android Programming Glossary: autoplay
stop watch logic
Uploading an audio recording to mysql and playing in website width 100 height 100 codebase 'http qtactivex' param name 'src' value apr.amr param name 'autoplay' value true param name 'controller' value true param name 'loop' value true EMBED src apr.amr width 100 height 100 autoplay.. value true param name 'controller' value true param name 'loop' value true EMBED src apr.amr width 100 height 100 autoplay true controller true loop true pluginspage 'http quicktime download ' EMBED OBJECT Edit 3 upload code if isset..
Problem to load flv video in webview 'width 100 height 100 ' src 'http flvplayer download 1.0 FLVPlayer.swf fullscreen true video @VIDEO@' autoplay 'true' quality 'high' bgcolor '#000000' name 'VideoPlayer' align 'middle' width '640' height '480' allowScriptAccess '.. background color black embed style width 100 height 100 src . FLVPlayer.swf fullscreen true video . expression_sad.flv autoplay true quality high bgcolor #000000 name VideoPlayer align middle allowScriptAccess allowFullScreen true type application..
Auto playing vimeo videos in Android webview vimeo videos in Android webview I've managed to get a vimeo video to load and play using the following. However the autoplay 1 as indicated in the vimeo oembed doc s doesn't auto play on load. Anyone found a way to auto play also need to catch event.. .setPluginState PluginState.ON mWebView.loadUrl http video 24577973 player_id player autoplay 1 title 0 byline 0 portrait 0 api 1 maxheight 480 maxwidth 800 android video streaming vimeo share improve this question..