android Programming Glossary: automatically
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen I insist you to use Photoshop because it will resize automatically your image with Actions and one more plus point is that you..
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue data. Prior to adding this error message the dialog would automatically close without warning and fail silently. We added this error.. added this error message the dialog would launch then automatically close and fail. To fix this check your logcat for any error..
'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse This methods arguments were not automatically provided public void onCreateContextMenu ContextMenu arg1 View.. The odd thing is if I remove my code and have Eclipse automatically recreate the method it uses the same argument names I already..
Making TextView Scrollable in Android
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? Answer Romain Guy The user doesn't the system handles this automatically. That's what the activity lifecycle especially onPause onStop..
Close application and launch home screen on Android force the application to close but the first activity is automatically displayed instead of the application returning to the home screen...
Developing for Android in Eclipse: not generating In Eclipse under the Project menu is an option build automatically. That would help you build the file everytime modifications..
Launch custom android application from android browser here And when the user clicks it your app will be launched automatically because it will probably be the only one that can handle my.special.scheme..
onSaveInstanceState () and onRestoreInstanceState ()
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging the service is running when the activity starts we want to automatically bind to it. if MyService.isRunning doBindService private OnClickListener..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker so I would first ask the user if he wants to turn it on automatically with the typical remember my decision checkbox and if he answers..
How do I obtain crash-data from my Android application? library ACRA is a library enabling Android Application to automatically post their crash reports to a GoogleDoc form. It is targetted..
Android: How to declare global variables? in the application tag in your manifest. Now Android will automatically create an instance of that class and make it available for your..
Usage CursorLoader without ContentProvider lifecycle. That is when the activity is stopped it will automatically call deactivate on the given Cursor and when it is later restarted.. activity is destroyed all managed Cursors will be closed automatically. If you are targeting HONEYCOMB or later consider instead using..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view the first checkbox i have 15 candidate name with checkboxs automatically 10th checkbox checks itself and this also happens with 2nd 11th..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” I would post my solution. A modified Spinner that doesn't automatically select the first entry in the list. Shows the prompt if nothing..
R cannot be resolved - Android error
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? an instance of the containing class to be constructed. Automatically have an implicit reference to the containing instance. May access..
Force overflow menu in ActionBarSherlock now does file I O on a background thread. Fix Automatically correct ColorDrawable not respecting bounds when used as a stacked..
IntelliJ Idea 12 + Android + Scala nowadays it already works I just need to send the pull requests Automatically preload Scala on an emulator or rooted device Just run android..
Automatically versioning Android project from git describe with Android Studio/Gradle versioning Android project from git describe with Android Studio..
How to get an Android WakeLock to work? This code will allow the Android System to handle the Lock Automatically. When your application is in the Foreground then WakeLock is.. missing, R cannot be resolved to a variable, even if no mistake in xml files and regenerate R and BuildConfig. Make sure Project Build Automatically is ticked. If not build it manually via Menu Project Build Project..
How to Generate Android Testing Report in HTML Automatically to Generate Android Testing Report in HTML Automatically I would like to automatically generate unit testing report..
Android : Sending an SMS (using the Outbox) Outbox so that it gets sent and stored in the SENT Folder Automatically .... What would be the Values of the fields _id threadid read..
Text Gallery on Android? Selected Item comes to the center horizontal of the Screen Automatically. In horizontal View More Complicated when the textView 's number..
Horizontal ListView in Android? But the Selected item comes to the center of the Screen Automatically. I want to avoid it. the selected item at the same spot i have..
How to handle app dependencies to 3d party resolve it Embed the 3d party apk if its license allows it Automatically resolve it maybe android market has a system for it . Thanks..
RESTful frameworks for Android, iOS…? from data sources on Android and the RESTProvider Automatically parses RESTful API responses into a Provider. RESTProvider is..
I don't want Android to resize my bitmap Automatically don't want Android to resize my bitmap Automatically I have placed some bitmaps in res drawable. After I load the..
