android Programming Glossary: available
How to check internet access on Android? InetAddress never timeouts mode or presumably in other situations where there's no available network cm.getActiveNetworkInfo will be null so you need to..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException after changing nothing in the project but upgrading eclipse android sdk [duplicate] was open the Android SDK Manager and update to the newly available packages I think it was only the SDK tools platform tools and..
How do I pass data between activities in Android? to signout. Can anyone guide me on how to keep session id available to all activities Alternatively are there any other solutions..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android Another way to look at this is the RAM that will become available to the system when that process goes away and probably quickly.. kB SwapCached 0 kB MemTotal is the total amount of memory available to the kernel and user space often less than the actual physical.. system this would be only a few MB since we try to use available memory to keep processes running Cached is the RAM being used..
Developing for Android in Eclipse: not generating
How to call SOAP web service in Android this time. Not knowing NetBeans I can't speak to the tools available there but I agree that a better library should be available... there but I agree that a better library should be available. It is possible that the XmlPullParser will save you from using..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog information @return true if the download manager is available public static boolean isDownloadManagerAvailable Context context.. name explains it all. Once you are sure DownloadManager is available you can do something like this String url url you want to download.. You must check whether user has an internet connection available Make sure you have the right permissions INTERNET and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? so that by the time I need it in Activity X it will be available. Don't particularly care about accuracy or frequency of update... be disabled in application manifest. If any provider is available I start location listeners and timeout timer. It's 20 seconds.. to use last known values. I grab last known values from available providers and choose the most recent of them. Here's how I use..
Android - detect whether there is an Internet connection available [duplicate] detect whether there is an Internet connection available duplicate Possible Duplicate How to check internet access on.. null should be enough to tell if an internet connection is available. private boolean isNetworkAvailable ConnectivityManager connectivityManager.. doesn't guarantee that a particular networked service is available. Networks issues server downtime low signal captive portals..
Android and XMPP: Currently available solutions and XMPP Currently available solutions I'd like to pose a question as to which XMPP library..
Android: How to declare global variables? automatically create an instance of that class and make it available for your entire application. You can access it from any context..
Android Activity Life Cycle - What are all these methods for? such as if the activity tries to use more memory than is available on the device as this could cause the UI to become unresponsive...
INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY error in Android can be done in Eclispe Windows Android SDK and AVD Manager Available Packages Third Party Add ons Google Inc. Google APIs by Google..
Steps to create APK expansion file very careful to check all the cases Obb already downloaded Available memory downloaded but not unzipped Memory to select see Memory..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview view int requestedOrientation CustomViewCallback callback Available in API level 14 deprecated in API level 18 onShowCustomView..
How to render PDF in Android e Toast.makeText OpenPdf.this No Application Available to View PDF Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show share improve..
android: how do i open another app from my app? e Toast.makeText OpenPdf.this No Application Available to View PDF Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show or Query the Package Manager.. to an application or know its capabilities List of Available Intents for Google Applications List of Intents by 3rd parties..
Android; Geocoder, why do I get “the service is not available”? 38.809 WARN System.err 334 Service not Available 09 01 15 52 38.819 WARN System.err 334 at android.location.Geocoder.getFromLocationName..
Emulate Samsung Galaxy Tab following Open the Android SDK and AVD Manager Click on Available packages Expand the Third party Add ons. There you will see..
Android SDK Manager gives “Failed to fetch URL” error when selecting repository a platform but when I open Android Manager then I click Available Software then select the https dl android repository..
ADT requires 'org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found Select Help Install New Software... Click the link for Available Software Sites. Ensure there is an update site named Helios...
Why is Android Geocoder throwing a “Service not Available” exception? is Android Geocoder throwing a &ldquo Service not Available&rdquo exception The app uses the Geocoder object. It works.. also running Froyo and I get this exception Service not Available . The method I'm using is getFromLocationName I'm building against..
Geocoder.getFromLocation throws IOException on Android emulator WARN System.err 1823 Service not Available Thats my code private LocationManager manager null LocationListener.. the following stacktrace Service not Available at android.location.Geocoder.getFromLocation 117..
Eclipse Indigo - Cannot install Android ADT Plugin Head over to Help Install New Software . Click on Available software sites. Delete the Android repo. Uncheck Indigo Eclipse..
Fragments in Android 2.2.1, 2.3, 2.0. Is this possible? on devices 3.0 Open Eclipse Window Android SDK and AVD Available Packages Android Support package install this Once installed..
Service not Available - Geocoder Android [duplicate] not Available Geocoder Android duplicate This question already has an answer.. Why is Android Geocoder throwing a &ldquo Service not Available&rdquo exception 4 answers I have a little problem with.. 56.026 WARN System.err 359 Service not Available 08 18 14 28 56.026 WARN System.err 359 at android.location.Geocoder.getFromLocationName..
