to be that the emulator can't find the DNS your computer..
How do I launch the Android emulator from the command line? AVD for the platform you need. If you have to use command line for creating your AVD you can call android create avd n name t targetID where targetID is the API level you need. If you can use GUI just type in android and it will launch the.. can read more about AVD management through GUI and through command line . Run the AVD either by using command emulator avd name or through previously launched GUI. Wait until the emulator fully loads it takes some time. You can read about additional..
How to play a video in a webview with android? found that I didn't loaded this html when I disabled the tag the html was working fine and I tested this in my android avd 2.2 javascript android html5 android widget android webview share improve this question First of all care the encoding...