How to add app's shortcut to the home screen first time the user launches the app. That said Do. Not. Automatically. Create. App. Shortcuts. Ever. Don't usurp the user's UI design...
aapt.exe crashes when I try to export my Android application from Eclipse Project Clean I disabled the automatic build Project Build Automatically I deleted all the imported libraries Right click on the project..
Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/myapp/R$array; Cleaning the project and rebuild Disable Project Build Automatically option then Clean and Build project then try to run. reset Build.. then Clean and Build project then try to run. reset Build Automatically option to On Reinstalling the Android Developer Tools Reinstalling..
When does ADT set BuildConfig.DEBUG to false? you can get the correct behavior by disabling Build Automatically cleaning the project and then export via Android Tools Export..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen drawable ldpi drawable mdpi drawable xdpi . The reason I insist you to use Photoshop because it will resize automatically your image with Actions and one more plus point is that you need not to rename the file it will assign same name as original..
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue that your app is secure and protect your user's sensitive data. Prior to adding this error message the dialog would automatically close without warning and fail silently. We added this error message to visually display that there is an issue with your.. between the Android hash keys in your dashboard. Before Facebook added this error message the dialog would launch then automatically close and fail. To fix this check your logcat for any error messages and make sure that you have everything implemented..
'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse like this list.setOnCreateContextMenuListener new OnCreateContextMenuListener This methods arguments were not automatically provided public void onCreateContextMenu ContextMenu arg1 View arg2 ContextMenuInfo arg3 The odd thing is if I remove.. ContextMenu arg1 View arg2 ContextMenuInfo arg3 The odd thing is if I remove my code and have Eclipse automatically recreate the method it uses the same argument names I already had so I don't really know where the problem is other then..
Making TextView Scrollable in Android
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? option exists how does the user terminate the application Answer Romain Guy The user doesn't the system handles this automatically. That's what the activity lifecycle especially onPause onStop onDestroy is for. No matter what you do do not put a quit..
Close application and launch home screen on Android one. In the second activity I call System.exit 0 in order to force the application to close but the first activity is automatically displayed instead of the application returning to the home screen. How can I avoid this and get the application to return..
Developing for Android in Eclipse: not generating regenerate all the generated java files namely R. ...and... In Eclipse under the Project menu is an option build automatically. That would help you build the file everytime modifications are made. The Clean... option is also there under Project...
Launch custom android application from android browser put links like a href my.special.scheme other parameters here And when the user clicks it your app will be launched automatically because it will probably be the only one that can handle my.special.scheme type of uris . The only downside to this is that..
onSaveInstanceState () and onRestoreInstanceState ()
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging textStrValue private void CheckIfServiceIsRunning If the service is running when the activity starts we want to automatically bind to it. if MyService.isRunning doBindService private OnClickListener btnStartListener new OnClickListener public void..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker in my app. Of course I don't want to blow up the users privacy so I would first ask the user if he wants to turn it on automatically with the typical remember my decision checkbox and if he answers yes enable it. Does anybody have any idea or clue on how..
How do I obtain crash-data from my Android application? You might try the ACRA Application Crash Report for Android library ACRA is a library enabling Android Application to automatically post their crash reports to a GoogleDoc form. It is targetted to android applications developers to help them get data from..
Android: How to declare global variables? of and then specify that class in the application tag in your manifest. Now Android will automatically create an instance of that class and make it available for your entire application. You can access it from any context using..
Usage CursorLoader without ContentProvider the given Cursor's lifecycle for you based on the activity's lifecycle. That is when the activity is stopped it will automatically call deactivate on the given Cursor and when it is later restarted it will call requery for you. When the activity is destroyed.. it is later restarted it will call requery for you. When the activity is destroyed all managed Cursors will be closed automatically. If you are targeting HONEYCOMB or later consider instead using LoaderManager instead available via getLoaderManager So..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view by date time picker .Now my problem is that when i check the first checkbox i have 15 candidate name with checkboxs automatically 10th checkbox checks itself and this also happens with 2nd 11th 3rd 12th and so on vice verse is also true .here i am providing..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” and it seems like a reasonable enough request that I thought I would post my solution. A modified Spinner that doesn't automatically select the first entry in the list. Shows the prompt if nothing is selected. Limitations does not display prompt if the..
