android Programming Glossary: avcodec
Decoding Video using FFMpeg for android filename AVFormatContext pFormatCtx int i videoStream AVCodecContext pCodecCtx AVCodec pCodec AVFrame pFrame AVFrame pFrameRGB.. pFormatCtx int i videoStream AVCodecContext pCodecCtx AVCodec pCodec AVFrame pFrame AVFrame pFrameRGB AVPacket packet int..
How to decode audio via FFmpeg in Android AVFormatContext pFormatCtx int i videoStream audioStream AVCodecContext pCodecCtx AVCodec pCodec AVFrame pFrame AVPacket packet.. int i videoStream audioStream AVCodecContext pCodecCtx AVCodec pCodec AVFrame pFrame AVPacket packet int frameFinished float.. AVPacket packet int frameFinished float aspect_ratio AVCodecContext aCodecCtx AVCodec aCodec AVCodecContext c NULL int out_size..
Decoding audio via Android using FFMpeg int decoded 0 int out_size AVFormatContext pFormatCtx AVCodecContext aCodecCtx AVCodecContext c NULL AVCodec aCodec AVPacket.. AVFormatContext pFormatCtx AVCodecContext aCodecCtx AVCodecContext c NULL AVCodec aCodec AVPacket packet jclass cls env.. pFormatCtx AVCodecContext aCodecCtx AVCodecContext c NULL AVCodec aCodec AVPacket packet jclass cls env GetObjectClass env obj..
Decoding Video using FFMpeg for android JNIEnv env jobject javaThis jstring filename AVFormatContext pFormatCtx int i videoStream AVCodecContext pCodecCtx AVCodec pCodec AVFrame pFrame AVFrame pFrameRGB AVPacket packet int frameFinished int numBytes uint8_t.. JNIEnv env jobject javaThis jstring filename AVFormatContext pFormatCtx int i videoStream AVCodecContext pCodecCtx AVCodec pCodec AVFrame pFrame AVFrame pFrameRGB AVPacket packet int frameFinished int numBytes uint8_t buffer Register all formats..
How to decode audio via FFmpeg in Android I have in recent days has reached the following code AVFormatContext pFormatCtx int i videoStream audioStream AVCodecContext pCodecCtx AVCodec pCodec AVFrame pFrame AVPacket packet int frameFinished float aspect_ratio AVCodecContext aCodecCtx.. days has reached the following code AVFormatContext pFormatCtx int i videoStream audioStream AVCodecContext pCodecCtx AVCodec pCodec AVFrame pFrame AVPacket packet int frameFinished float aspect_ratio AVCodecContext aCodecCtx AVCodec aCodec AVCodecContext.. AVCodecContext pCodecCtx AVCodec pCodec AVFrame pFrame AVPacket packet int frameFinished float aspect_ratio AVCodecContext aCodecCtx AVCodec aCodec AVCodecContext c NULL int out_size len int16_t audio_buf uint8_t outbuf uint8_t inbuf AUDIO_INBUF_SIZE..
Decoding audio via Android using FFMpeg array jboolean isCopy int i int audioStream 1 int res int decoded 0 int out_size AVFormatContext pFormatCtx AVCodecContext aCodecCtx AVCodecContext c NULL AVCodec aCodec AVPacket packet jclass cls env GetObjectClass env obj jmethodID play.. int i int audioStream 1 int res int decoded 0 int out_size AVFormatContext pFormatCtx AVCodecContext aCodecCtx AVCodecContext c NULL AVCodec aCodec AVPacket packet jclass cls env GetObjectClass env obj jmethodID play env GetMethodID env cls.. 1 int res int decoded 0 int out_size AVFormatContext pFormatCtx AVCodecContext aCodecCtx AVCodecContext c NULL AVCodec aCodec AVPacket packet jclass cls env GetObjectClass env obj jmethodID play env GetMethodID env cls playSound BI V At the..