Android: Adding ListView Sub Item Text if feed null feedtitle.setText No RSS Feed Available return if feedtitle null feedtitle.setText feed.getTitle if..
Android get free size of internal/external memory Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getPath long bytesAvailable long stat.getBlockSize long stat.getBlockCount long megAvailable.. long stat.getBlockSize long stat.getBlockCount long megAvailable bytesAvailable 1048576 Log.e Available MB megAvailable File.. long stat.getBlockCount long megAvailable bytesAvailable 1048576 Log.e Available MB megAvailable File path Environment.getDataDirectory..
How to check internet access on Android? InetAddress never timeouts a minor edit to your solution if the device is in airplane mode or presumably in other situations where there's no available network cm.getActiveNetworkInfo will be null so you need to add a null check. Modified solution below public boolean isOnline..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException after changing nothing in the project but upgrading eclipse android sdk [duplicate] I O I decided to come back to development. What I first did was open the Android SDK Manager and update to the newly available packages I think it was only the SDK tools platform tools and not much more . I then tried to run the project and got this..
How do I pass data between activities in Android? I will be passing the session id of the signed in user to signout. Can anyone guide me on how to keep session id available to all activities Alternatively are there any other solutions to this problem android share improve this question The..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android same data on disk and is not shared with any other processes. Another way to look at this is the RAM that will become available to the system when that process goes away and probably quickly subsumed into caches and other uses of it . That is pretty.. 395144 kB MemFree 184936 kB Buffers 880 kB Cached 84104 kB SwapCached 0 kB MemTotal is the total amount of memory available to the kernel and user space often less than the actual physical RAM of the device since some of that RAM is needed for.. The number you see here is very high typically on an Android system this would be only a few MB since we try to use available memory to keep processes running Cached is the RAM being used for filesystem caches and other such things. Typical systems..
Developing for Android in Eclipse: not generating
How to call SOAP web service in Android web services are a slightly non trivial task on Android at this time. Not knowing NetBeans I can't speak to the tools available there but I agree that a better library should be available. It is possible that the XmlPullParser will save you from using.. this time. Not knowing NetBeans I can't speak to the tools available there but I agree that a better library should be available. It is possible that the XmlPullParser will save you from using SAX but I don't know much about that. share improve this..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog context used to check the device version and DownloadManager information @return true if the download manager is available public static boolean isDownloadManagerAvailable Context context try if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT Build.VERSION_CODES.GINGERBREAD.. return list.size 0 catch Exception e return false Method's name explains it all. Once you are sure DownloadManager is available you can do something like this String url url you want to download DownloadManager.Request request new DownloadManager.Request.. in mind if you want your app to be robust. Here is a brief list You must check whether user has an internet connection available Make sure you have the right permissions INTERNET and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE also ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE if you want to check..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? user a list of nearby locations. Preload the user's location so that by the time I need it in Activity X it will be available. Don't particularly care about accuracy or frequency of update. Just grabbing one location is sufficient as long as it's.. are enabled. Some may be disabled on the device some may be disabled in application manifest. If any provider is available I start location listeners and timeout timer. It's 20 seconds in my example may not be enough for GPS so you can enlarge.. and timer. If I don't get any updates and timer elapses I have to use last known values. I grab last known values from available providers and choose the most recent of them. Here's how I use my class LocationResult locationResult new LocationResult..
Android - detect whether there is an Internet connection available [duplicate] detect whether there is an Internet connection available duplicate Possible Duplicate How to check internet access on Android InetAddress never timeouts I need to detect whether.. interfaces are connected. Checking if this method returns null should be enough to tell if an internet connection is available. private boolean isNetworkAvailable ConnectivityManager connectivityManager ConnectivityManager getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE.. manifest. Edit Note that having an active network interface doesn't guarantee that a particular networked service is available. Networks issues server downtime low signal captive portals content filters and the like can all prevent your app from reaching..
Android and XMPP: Currently available solutions and XMPP Currently available solutions I'd like to pose a question as to which XMPP library would be the best choice nowadays for Android development...
Android: How to declare global variables? in the application tag in your manifest. Now Android will automatically create an instance of that class and make it available for your entire application. You can access it from any context using the Context.getApplicationContext method Activity..
Android Activity Life Cycle - What are all these methods for? as such will only be killed by the OS in extreme situations such as if the activity tries to use more memory than is available on the device as this could cause the UI to become unresponsive. Paused When the device goes to sleep or an activity is..
INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY error in Android with Google Maps for Android Install Google map APIs. This can be done in Eclispe Windows Android SDK and AVD Manager Available Packages Third Party Add ons Google Inc. Google APIs by Google Inc. Android API X From command line create new AVD. This..
