android Programming Glossary: azimuth
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results Why one might ask Because those angular variables azimuth pitch roll have an upper bound and a lower bound which means.. the phone is upright but also in the cases where there are azimuth angle wraparounds too... Maybe you could test for those bugs.. called periodically using something like this example for azimuth angle from getOrientation ... function filteredAzimuth calculateFilteredAngle..
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch of days I've come up with my own way of calculating the azimuth value for use in a compass. I've put that maths that I'm using.. pasted the code I've used below. The code calculates the azimuth and pitch from the raw TYPE_GRAVITY and TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD.. onAccuracyChanged Sensor sensor int accuracy so if the azimuth seems unstable another thing to check is how accurate each sensor..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION There are 2 ways to get the 3 rotation values azimuth pitch roll . One is registering a listener of a type TYPE_ORIENTATION... of values from every rotation as the documentation says azimuth 0 359 pitch 180 180 roll 90 90 The other one the most precise.. it so I want to use it but I get different values. azimuth 180 180 . 180 180 is S 0 i N 90 E and 90 W. pitch 90 90 . 90..
Android phone orientation overview including compass So I think ie I don't know the reason Android gives the azimuth compass bearing rather than the reading of the third accelerometer..
Transforming accelerometer's data from device's coordinates to real world coordinates orientationvalues event.values.clone azimuth.setText orientationvalues 0 pitch.setText orientationvalues.. matrix I . I think all the necessary information is there azimuth pitch and roll should describe the displacement of the device's.. expressed in real world's coordinates once you have azimuth pitch and roll stored in a orientationvalues vector just do..
android compass seems unreliable but you can NEVER currently be sure of the accuracy of the azimuth which makes them pretty unreliable and useless for any real.. that you have in the current line of phones for azimuth. Sorry about the long winded reply but I have wasted almost..
Rotating Image on A canvas in android targetLatitude Correction angle 90 Correction for azimuth angle azimuth if getContext instanceof Activity Activity getContext.. Correction angle 90 Correction for azimuth angle azimuth if getContext instanceof Activity Activity getContext .getWindowManager..
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results verbatim with angular variables fetched from your magnetometer. Why one might ask Because those angular variables azimuth pitch roll have an upper bound and a lower bound which means that any value above 180 degrees say 181 degrees would wrap.. present and should be present not only for the case where the phone is upright but also in the cases where there are azimuth angle wraparounds too... Maybe you could test for those bugs as well... . You say that you tested this with a buffer size.. function calculateFilteredAngle float x float y can then be called periodically using something like this example for azimuth angle from getOrientation ... function filteredAzimuth calculateFilteredAngle azimuth filteredAzimuth Using this method..
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch answer for an app that I'm working on. So over the last couple of days I've come up with my own way of calculating the azimuth value for use in a compass. I've put that maths that I'm using here on and I've pasted the code I've.. maths that I'm using here on and I've pasted the code I've used below. The code calculates the azimuth and pitch from the raw TYPE_GRAVITY and TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD sensor data without any API calls to e.g. SensorManager.getRotationMatrix.. the code records the accuracy of the sensors via the method onAccuracyChanged Sensor sensor int accuracy so if the azimuth seems unstable another thing to check is how accurate each sensor is. In any case with all the calculations explicitly visible..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION There are 2 ways to get the 3 rotation values azimuth pitch roll . One is registering a listener of a type TYPE_ORIENTATION. It's the easiest way and I get a correct range of.. It's the easiest way and I get a correct range of values from every rotation as the documentation says azimuth 0 359 pitch 180 180 roll 90 90 The other one the most precise and complex to understand the first time you see it. Android.. complex to understand the first time you see it. Android recommends it so I want to use it but I get different values. azimuth 180 180 . 180 180 is S 0 i N 90 E and 90 W. pitch 90 90 . 90 is 90 90 is 90 0 is 0 but 180 180 lying with the screen downwards..
Android phone orientation overview including compass y axis is the phone leaning over on its left or right side So I think ie I don't know the reason Android gives the azimuth compass bearing rather than the reading of the third accelerometer is that the compass bearing is just more useful. I'm..
Transforming accelerometer's data from device's coordinates to real world coordinates 1 AZ.setText accelerometervalues 2 break case Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION orientationvalues event.values.clone azimuth.setText orientationvalues 0 pitch.setText orientationvalues 1 roll.setText orientationvalues 2 break case Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD.. roll in orientationvalues . Rotation matrix R . Inclination matrix I . I think all the necessary information is there azimuth pitch and roll should describe the displacement of the device's coordinate system in relation with the real world coordinate.. accelerationvalues into an acceleration vector trueacceleration expressed in real world's coordinates once you have azimuth pitch and roll stored in a orientationvalues vector just do the following trueacceleration 0 float accelerometervalues..
android compass seems unreliable that. The bottom line is that when they work they seem cool but you can NEVER currently be sure of the accuracy of the azimuth which makes them pretty unreliable and useless for any real work. Personally I would use a GPS bearing while moving and.. it would be a heck of a lot better than the craptacular implementation that you have in the current line of phones for azimuth. Sorry about the long winded reply but I have wasted almost a month on trying to get this to work with the help of an expert..
Rotating Image on A canvas in android calculateAngle currentLongitude currentLatitude targetLongitude targetLatitude Correction angle 90 Correction for azimuth angle azimuth if getContext instanceof Activity Activity getContext .getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getOrientation.. currentLongitude currentLatitude targetLongitude targetLatitude Correction angle 90 Correction for azimuth angle azimuth if getContext instanceof Activity Activity getContext .getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getOrientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT..