android Programming Glossary: authenticated
How to verify that server calls are being made from the app? client and your server you can and should use mutually authenticated SSL without purchasing anything. You control the server and..
ASP.NET Web API Authentication I want that all the subsequent API calls should be pre authenticated. Sorry if I'm missing something but its really frustrating I..
Android WebView Cookie Problem that sends my android app a session cookie to be used for authenticated communication. I am trying to load a WebView with a URL pointing..
Android Twitter xAuth example using twitter4j Exception Msg java.lang.IllegalStateException Basic authenticated instance. Any working example of xAuth android twitter twitter4j..
Why is the paradigm of “Direct Database Connection” not welcomed by Android Platform? Authentication you want users on a public network to be authenticated A. Each user must have it's own credentials in some form when..
How can I authenticate to my applications webservice after using Facebook SSO on Android? that How do I know this person is really the one who just authenticated with Facebook and not just someone who found the URL for my..
Android Dev - Callback URL not working… (0_o) e e.printStackTrace finally startActivity i we either authenticated and have the extras or not but are going to the action view..
Maintaining session in android ( application stay authenticated on the server side) session in android application stay authenticated on the server side I am building a login application in android.. after that whenever I am hitting a url once the user is authenticated it return nothing i.e. a error message like please login first.. request and If we want our Android application to stay authenticated on the server side we need to fetch that id after the first..
Activity stack ordering problem when launching application from Android app installer and from Home screen in my app is a login page Activity A . Once the user is authenticated they are taken to the main area of the application e.g. Activity..
Android: Making Https Request the peer not authenticated exception and the Android Apache lib gap The constructor SSLSocketFactory.. http 2010 07 avoiding peer not authenticated with.html And some help here Trusting all certificates using..
Android and Google client API NetHttptransport Class not found class GooglePlusActivity extends Activity Want data about authenticated user private static final String SCOPE https
Android SDK installation issue - Peer not authenticated SDK installation issue Peer not authenticated I am trying to install the Android SDK and I get the following.. android repository addons_list 1.xml reason peer not authenticated Fetched Add ons List successfully Fetching URL https dl android repository repository 5.xml reason peer not authenticated Done loading packages. The error has something to do with proxy..
Using google-account to log in on Android Application google services seperate call to just tell that it has authenticated. This is another link which is good in explaining the process..
How to verify that server calls are being made from the app? security share improve this question If it's only your client and your server you can and should use mutually authenticated SSL without purchasing anything. You control the server and the client so each should only trust one certificate the one..
ASP.NET Web API Authentication from an Android application to API get it logged in and then I want that all the subsequent API calls should be pre authenticated. Sorry if I'm missing something but its really frustrating I found ways to throw errors but nothing to fix it i.e. getting..
Android WebView Cookie Problem WebView Cookie Problem I have a server that sends my android app a session cookie to be used for authenticated communication. I am trying to load a WebView with a URL pointing to that same server and I'm trying to pass in the session..
Android Twitter xAuth example using twitter4j mAccessToken twitter.getOAuthAccessToken and again I got exception Exception Msg java.lang.IllegalStateException Basic authenticated instance. Any working example of xAuth android twitter twitter4j xauth share improve this question I ' ve used following..
Why is the paradigm of “Direct Database Connection” not welcomed by Android Platform? Not existing there are no supported JDBC drivers on Android. Authentication you want users on a public network to be authenticated A. Each user must have it's own credentials in some form when talking to your servers. Having one username pass baked into..
How can I authenticate to my applications webservice after using Facebook SSO on Android? account and create this shared key how do I authenticate that How do I know this person is really the one who just authenticated with Facebook and not just someone who found the URL for my webservice and is creating accounts and saving the keys android..
Android Dev - Callback URL not working… (0_o) e e.printStackTrace catch OAuthCommunicationException e e.printStackTrace finally startActivity i we either authenticated and have the extras or not but are going to the action view this.setContentView R.layout.indivaction finish Not sure what..
Maintaining session in android ( application stay authenticated on the server side) session in android application stay authenticated on the server side I am building a login application in android in which i am hitting a url with username and password.. with username and password upto that part it works fine but after that whenever I am hitting a url once the user is authenticated it return nothing i.e. a error message like please login first . However it works fine in very similar iphone app and on.. error of phpSessionId i.e. the session is destroyed for further request and If we want our Android application to stay authenticated on the server side we need to fetch that id after the first connection and then send it in the headers of all our subsequent..
Activity stack ordering problem when launching application from Android app installer and from Home screen the app in the way described above. The main launcher activity in my app is a login page Activity A . Once the user is authenticated they are taken to the main area of the application e.g. Activity B . So now the current activity stack of this task is A..
Android: Making Https Request Making Https Request How do I avoid the peer not authenticated exception and the Android Apache lib gap The constructor SSLSocketFactory SSLContext is undefined in making an Https request..
Android and Google client API NetHttptransport Class not found Google API import public class GooglePlusActivity extends Activity Want data about authenticated user private static final String SCOPE https auth private static final String CALLBACK_URL urn..
Android SDK installation issue - Peer not authenticated SDK installation issue Peer not authenticated I am trying to install the Android SDK and I get the following error in the SDK Manager Logs Fetching https dl addons_list 1.xml Failed to fetch URL https dl android repository addons_list 1.xml reason peer not authenticated Fetched Add ons List successfully Fetching URL https dl android repository repository 5.xml Failed to fetch.. repository 5.xml Failed to fetch URL https dl android repository repository 5.xml reason peer not authenticated Done loading packages. The error has something to do with proxy settings etc. I am running Ubuntu 11.10 and I had installed..
Using google-account to log in on Android Application accounts Gets the Account name from access token by contacting google services seperate call to just tell that it has authenticated. This is another link which is good in explaining the process http android 2013 01 verifying back..