android Programming Glossary: av_open_input_file
Decoding Video using FFMpeg for android all formats and codecs av_register_all Open video file const jbyte str str env GetStringUTFChars env filename NULL if av_open_input_file pFormatCtx str NULL 0 NULL 0 LOGI Can't open file ' s' n str return 1 else LOGI File is opened n LOGI File ' s' Codec..
How to decode audio via FFmpeg in Android av_register_all char str env GetStringUTFChars env argv 0 __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_INFO HelloNDK str str if av_open_input_file pFormatCtx str NULL 0 NULL 0 return 2 Couldn't open file Retrieve stream information if av_find_stream_info pFormatCtx 0.. inbuf AUDIO_INBUF_SIZE FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE av_register_all char str env GetStringUTFChars env argv 0 if av_open_input_file & pFormatCtx str NULL 0 NULL 0 return 150 if av_find_stream_info pFormatCtx nb_streams i if pFormatCtx streams i codec codec_type.. char av_malloc AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE 2 av_register_all char str env GetStringUTFChars env argv 0 if av_open_input_file &pFormatCtx str NULL 0 NULL 0 return 150 Couldn't open file if av_find_stream_info pFormatCtx nb_streams i if pFormatCtx..
Decoding audio via Android using FFMpeg 2 FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_INFO DEBUG_TAG RAH28 Starting res av_open_input_file pFormatCtx szfile NULL 0 NULL if res 0 __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG DEBUG_TAG RAH opening input failed with result..