android Programming Glossary: availability
Does GPS require Internet? way to get the location only from GPS since the internet availability is an issue. android google maps geolocation gps share improve..
XMPP aSmack - How can I get the current user state (offline/online/away/etc.)? of the user's friends roster list I am using this Presence availability roster.getPresence user Mode userMode availability.getMode What.. availability roster.getPresence user Mode userMode availability.getMode What else should I do to get the availability status.. availability.getMode What else should I do to get the availability status of each user listed in my roster. android xmpp smack..
GPS myservice doesn't update in time intervals setContentView R.layout.selection Getting Google Play availability status int status GooglePlayServicesUtil.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable..
Location servise GPS Force closed Is called whenever gps register a change in first fix availability This is valuable to prevent sending invalid locations to the..
Google Play Services update API key meta data tag. Since you check for GPlayServices availability in your onCreate method such as Check status of Google Play..
Using XMPP for push user notifications on Android - any way to target these so they don't go to Google Talk etc directs it to the appropriate client s based on their availability etc. But you can also address a message directly to a full JID...
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog also ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE if you want to check internet availability. Make sure the directory were you are going to download files..
Android: how to make keyboard enter button say “Search” and handle its click?
Strategies for Honeycomb & backward compatibility can use reflection and exception catching to determine the availability of the Fragment APIs and version checking to confirm if the..
Integrating Twitter in an Android application wouldn't depend on network latency data traffic or data availability from the web. It would only depend on database connectivity..
Switching between network and GPS provider will switch between network and GPS providers based on availability. For example if GPS is not enabled I want it to use network..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? can do whatever according to your app. needs For Checking availability of flash in device You can use the following context.getPackageManager..
Android: What is the correct way of checking for mobile network available (no data connection) available over the mobile network just check for network availability in general. check if phone calls over the mobile network are..
How to get package name from anywhere? to get package name from anywhere I am aware of the availability of Context.getApplicationContext and View.getContext through..
Android Location Providers - GPS or Network Provider? [closed] provider. This provider determines location based on availability of cell tower and WiFi access points. Results are retrieved..
Switching between gps and network provider according to the availability between gps and network provider according to the availability public void onCreate locationListener new GeoUpdateHandler.. to switch efficiently between GPS and GSM according to the availability of the location provider. NOTE My app is a service. Thanks... the GPS ON OFF happen. I also tried checking the provider availability in onLocationChanged Location location . But it didnt helped...
Checking Host Reachability/Availability in Android me in the direction of a definitive way to check a hosts availability with android that be awesome just need it to toggle a bool to..
Why does the Google Play store say my Android app is incompatible with my own device? name .AboutActivity application manifest In the Device Availability section of the Play store I can see that all the HTC devices..
Can't find AVD or SDK manager in Eclipse see Android and AVD Manager were disable Command Groups Availability Android and AVD Manager check Tool Bar Visibility Android and..
Public API call to get PNR Status [closed] names from train items reg re.compile r' A Za z0 9 ' Find Availability request URL http Rail getAvailabilityMMT2.aspx.. ' Find Availability request URL http Rail getAvailabilityMMT2.aspx Train_No 11077 Station_From GWL Station_To NDLS mDay..
Checking Host Reachability/Availability in Android Host Reachability Availability in Android Ive been trying to do what i thought would be a..
How to restrict android app to specific device make? your app For more information please refer to the Device Availability help page which says The Device Availability dialog can help.. to the Device Availability help page which says The Device Availability dialog can help developers in two powerful ways Understand which.. which devices can find your app in Android Market Device Availability provides a dynamic list of compatible devices based upon your..
Does GPS require Internet? city locality etc in my app If they are then any alternative way to get the location only from GPS since the internet availability is an issue. android google maps geolocation gps share improve this question As others have said you do not need internet..
XMPP aSmack - How can I get the current user state (offline/online/away/etc.)? android. Can anyone please help me in getting the presence of the user's friends roster list I am using this Presence availability roster.getPresence user Mode userMode availability.getMode What else should I do to get the availability status of each.. presence of the user's friends roster list I am using this Presence availability roster.getPresence user Mode userMode availability.getMode What else should I do to get the availability status of each user listed in my roster. android xmpp smack asmack.. this Presence availability roster.getPresence user Mode userMode availability.getMode What else should I do to get the availability status of each user listed in my roster. android xmpp smack asmack share improve this question Just use like this Presence..
GPS myservice doesn't update in time intervals Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.selection Getting Google Play availability status int status GooglePlayServicesUtil.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable getBaseContext Showing status if.... Getting reference..
Location servise GPS Force closed fix status @author Morten public interface FirstFixListener Is called whenever gps register a change in first fix availability This is valuable to prevent sending invalid locations to the server. @param hasGPSfix public void onFirsFixChanged boolean..