Steps to create APK expansion file and it get stored in sdcard Android obb so you have to be very careful to check all the cases Obb already downloaded Available memory downloaded but not unzipped Memory to select see Memory Cases Memory Cases if you take any new device or for ex...
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview deprecation public void onShowCustomView View view int requestedOrientation CustomViewCallback callback Available in API level 14 deprecated in API level 18 onShowCustomView view callback @Override public void onHideCustomView This..
How to render PDF in Android
android: how do i open another app from my app? try startActivity intent catch ActivityNotFoundException e Toast.makeText OpenPdf.this No Application Available to View PDF Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show or Query the Package Manager to see if it is ahead of time PackageManager packageManager..
Android; Geocoder, why do I get “the service is not available”? I get the following stack trace 09 01 15 52 38.809 WARN System.err 334 Service not Available 09 01 15 52 38.819 WARN System.err 334 at android.location.Geocoder.getFromLocationName 159 09 01 15 52 38.829..
Emulate Samsung Galaxy Tab To get the official Samsung Galaxy Tab emulator do the following Open the Android SDK and AVD Manager Click on Available packages Expand the Third party Add ons. There you will see Samsung Electronics add ons. Once the add on is installed create..
Android SDK Manager gives “Failed to fetch URL” error when selecting repository error when selecting repository I'm trying to install a platform but when I open Android Manager then I click Available Software then select the https dl android repository repository.xml repository I get this error Failed to..
ADT requires 'org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found installed by following these instructions. Eclipse 3.6 Helios Select Help Install New Software... Click the link for Available Software Sites. Ensure there is an update site named Helios. If this is not present click Add... and enter http
Why is Android Geocoder throwing a “Service not Available” exception? is Android Geocoder throwing a &ldquo Service not Available&rdquo exception The app uses the Geocoder object. It works fine on my stock Froyo Nexus One. But then I run the exact same.. exact same app on a different device an Advent Vega 10 tablet also running Froyo and I get this exception Service not Available . The method I'm using is getFromLocationName I'm building against the Android 1.6 Google API. I'm aware of an issue where..
Geocoder.getFromLocation throws IOException on Android emulator Address family not supported by protocol 03 05 19 42 15.505 WARN System.err 1823 Service not Available Thats my code private LocationManager manager null LocationListener locationListener null double latitude 0 double longtitude.. It works fine on an actual device On 2.2 API 8 you'll receive the following stacktrace Service not Available at android.location.Geocoder.getFromLocation 117 See here for more info and a possible workaround see the..
Eclipse Indigo - Cannot install Android ADT Plugin package. android eclipse adt share improve this question Head over to Help Install New Software . Click on Available software sites. Delete the Android repo. Uncheck Indigo Eclipse updates recheck them. Now head back to Help Check for updates...
Fragments in Android 2.2.1, 2.3, 2.0. Is this possible? libraries provided by Google. Here's how you use Fragments on devices 3.0 Open Eclipse Window Android SDK and AVD Available Packages Android Support package install this Once installed right click the Android project you want to add Fragment support..
Service not Available - Geocoder Android [duplicate] not Available Geocoder Android duplicate This question already has an answer here Why is Android Geocoder throwing a &ldquo Service.. Android duplicate This question already has an answer here Why is Android Geocoder throwing a &ldquo Service not Available&rdquo exception 4 answers I have a little problem with the geocoder to get latitude and lontitude from an address.. location.getLongitude ... The error is 08 18 14 28 56.026 WARN System.err 359 Service not Available 08 18 14 28 56.026 WARN System.err 359 at android.location.Geocoder.getFromLocationName 178 08 18 14 28 56.026..
Android: Adding ListView Sub Item Text ListView itemlist ListView findViewById if feed null feedtitle.setText No RSS Feed Available return if feedtitle null feedtitle.setText feed.getTitle if feedpubdate null feedpubdate.setText feed.getPubDate ArrayAdapter..
Android get free size of internal/external memory I'm using this piece of code StatFs stat new StatFs Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getPath long bytesAvailable long stat.getBlockSize long stat.getBlockCount long megAvailable bytesAvailable 1048576 Log.e Available MB megAvailable.. .getPath long bytesAvailable long stat.getBlockSize long stat.getBlockCount long megAvailable bytesAvailable 1048576 Log.e Available MB megAvailable File path Environment.getDataDirectory StatFs stat2 new StatFs path.getPath.. .getPath long bytesAvailable long stat.getBlockSize long stat.getBlockCount long megAvailable bytesAvailable 1048576 Log.e Available MB megAvailable File path Environment.getDataDirectory StatFs stat2 new StatFs path.getPath long..