android Programming Glossary: awesome
How to encrypt file from sd card using AES in Android? The file contains Hi I'm a clear text. How are you That's awesome Now you have an encrypt function static void encrypt throws..
Heterogeneous GridLayout multiples of 2 buttons in height. Such a trick would be awesome as the levels of layout are greatly reduced so I will work on..
Detecting the scrolling direction in the adapter (up/down) animation row.startAnimation set The result is awesome and I am really happy with it Unfortunately it only works when..
How to change or add theme to Android Studio?
Toast is crashing Application, even inside thread I've read and tried several things. Any help would be awesome. Thanks Thread toastThread new Thread public void run Toast..
Android TranslateAnimation resets after animation before the View.GONE is called. Any advice would be awesome. Thanks android animation share improve this question Here..
How can we create iPhone-like spinners in android? has been able to replicate this control and it's awesome http android Anyone have any ideas on how..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog class GingerBread and newer only This method is awesome you do not have to worry about downloading the file manually..
How to start Android Kernel programming? share improve this question xda developers A very awesome and very active place for anything smart smart phone related...
Android WebView border-radius aliasing I don't have to do this with images and there is some awesome trick to get pretty corners with only a border radius css declaration...
Developing cross platform mobile application [closed] Ipad Android application cross platform library . Too awesome. http corona A guide to port existing Android..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android that Java Keystores are not supported on Android awesome but I have a feeling there's more to it than that because none..
What is the Android sent sms intent? to let me know if this intent still works or not that'd be awesome. Not sure why it's not on the documentation site. Here's a similar..
Smooth scrolling in Android view implementing all smooth scrolling logic. it would be awesome if i could get the source of it.. but anyone has any pseudo..
How to share photo with CAPTION via Android share intent on Facebook? codes shareCaptionIntent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_TITLE my awesome caption in the EXTRA_TITLE field There is no clearly defined..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? and synced to the server as rapidly as possible. Also awesome. There's one edge case though. If you pull from the server and..
Android Manifest Restrict To Tablets share improve this question You will find this link awesome http android 2011 09 preparing for handsets.html..
How to read and edit Android calendar events using the new Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich API? Heading out with friends to do something awesome. .putExtra Events.EVENT_LOCATION Earth .putExtra Events.RRULE..
Android Support Library (v4). Getting the source and attaching it to the library/jar in Eclipse Having the source code attached to external libraries is awesome. Where to find the source code for the v4 support package Preferably..
Sending text messages programmatically in android text regardless of the number of recipients that would be awesome. I have tried separating the phone numbers with a comma and..
How to encrypt file from sd card using AES in Android? streams. EDIT So here you go I have a file named cleartext . The file contains Hi I'm a clear text. How are you That's awesome Now you have an encrypt function static void encrypt throws IOException NoSuchAlgorithmException NoSuchPaddingException..
Heterogeneous GridLayout and struts I could only do so with layouts that were multiples of 2 buttons in height. Such a trick would be awesome as the levels of layout are greatly reduced so I will work on a pure XML solution and post the answer here if and when I..
Detecting the scrolling direction in the adapter (up/down) 0.0f animation.setDuration 600 set.addAnimation animation row.startAnimation set The result is awesome and I am really happy with it Unfortunately it only works when I scroll from top to bottom of the list I I want to make..
How to change or add theme to Android Studio?
Toast is crashing Application, even inside thread it's a variable I created in the activity set equal to this. I've read and tried several things. Any help would be awesome. Thanks Thread toastThread new Thread public void run Toast alertFailure Toast.makeText ctx Login Failed Toast.LENGTH_LONG..
Android TranslateAnimation resets after animation is that on animation end the view goes back to original position before the View.GONE is called. Any advice would be awesome. Thanks android animation share improve this question Here is the actual bug related to this issue http
How can we create iPhone-like spinners in android? than on Android. It looks like at least one Android app UrbanSpoon has been able to replicate this control and it's awesome http android Anyone have any ideas on how to create this Code would be helpful. android user interface..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog that in your app it could be really useful. 3. Use DownloadManager class GingerBread and newer only This method is awesome you do not have to worry about downloading the file manually handle threads streams etc. GingerBread brought a new feature..
