android Programming Glossary: awkward
How to get the rotation between accelerometer's axis and motion vector? heading yourself basically you're holding the device in an awkward way . Then if I want to apply distances based on step detection..
Why is the ACTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA Intent “awkward to use”? is the ACTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA Intent &ldquo awkward to use&rdquo The official introduction to Text To Speech in.. Also don't use the ACTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA Intent that's awkward to use . Instead do the following Create TextToSpeech OnInit.. the formal approach And why is ACTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA so awkward to use android text to speech share improve this question..
How to get the ActionBar height? size that I found in support documentation. It's a little awkward but it's worked for me. You'll need a context this example would..
How do you test an Android application across multiple Activities? testing share improve this question I feel a bit awkward about answering my own bounty question but here it is... I've..
Android - Calling an ordinary object method from an activity I am an android rookie so my solution ways can be found awkward and i am open to suggestions. I am trying to create a game manager.. vs. Activity.showDialog() to parameterize the Dialog in some way it can be a little awkward to use Activity.showDialog as described in this question . You..
Android: How do I attach a temporary, generated image to an email? I considered the downloads folder but think it would be an awkward location for something that only needs to exist until it has..
Difference between /res and /assets directories and compute an index into the the list. This is kind of awkward and introduces opportunities for error if the set of resources..
How to add parameters to HttpURLConnection using POST true http.setDoOutput true the reason for that awkward https and http combination is the need for not verifying the..
Android - customizing actionbar sherlock tabs in the tabs instead of images and text. It is a bit of an awkward way of doing it but it would work. Hope this helps share improve..
How to get the rotation between accelerometer's axis and motion vector? is not oriented in the same direction as the one you're heading yourself basically you're holding the device in an awkward way . Then if I want to apply distances based on step detection it would be wrong to apply them to the accelerometer referential..
Why is the ACTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA Intent “awkward to use”? is the ACTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA Intent &ldquo awkward to use&rdquo The official introduction to Text To Speech in Android says that upon creating your activity a good first.. MY_DATA_CHECK_CODE But @gregm in this thread suggests otherwise Also don't use the ACTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA Intent that's awkward to use . Instead do the following Create TextToSpeech OnInit check isLanguageAvailable if it is your app is all set. if.. from onActivityResult to onInit . Why is this better than the formal approach And why is ACTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA so awkward to use android text to speech share improve this question This is @gregm. ACTION_CHECK_TTS_DATA requires more complicated..
How to get the ActionBar height? size there is a way to pull it up without locking the size that I found in support documentation. It's a little awkward but it's worked for me. You'll need a context this example would be valid in an Activity. Calculate ActionBar height TypedValue..
How do you test an Android application across multiple Activities? any advice. android automated tests integration testing android testing share improve this question I feel a bit awkward about answering my own bounty question but here it is... I've searched high and low on this and can't believe there is no..
Android - Calling an ordinary object method from an activity Calling an ordinary object method from an activity First I am an android rookie so my solution ways can be found awkward and i am open to suggestions. I am trying to create a game manager object that handles all transitions between activities... vs. Activity.showDialog() I can come up with Reasons to use If you need to parameterize the Dialog in some way it can be a little awkward to use Activity.showDialog as described in this question . You may have to store a String or something in a member variable..
Android: How do I attach a temporary, generated image to an email? location that would be more suitable to write my files to I considered the downloads folder but think it would be an awkward location for something that only needs to exist until it has been emailed. I have even tried encoding my image purely in..
Difference between /res and /assets directories to declare a list of all the resource IDs that might be used and compute an index into the the list. This is kind of awkward and introduces opportunities for error if the set of resources changes in the development cycle. EDIT you can retrieve a..
How to add parameters to HttpURLConnection using POST DO_NOT_VERIFY http https http.setRequestMethod POST http.setDoInput true http.setDoOutput true the reason for that awkward https and http combination is the need for not verifying the certificate. That is not a problem though it posts. But I need..
Android - customizing actionbar sherlock tabs