android Programming Glossary: avail
Android - MediaPlayer Buffer Size in ICS 4.0 prepare and also ajacian81's recommended way but to no avail. I should add that recently a Google employee got back to me..
passing objects to wcf soap service from android using ksoap2; it sends and receives 0 helped other people with similar problem but with no avail. here is my wsdl xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 wsdl definitions..
HelloAndroid emulator problem Automatic Target Mode Preferred AVD 'my_avd' is not available. Launching new emulator. 2010 02 23 11 47 55 HelloAndroid.. over. I would often wait 30 minutes or 45 minutes to no avail. My environment Android SDK Revision 12 Android 2.2 AVD Windows..
how to receive text sms to specific port.. have been looking for an answer to this question but to no avail. This has been asked a few times but nobody seems to have a..
Android: ProgressDialog doesn't show well as the Sample Code that comes with the SDK but to no avail. This is what I got btnSubmit.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener..
Proxy which requires authentication with Android Emulator am having no success. I've tried following the docs to no avail. I've also tried the verbose proxy setting but this no longer..
How do I get preferences to work in Android? found in tutorials and resources around the web but to no avail. Here it is anyway filled with failed attempts to make beerPref..
Android : Stop image scaling down the settings on BitmapDrawable ImageView and Layout to no avail. Anyone know a good way to achieve this android image user..
Trying to play video from raw folder (VideoView) doesn't work and I've tried some other ways too to no avail. mPath Uri.parse .. .. res raw testing.3gp Any suggestions ..
How can I correctly pass unique extras to a pending intent? and have tried using all the pending intent flags to no avail. I have no clue why it will not work. Here is a code snippet..
adjustPan not preventing keyboard from covering EditText my manifest and have also tried the adjustResize tag to no avail. I'm guessing it has something to do with the way my layout..
Android ClassNotFoundException by the classloader. I have spent a while googling to no avail and hopes someone has some pointers It only seems to be when..
Android SDK Content Loader failing with NullPointerException the Eclipse plugin and the Android SDK but to no avail. If I go to the Installed packages page and click refresh or..
android getSharedPreferences error: Map value without name attribute: boolean I have uninstalled the app and re installed it to no avail. also did a fully clean build. I googled the error and dont..
How to check network connection enable or disable in WIFI and 3G(data plan) in mobile? .isConnectedOrConnecting Log.d tag Net avail nInfo.getActiveNetworkInfo .isConnectedOrConnecting ConnectivityManager.. null netInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting Log.d tag Network available true return true else Log.d tag Network available false.. Network available true return true else Log.d tag Network available false return false catch Exception e return false share..
Setting a maximum width on a ViewGroup taking up the whole screen. I tried this suggestion to no avail. Also there is no android maxWidth property like some views...
Getting started with Open NFC emulator and also the IP that I get from ipconfig but to no avail. There's no log that I can see. Also I have tried to disable..
Failed to find style 'mapViewStyle' in current theme it may be The ultimate reason is We have selected the unavailable Theme for the layout . This may cause because of The selected.. . This may cause because of The selected theme is not available in themes.xml file. The selected theme is belongs to higher.. click the dropdown list for theme selection and choose the available themes according to your project themes and targeted sdk..
How do I change the background color of the ActionBar of an ActionBarActivity using XML? more visible. I've tried modifying the styles but to no avail. I'm probably missing something trivial. How do I change the..
Android - MediaPlayer Buffer Size in ICS 4.0 url mCurrentPlayer.prepareAsync Have tried it using just prepare and also ajacian81's recommended way but to no avail. I should add that recently a Google employee got back to me about my question and confirmed that the buffer size was intentionally..
passing objects to wcf soap service from android using ksoap2; it sends and receives 0 me figure out what to do I have tried many options which somehow helped other people with similar problem but with no avail. here is my wsdl xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 wsdl definitions xmlns wsx http ws 2004 09 mex xmlns..
HelloAndroid emulator problem activity launch 2010 02 23 11 47 55 HelloAndroid Automatic Target Mode Preferred AVD 'my_avd' is not available. Launching new emulator. 2010 02 23 11 47 55 HelloAndroid Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'my_avd' 2010.. screen would never show up. This scenario happened over and over. I would often wait 30 minutes or 45 minutes to no avail. My environment Android SDK Revision 12 Android 2.2 AVD Windows 7 64 bit Eclipse IDE for Java Developers Indigo Release..
how to receive text sms to specific port.. port.. How to receive text sms to a specific port I have been looking for an answer to this question but to no avail. This has been asked a few times but nobody seems to have a clear answer. My code is as follows MANIFEST FILE receiver android..
