android Programming Glossary: authors
Not able disable Home button on specific android devices protections may have been added to help prevent malware authors from hijacking the HOME button without being a home screen...
Best Android 2.0 development book? [closed] coverage. I will be impressed if there are more than three authors with Android 2.0 ready books by the end of February 2010. I..
What's the “dot” for when registering an Activity OS. I noticed in the books I have been reading that the authors have placed a dot in front of the activity name when registering..
Embed Zxing library without using Barcode Scanner app android as it is the source to Barcode Scanner but as the authors we'd suggest you not just copy and paste it. It is Apache licensed..
Decompiling iOS Objective-C binaries [duplicate] of stock OS devices is encrypted. Try writing the authors of the app very politely and see if they'll give or offer to..
Auto playing vimeo videos in Android webview help somebody else. A thousand apologies to the original authors of other SO answers. I have 'borrowed' a number of patterns..
How to consume reusable gui element/widget with resources in android project to have a combined date time picker im my gui. The authors of the widget suggest to include the java and resource sources..
Not able disable Home button on specific android devices the vendors made changes. Also in the case of 4.0.4 additional protections may have been added to help prevent malware authors from hijacking the HOME button without being a home screen. what is the best way to handle such scenario If you want to..
Best Android 2.0 development book? [closed] range of print books specifically for their Android 2.0 coverage. I will be impressed if there are more than three authors with Android 2.0 ready books by the end of February 2010. I can tell you that One of my books will be updated to be compatible..
What's the “dot” for when registering an Activity an Activity I'm kind of a noob at programming for the Android OS. I noticed in the books I have been reading that the authors have placed a dot in front of the activity name when registering their activities in the manifest. I've looked around the..
Embed Zxing library without using Barcode Scanner app do not want to include javase . You can look to the code in android as it is the source to Barcode Scanner but as the authors we'd suggest you not just copy and paste it. It is Apache licensed which means you can use it freely as long as you essentially..
Decompiling iOS Objective-C binaries [duplicate] The binary of all apps from the iOS App store and on the filesystems of stock OS devices is encrypted. Try writing the authors of the app very politely and see if they'll give or offer to sell you source code for the parser in which you're interested...
Auto playing vimeo videos in Android webview failed attempts here's what I have working. Perhaps it will help somebody else. A thousand apologies to the original authors of other SO answers. I have 'borrowed' a number of patterns below just thought it would be handy to have all this in one..
How to consume reusable gui element/widget with resources in android in android I try to use the dateslider in my android project to have a combined date time picker im my gui. The authors of the widget suggest to include the java and resource sources directly into my app. 1st try copy java and resources into..