android Programming Glossary: avcodec_find_decoder
Decoding Video using FFMpeg for android codec Find the decoder for the video stream pCodec avcodec_find_decoder pCodecCtx codec_id if pCodec NULL fprintf stderr Unsupported..
How to decode audio via FFmpeg in Android codec Set audio settings from codec info aCodec avcodec_find_decoder aCodecCtx codec_id if aCodec fprintf stderr Unsupported codec.. & & audioStream streams audioStream codec aCodec avcodec_find_decoder aCodecCtx codec_id if aCodec fprintf stderr Unsupported codec.. && audioStream streams audioStream codec aCodec avcodec_find_decoder aCodecCtx codec_id if aCodec fprintf stderr Unsupported codec..
Decoding audio via Android using FFMpeg DEBUG_TAG RAH audio codec info d aCodecCtx codec_id aCodec avcodec_find_decoder aCodecCtx codec_id if aCodec __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG.. printf Audio decoding n find the mpeg audio decoder codec avcodec_find_decoder CODEC_ID_MP3 if codec fprintf stderr codec not found n exit..
Decoding Video using FFMpeg for android for the video stream pCodecCtx pFormatCtx streams videoStream codec Find the decoder for the video stream pCodec avcodec_find_decoder pCodecCtx codec_id if pCodec NULL fprintf stderr Unsupported codec n LOGI Unsupported codec n return 1 Codec not found Open..
How to decode audio via FFmpeg in Android i if audioStream 1 return 5 aCodecCtx pFormatCtx streams audioStream codec Set audio settings from codec info aCodec avcodec_find_decoder aCodecCtx codec_id if aCodec fprintf stderr Unsupported codec n return 1 avcodec_open aCodecCtx aCodec How can I now decode.. & & videoStream streams i codec codec_type CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO & & audioStream streams audioStream codec aCodec avcodec_find_decoder aCodecCtx codec_id if aCodec fprintf stderr Unsupported codec n return 45 avcodec_open aCodecCtx aCodec c avcodec_alloc_context.. && videoStream streams i codec codec_type CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO && audioStream streams audioStream codec aCodec avcodec_find_decoder aCodecCtx codec_id if aCodec fprintf stderr Unsupported codec n return 45 avcodec_open aCodecCtx aCodec c avcodec_alloc_context..
Decoding audio via Android using FFMpeg codec info loaded __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG DEBUG_TAG RAH audio codec info d aCodecCtx codec_id aCodec avcodec_find_decoder aCodecCtx codec_id if aCodec __android_log_print ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG DEBUG_TAG RAH audio codec unsupported return file __android_log_print.. V At the begining of your main function av_init_packet avpkt printf Audio decoding n find the mpeg audio decoder codec avcodec_find_decoder CODEC_ID_MP3 if codec fprintf stderr codec not found n exit 1 c avcodec_alloc_context open it if avcodec_open c codec..