android Programming Glossary: auth_token
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ String UTF8 UTF 8 public static String sendMessage String auth_token String registrationId String message throws IOException StringBuilder.. conn.setRequestProperty Authorization GoogleLogin auth auth_token OutputStream out conn.getOutputStream out.write postData out.close.. Update Client Auth if updatedAuthToken null auth_token.equals updatedAuthToken Log.d C2DM Got updated auth token from..
It is possible to authenticate a Google user ( the one logged in on an android device ) to my server using the auth_token obtained form Google? one logged in on an android device to my server using the auth_token obtained form Google I have an Android app which let the users.. I want to use user's gmail address as the usermame and the auth_token obtained form AccountManager as a password. The problem is that.. form AccountManager as a password. The problem is that the auth_token is not always the same so it cannot be used as a normal password...
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ String PARAM_COLLAPSE_KEY collapse_key private static final String UTF8 UTF 8 public static String sendMessage String auth_token String registrationId String message throws IOException StringBuilder postDataBuilder new StringBuilder postDataBuilder.append.. Content Length Integer.toString postData.length conn.setRequestProperty Authorization GoogleLogin auth auth_token OutputStream out conn.getOutputStream out.write postData out.close int responseCode conn.getResponseCode if responseCode.. C2DM Unauthorized need token String updatedAuthToken conn.getHeaderField Update Client Auth if updatedAuthToken null auth_token.equals updatedAuthToken Log.d C2DM Got updated auth token from datamessaging servers updatedAuthToken sendMessage updatedAuthToken..
It is possible to authenticate a Google user ( the one logged in on an android device ) to my server using the auth_token obtained form Google? is possible to authenticate a Google user the one logged in on an android device to my server using the auth_token obtained form Google I have an Android app which let the users to add content to my server. Each user should have an account.. The app communicate with the server through a simple API. I want to use user's gmail address as the usermame and the auth_token obtained form AccountManager as a password. The problem is that the auth_token is not always the same so it cannot be used.. gmail address as the usermame and the auth_token obtained form AccountManager as a password. The problem is that the auth_token is not always the same so it cannot be used as a normal password. Normally the server receive user's gmail address and the..