R cannot be resolved - Android error
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? their own lifetime. Non Static inner classes Always require an instance of the containing class to be constructed. Automatically have an implicit reference to the containing instance. May access the container's class members without the reference. Lifetime..
Force overflow menu in ActionBarSherlock action bar no longer fills the entire screen. Fix ShareActionProvider now does file I O on a background thread. Fix Automatically correct ColorDrawable not respecting bounds when used as a stacked background. Fix Ensure fragments collection is present..
IntelliJ Idea 12 + Android + Scala nowadays IntelliJ support thanks to SBTIdea coming very soon In fact it already works I just need to send the pull requests Automatically preload Scala on an emulator or rooted device Just run android preload device emulator no Proguard needed for development..
Automatically versioning Android project from git describe with Android Studio/Gradle versioning Android project from git describe with Android Studio Gradle I have searched extensively but likely due to the..
How to get an Android WakeLock to work? You need not relase the WakeLock Manually. This code will allow the Android System to handle the Lock Automatically. When your application is in the Foreground then WakeLock is held and else android System releases the Lock automatically... missing, R cannot be resolved to a variable, even if no mistake in xml files your activity remove it. Run Project Clean. This will delete and regenerate R and BuildConfig. Make sure Project Build Automatically is ticked. If not build it manually via Menu Project Build Project . Wait a few seconds for the errors to disappear. If..
How to Generate Android Testing Report in HTML Automatically to Generate Android Testing Report in HTML Automatically I would like to automatically generate unit testing report in html format for Android application on Hudson continuous..
Android : Sending an SMS (using the Outbox) SMS application. How do i add an entry of a message into the Outbox so that it gets sent and stored in the SENT Folder Automatically .... What would be the Values of the fields _id threadid read status type service_center Attributes of the message table..
Text Gallery on Android? Background of Selected Item.and make it us rounded corner. Selected Item comes to the center horizontal of the Screen Automatically. In horizontal View More Complicated when the textView 's number is large. Can not find a way similar to On Click Item...
Horizontal ListView in Android? make the ListView horizontally I done this Using Gallery view. But the Selected item comes to the center of the Screen Automatically. I want to avoid it. the selected item at the same spot i have clicked. How to Rectify this Problem My Idea is to set the..
How to handle app dependencies to 3d party way to handle these kind of dependancies Tell the user to resolve it Embed the 3d party apk if its license allows it Automatically resolve it maybe android market has a system for it . Thanks android third party share improve this question There's..
RESTful frameworks for Android, iOS…? from Novoda Carl Gustaf Harroch Providers offer an abstraction from data sources on Android and the RESTProvider Automatically parses RESTful API responses into a Provider. RESTProvider is an implementation of all commonly re implemented functionality..
I don't want Android to resize my bitmap Automatically don't want Android to resize my bitmap Automatically I have placed some bitmaps in res drawable. After I load the bitmaps by BitmapFactory.decodeResource I find out that they..
How to add app's shortcut to the home screen
aapt.exe crashes when I try to export my Android application from Eclipse of the solutions i found worked I cleaned the project Project Clean I disabled the automatic build Project Build Automatically I deleted all the imported libraries Right click on the project Properties Java Build Path I updated all the related software..
Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/myapp/R$array; I have tried the suggestions there including Restarting Eclipse Cleaning the project and rebuild Disable Project Build Automatically option then Clean and Build project then try to run. reset Build Automatically option to On Reinstalling the Android Developer.. and rebuild Disable Project Build Automatically option then Clean and Build project then try to run. reset Build Automatically option to On Reinstalling the Android Developer Tools Reinstalling Eclipse updated to the latest version 3.7.1 Created a..
When does ADT set BuildConfig.DEBUG to false? android eclipse adt share improve this question Currently you can get the correct behavior by disabling Build Automatically cleaning the project and then export via Android Tools Export Signed Application Package . When you run the application..