How to start Android Kernel programming? If anybody knows the way to start it please help me. android share improve this question xda developers A very awesome and very active place for anything smart smart phone related. kernelnewbies Generally good resource for starting out learning..
Android WebView border-radius aliasing their corners but not Android's renderer. I'm really hoping I don't have to do this with images and there is some awesome trick to get pretty corners with only a border radius css declaration. css android webview share improve this question..
Developing cross platform mobile application [closed] devices. http products touch Corona Iphone Ipad Android application cross platform library . Too awesome. http corona A guide to port existing Android app to Windows Phone 7 http
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android . I've looked online a bit and it looks like there's a possibility that Java Keystores are not supported on Android awesome but I have a feeling there's more to it than that because none of the sample code I've found resembles what I'm trying to..
What is the Android sent sms intent? worth trying out. If you could respond back with a comment to let me know if this intent still works or not that'd be awesome. Not sure why it's not on the documentation site. Here's a similar question about listening for sms received events android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED..
Smooth scrolling in Android so it seems like the developer has created a custom view implementing all smooth scrolling logic. it would be awesome if i could get the source of it.. but anyone has any pseudo code or logic on how to implement this kind of feature. Any..
How to share photo with CAPTION via Android share intent on Facebook? share improve this question Add this line to your existing codes shareCaptionIntent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_TITLE my awesome caption in the EXTRA_TITLE field There is no clearly defined differences among EXTRA_TITLE EXTRA_SUBJECT and EXTRA_TEXT...
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? normal schedule so that those changes get taken off the device and synced to the server as rapidly as possible. Also awesome. There's one edge case though. If you pull from the server and push an update into the ContentProvider it will dutifully..
Android Manifest Restrict To Tablets any later tablet version android android manifest google play share improve this question You will find this link awesome http android 2011 09 preparing for handsets.html The problem with what we call tablet is that the..
How to read and edit Android calendar events using the new Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich API? .putExtra Events.TITLE My Awesome Event .putExtra Events.DESCRIPTION Heading out with friends to do something awesome. .putExtra Events.EVENT_LOCATION Earth .putExtra Events.RRULE FREQ DAILY COUNT 10 .putExtra Events.AVAILABILITY Events.AVAILABILITY_BUSY..
Android Support Library (v4). Getting the source and attaching it to the library/jar in Eclipse the source and attaching it to the library jar in Eclipse Having the source code attached to external libraries is awesome. Where to find the source code for the v4 support package Preferably it would be a zip file which could be easily attached..
Sending text messages programmatically in android if I can reduce the number of text messages to one single text regardless of the number of recipients that would be awesome. I have tried separating the phone numbers with a comma and that didn't work. I also tried separating the numbers with a..
I'm getting a NullPointerException when I use ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE to take a picture stock camera application doesn't send EXTRA_OUTPUT which is why it's null. However some camera apps like the hero do. Awesome. So the answer is to specify EXTRA_OUTPUT. The nexus one camera app will save the image to that location. Then in onActivityResult..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? and redraw a ListView etc... It's very magical the database changes and your ListView just updates automatically. Awesome. Also when the database changes Android will request Sync for you even outside your normal schedule so that those changes..
HTML5 web app vs Native mobile apps got rejected by Apple because of that ... Second method is to use Appcelerator Titanium SDK . One word to sum it up Awesome. One language to use javascript to create your UI Controller. It's so easy to learn so powerful to develop with and it has..
How to read and edit Android calendar events using the new Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich API? .putExtra CalendarContract.EXTRA_EVENT_ALL_DAY false just included for completeness .putExtra Events.TITLE My Awesome Event .putExtra Events.DESCRIPTION Heading out with friends to do something awesome. .putExtra Events.EVENT_LOCATION Earth..
Eclipse Android project, how to reference library within workspace?
Eclipse, Android, Scala made easy but still does not work myCustomReactClick _ his_button.setOnClickListener .... Scala code called after clicking his_button button3.onClicked Awesome way of setting a method. Thanks Scala. mytextview.setText My text Whoaaa setText on an integer. mytextview TextView .requestFocus..