Google Play Services update Place this at the end of your manifest after your Map API key meta data tag. Since you check for GPlayServices availability in your onCreate method such as Check status of Google Play Services int status GooglePlayServicesUtil.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable..
Using XMPP for push user notifications on Android - any way to target these so they don't go to Google Talk etc which client the message gets delivered to that person's server directs it to the appropriate client s based on their availability etc. But you can also address a message directly to a full JID. This is what you want to do so that only
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog have the right permissions INTERNET and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE also ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE if you want to check internet availability. Make sure the directory were you are going to download files exist and has write permissions. If download is too big you..
Android: how to make keyboard enter button say “Search” and handle its click?
Strategies for Honeycomb & backward compatibility another set that don't. The following code shows how you can use reflection and exception catching to determine the availability of the Fragment APIs and version checking to confirm if the other Honeycomb APIs are available. private static boolean shinyNewAPIsSupported..
Integrating Twitter in an Android application and only from the local SQLite database. This way your GUI wouldn't depend on network latency data traffic or data availability from the web. It would only depend on database connectivity on your local target. Make sure you run your service in a separate..
Switching between network and GPS provider and GPS provider I want to implement a locationListener which will switch between network and GPS providers based on availability. For example if GPS is not enabled I want it to use network but as soon as GPS is on then I want it to stop listening for..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? is available or not If yes then Turn Off On If no then you can do whatever according to your app. needs For Checking availability of flash in device You can use the following context.getPackageManager .hasSystemFeature PackageManager.FEATURE_CAMERA_FLASH..
Android: What is the correct way of checking for mobile network available (no data connection) Android 2.1 I don't want to check if there is data connection available over the mobile network just check for network availability in general. check if phone calls over the mobile network are possible At the moment I am using the following check public..
How to get package name from anywhere? to get package name from anywhere I am aware of the availability of Context.getApplicationContext and View.getContext through which I can actually call Context.getPackageName to retrieve..
Android Location Providers - GPS or Network Provider? [closed] network AGPS CellID WiFi MACID Name of the network location provider. This provider determines location based on availability of cell tower and WiFi access points. Results are retrieved by means of a network lookup. Requires either of the permissions..
Switching between gps and network provider according to the availability between gps and network provider according to the availability public void onCreate locationListener new GeoUpdateHandler locationManager LocationManager getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE.. once we OFF GPS and vice versa. So please tell me a way to switch efficiently between GPS and GSM according to the availability of the location provider. NOTE My app is a service. Thanks. Edit I got a BroadcastReceiver thats why i assume the onCreate.. thats why i assume the onCreate will be invoked once the GPS ON OFF happen. I also tried checking the provider availability in onLocationChanged Location location . But it didnt helped. EDIT I modified my onProviderDisabled onProviderEnabled like..
Checking Host Reachability/Availability in Android tried many solutions with no luck so if anyone could point me in the direction of a definitive way to check a hosts availability with android that be awesome just need it to toggle a bool to true if the host can be reached im using API8 if that makes..
Why does the Google Play store say my Android app is incompatible with my own device? activity android name .VideoActivity activity android name .AboutActivity application manifest In the Device Availability section of the Play store I can see that all the HTC devices including the Wildfire S are supported except for G1 trout..
Can't find AVD or SDK manager in Eclipse
Public API call to get PNR Status [closed] ' train numbers from train items reg re.compile r' d ' train names from train items reg re.compile r' A Za z0 9 ' Find Availability request URL http Rail getAvailabilityMMT2.aspx Train_No 11077 Station_From GWL Station_To NDLS mDay 10 mMonth.. ' train names from train items reg re.compile r' A Za z0 9 ' Find Availability request URL http Rail getAvailabilityMMT2.aspx Train_No 11077 Station_From GWL Station_To NDLS mDay 10 mMonth 10 mYear 2011 mClass 3A mQuota GN temp 1318195420696..
Checking Host Reachability/Availability in Android Host Reachability Availability in Android Ive been trying to do what i thought would be a simple reachability of host test at the beginning of my apps..
How to restrict android app to specific device make? exclude devices and or manufacturers from being able to see your app For more information please refer to the Device Availability help page which says The Device Availability dialog can help developers in two powerful ways Understand which devices can.. able to see your app For more information please refer to the Device Availability help page which says The Device Availability dialog can help developers in two powerful ways Understand which devices can find your app in Android Market Device Availability.. dialog can help developers in two powerful ways Understand which devices can find your app in Android Market Device Availability provides a dynamic list of compatible devices based upon your manifest settings. For example if your apk ™s manifest specifies..