Android: ProgressDialog doesn't show get it right. I've been through forums and tutorials as well as the Sample Code that comes with the SDK but to no avail. This is what I got btnSubmit.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View view ... ProgressDialog..
Proxy which requires authentication with Android Emulator proxy argument to http DOMAIN USERNAME PASSWORD@IP PORT but am having no success. I've tried following the docs to no avail. I've also tried the verbose proxy setting but this no longer seems to exist. Any pointers android authentication proxy..
How do I get preferences to work in Android? and have tried implementing various combinations of code found in tutorials and resources around the web but to no avail. Here it is anyway filled with failed attempts to make beerPref the settings option to change how many ounces in the beer..
Android : Stop image scaling down the whole image is viewable. I've tried playing about with the settings on BitmapDrawable ImageView and Layout to no avail. Anyone know a good way to achieve this android image user interface view scale share improve this question Hope This..
Trying to play video from raw folder (VideoView) my raw folder so the path is res raw testing.3gp. The code below doesn't work and I've tried some other ways too to no avail. mPath Uri.parse .. .. res raw testing.3gp Any suggestions android share improve this question I had the same problem...
How can I correctly pass unique extras to a pending intent? extras and tried assigning a unique id to each pending intent and have tried using all the pending intent flags to no avail. I have no clue why it will not work. Here is a code snippet Intent intent new Intent con AppointmentNotificationReciever.class..
adjustPan not preventing keyboard from covering EditText visible above the keyboard. I've got the adjustPan tag in my manifest and have also tried the adjustResize tag to no avail. I'm guessing it has something to do with the way my layout is set up but I honestly have no clue. Please help Current Layout.....
Android ClassNotFoundException 2.1 and cannot really work out why this class cannot be found by the classloader. I have spent a while googling to no avail and hopes someone has some pointers It only seems to be when an activity is loaded which when the contentView is set it..
Android SDK Content Loader failing with NullPointerException Android SDK and AVD Manager in Eclipse Helios I've tried reinstalling the Eclipse plugin and the Android SDK but to no avail. If I go to the Installed packages page and click refresh or install or remove a package I get a popup box saying that 'Android..
android getSharedPreferences error: Map value without name attribute: boolean have installed it on multiple devices and the same error occurs. I have uninstalled the app and re installed it to no avail. also did a fully clean build. I googled the error and dont seem to be able to find anything on it. I was previously working..
How to check network connection enable or disable in WIFI and 3G(data plan) in mobile? getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE nInfo.getActiveNetworkInfo .isConnectedOrConnecting Log.d tag Net avail nInfo.getActiveNetworkInfo .isConnectedOrConnecting ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE.. NetworkInfo netInfo cm.getActiveNetworkInfo if netInfo null netInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting Log.d tag Network available true return true else Log.d tag Network available false return false catch Exception e return false share improve..
Setting a maximum width on a ViewGroup screens it's also sort of lightweight and I don't want it taking up the whole screen. I tried this suggestion to no avail. Also there is no android maxWidth property like some views. Is there a way to restrict the root LinearLayout so that it..
Getting started with Open NFC emulator that there was an error. I have tried setting the IP to and also the IP that I get from ipconfig but to no avail. There's no log that I can see. Also I have tried to disable the firewall completely while running it so that it doesn't..
Failed to find style 'mapViewStyle' in current theme 'textViewStyle' in current theme Anything from the above list it may be The ultimate reason is We have selected the unavailable Theme for the layout . This may cause because of The selected theme is not available in themes.xml file. The selected.. reason is We have selected the unavailable Theme for the layout . This may cause because of The selected theme is not available in themes.xml file. The selected theme is belongs to higher version sdk but our current target sdk is lower one. This.. There your themes for the layout have been selected. So click the dropdown list for theme selection and choose the available themes according to your project themes and targeted sdk themes . OR If the theme is a custom one if you are required..
How do I change the background color of the ActionBar of an ActionBarActivity using XML? I also want the ActionBar to be light so they grey icons are more visible. I've tried modifying the styles but to no avail. I'm probably missing something trivial. How do I change the background color of the ActionBar of an ActionBarActivity using..